Seeking Looking for a Manga/Doujinshi that I saw a long time ago where the devil rapes a girl outside in the street


May 5, 2017
This was quite a long time ago and I don't remember all the details, but what I do remember is that a girl is walking down the street, I think it's at night, and a devil/the devil (goat head, goat legs/hooves, but the body and arms of a man) shows up and rapes her then leaves her in the street, an office worker ends up walking by after it's all over and I'm pretty sure when he goes to check on her she's overcome by lust and is going to do something with him, but it ends right there.

I've spent way too long looking for this, googling it in with various descriptions and looking through forums, maybe I'm just bad at searching (which could be the case) or maybe I dreamed the entire thing up when I was younger.