[R>Programmer] Share Unpaid Looking for a Programmer for a Fun Game Project!


New Member
Mar 25, 2023
Ever wanted to make a game just for fun? So have I! I'm looking for a programmer to help create a top-down 2d game.
I'm a 3D artist and interested in making a game, and I'm looking for a programmer to join me on this fun, practice project.
This is a non-paid position, perfect for anyone with some free time and a passion for game development.

What You'll Need:

  • Some programming skills
  • Experience with game engines (Gamemaker, Godot, etc.)
  • A passion for game development
  • Ability to commit and collaborate

What’s In It for You:

  • Practice and improve your programming skills
  • Quick setup and rollout with a straightforward game engine
  • Work with a dedicated 3D artist (me!) who will handle all the art assets
  • Have a say in the game’s design
  • Build your portfolio with a completed project
  • Enjoy creating something awesome just for the fun of it!

Interested? Send me a message with a bit about yourself and any relevant experience or projects. Let's make a game together!
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New Member
Dec 25, 2019
Hi how are you. I am interested in your project. I'm an experienced programmer. And I'm also an RPG player and I've always dreamed of writing stories that captivate other people. I'm sure I can help you. But I want to be cynical with you. I'm Brazilian and I communicate through text translators. My goal is to learn. That's why I want to work for you without charging anything. For free. I always wanted to create my own game. But I understand that I need experience and understand how the creation process works from the inside. This is mine. Thank you for reading my text. Have a great day man.
If we can work together, send me your discord.
Or you add me on discord: nazirr
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New Member
Jun 16, 2024
Senior unity dev here!

I've read your post and I have what you're looking for.
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