Identify Looking for a flash game where you start with a minigame before the sex scene


New Member
Aug 18, 2020
I've completely forgotten this game and with the downfall of flash, it is hard to find it again. I do remember seeing it here though I am unsure if it's still here or if it was a similar website.

The game starts with a small cutscene of you going into a tavern, the guy saying this might be my chance to do stuff to her and all that stuff.

I believe it's a parody of a game or anime where you are an unknown male protagonist accompanying an elf princess if I remember correctly.

Once you start the game you have this minigame where in front of you is a conveyor belt that brings in drinks and you have two hands which will push towards the conveyor grabbing any drinks along its way, and you can choose to give them to the elf princess by pushing the drinks all the way to her or take them for yourself.

Once the minigame ends it goes into the actual sex scene where it is night and she's drunk and you get to do stuff to her. It's like sleep sex but it's tame and vanilla, and she will inevitably wake up during it.

The only reason I remember it so well was because of how sweet and wholesome the interaction between you and her can be.

After that, there are the credits where it's also a tiny little minigame where you can just watch her eat and occasionally get to eat yourself whenever she offers it to you up until the end of the credits.

There are also achievements you can get which add a bit of replayability too, and if you get all you can get the sex scene where she's wearing the Christmas outfit instead of what she's usually wearing.

Thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope you can help me out as I adored that game.

If possible I would like some recommendations of any similar games too, as I find it hard to find vanilla games like this myself.

It's fine if it isn't the same type of gameplay, I've just been looking for any wholesome and feel-good games lately.