Identify Looking for a game about a clumsy girl


New Member
Apr 23, 2022
I'm looking for a game that I played years ago and can't remember the name

Engine: RPG Maker

You play as a clumsy female character who is part of a traveling theater group.

At the beginning of the game you are arriving at a city with your group but you end up getting lost and are attacked by a bear and to escape you must escape through an abandoned house and a forest where if you take the wrong path you will lose clothes.
After escaping you ask a man in a carriage to take you to the city, on the way he will have to use some excuse and if I'm not mistaken he gives you the option of saying something or not.
After meeting with your group and it gets dark, while two of your companions are sleeping, you enter your tent and they masturbate in front of you, in the end they ejaculate in a glass and when you wake up you think it's milk and the game. It gives you the option to drink it or not.

That's what I remember most about the game, but mostly it was about the girl being clumsy and causing lewd moments, like tripping in the middle of a play and being exposed to the audience or being tricked into doing lewd things.