Looking for a visual novel's name

Neko-Chan Pacifica

Active Member
Jul 6, 2021
Hello, this is probably going to be an obscure game name request, because I barely remember too much about it.

I believe it is either a sandbox game or a mixture of both, I don't know because I can't remember.

It basically has a boy going to an island having to start all over. He has to visit a woman who gives him a shack down on the beach front.
There seems to be an undercurrent to the story, because every so often you hear a nursery rhyme being sung or spoken by an unseen person
He has to buy things, there is a Russian guy he buys things from to do his shack up, then he meets the woman who gave him the shack on the beach.
There is a nosey old bugger who can't seem to mind his own business, who keeps looking in on him and his home.
The thing is, I can't remember if he wants to escape the island or not, and I am not sure if he even knows where he is in the world apart from some island.
It ends with the same nursery rhyme being spoken when he if I remember right, he has been left unconscious from being attacked or something? while said
nursery rhyme was playing.

any help trying to find this game would be appreciated, as I said I think it's quite obscure or something, it's probably why it's name won't appear in my mind.

This game was released about a year ago or maybe a tiny bit less than that. I was