[R>Artist 2D] [R>Artist 3D] [R>Writer] Share Looking for artist & writer to work on some short games (20-60 min)


Oct 10, 2022

N/A. Looking to find some people to work with on short games (possibly series of games) that last 20-60 minutes each. They could be visual novel or hybrid visual novels (visual novel plus myst-like). I have a much larger idea in mind for a full length project, but to start out with I was thinking of games that involve a character that discovers x kink/fetish & slowly builds up to them fully giving into it.

I would prefer 2D art, but I'm fine with 3D if it's easier/faster (as long as it's tasteful & you own the rights to use the models & props, etc that you will be using).

I am fine with most content, but I will not work on anything featuring morally questionable content, brutal content, or lollipops - if you just have to include younger looking models then at least slap some subtle makeup on them, a tattoo or two, & bit of bloody pubic hair or something - I don't want to end up on some secret watchlist because someone wants to be a degen. :rolleyes:


I am an experienced game developer with 10+ years of experience. I work exclusively with the Visionaire Studio game engine. I've done plenty of freelance work for SFW games, but unfortunately I've only worked on a small handful of NSFW game projects as there's not many adult game developers using Visionaire Studio - yet.

My role would be general development, scripting, project management, & proof-reading? - in other words taking the texts & the assets, putting it all together & turning it into a playable game.

(SFW) | (NSFW)

Looking for:

  • Writer: you would be in charge of writing the short stories & the dialogs - ideally native English speaker/writer, but it's not super important as I can always proof-read.

    edit - To all prospective writers: I'm noticing a pattern here after being contacted by a load of you about the project, which is that almost none of you have any writing samples to share &/or portfolios. I highly recommend you pick some topics & write a few small stories so that you can share them with prospective clients, because no one is going to hire you if they don't know what you are capable of. I would also recommend sorting out a portfolio website &/or looking into some online websites where you can share & publish stories. I've spent the better part of a week & countless hours of my time talking to a whole bunch of you & so far only 2 writers have actually had any kind of samples to share. Simply telling someone you worked on x game, or are working on a project that's still in development doesn't mean much as we can't see what your writing ability is like; at least not without the hassle of searching for said games & having to waste time downloading & playing them, & even that that proves nothing unless we can see your name in the credits or somewhere that says x wrote the story, dialogs, etc. I know I'm being picky about a shared project, but I like people who take things seriously & come prepared, instead of just saying: "I'm a writer, hire me!".

  • Artist (prefer 2D, but 3D is also fine). you would be in charge of sorting out the backgrounds, props, characters, animations, portraits, etc.

In regards to both roles, you would have creative license to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't violate what I said in the project section (above).

Employment Type:

Initially free to get started as I'm unfortunately currently broke & lack the funds to actually hire artists & writers, then the idea would be to create a basic prototype, which consists of maybe 1-2 scenes, some portraits, dialogs, & maybe 1 h-scene, then see if we can crowdfund it on patreon, subscribestar, etc. & go from there.

I am also willing to teach you the basics of Visionaire Studio (maybe share some of my own tips & tricks too) in exchange for work, so that you can learn how to make your own games with it.

Work commitment:

Nothing too drastic, a few hours here or there each week/month - you can choose your own hours/time schedule. The goal would be to try to finish one short game every 3 months.

Preferred method of contact:

Discord: Bleh#8497
Time Zone: UTC + 2 (around most afternoons/evenings)

Job Description:

See Looking For.

Additional comments:

I believe that about covers it. Although, while I'm here please consider checking out my signature as I have created a dedicated Discord server (it's new) for adult game developers, artists, asset creators, writers, translators, voice actors, etc. to use for promoting themselves & discussing all things related to game development & freelance services associated with game development in general - warning: fap free zone, sorry.
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