[R>Writer] Unpaid Looking for a writer for a new game


New Member
Jul 2, 2022
- Control, an open world game about a guy who can influence other peoples thoughts and actions, so far I have the event system, map system, level system (you will gain exp with characters and your own stats to level up). After finishing all this I went to write the story and.... Well, here I am!

- Me, hopefully you and possibly someone to make renders, I can do them myself but they aren't AMAZING at the moment, I'm using HS2.... So if you know how to use it and want to make some renders as well, feel free!

Looking for:
- Writer

Employment Type:
- Unpaid, sorry, but I do hope to make some money off the game in the future, if this happens, will become paid.

Work commitment:
- Long term but part time, most of the game is based around the open world aspect with events in between so writing will be a lot less than other games

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord -> Kesa#9374

Job Description:
- Someone who can write, doesn't need to be the best in the world, just need a small backstory and a few events. You are free to add whatever characters you want if you are happy to make the events and backstory for them.

Additional comments:
- Themes of the game that I would like, just in case any of these put people off -> Mind control, incest (sideways and down, never up. Eg- Sister but NOT mom), Voyeurism, Sleep sex

-Basically I went and made the entire system for the game without realizing that I just can't write.... With some writing the progress should be fairly swift as I've implemented a system to add events and requirements with a single line: If you wanted to add an event for say, Ava, and needed 5 control and 12 Love and it triggers in the living room between 10am and 4pm all I would need to do is add
Event(Ava, living_room, event_name, 5, 12, 10, 16)
And everything is set up to work!

Whoever I end up working with I don't want to just say 'Hey write me this event' and they come back with it, I would like someone who I can work with, will give ideas and suggestions, I'm extremely open to the path the game will take.