Identify Looking for a game with avoidable "ugly bastard" rival NTR


New Member
Jul 14, 2020
So there was a game I played 2 to 3 years ago. Its your typical moved in with milf and her 2 daughters story (don't remember if they are related to the protagonist.) The older sister did not like you and the younger sister may of either been neutral or did like you but also had the typical innocent personality. The gameplay was sandbox like where you had to complete a checklist similar to the game Innocent by SushiGames in order to progress. The days and events where very similar to each other. The models I believe where renpy like, though I can't confirm if it used the renpy engine.

The one unique aspect of this game was the advertisement of a humorous part of the game where there was this uncle/house guest of the milf character you had to deal with. You know what he is after but everyone else thinks he is just a harmless crazy old guy. His looks resembles a ugly bastard type of character. He represented a completely avoidable NTR aspect of the game and rival where your goal is to find out how to thwart his attempts with the girls of the house. One scene I remember involved putting something in a blender to make him sick and run to the bathroom or something. I looked everywhere I can for this game and just cant find it. I stumbled upon it the first time but can not seem to remember the name and know it was at least on this site at one point.