Seeking looking for game with small/average dick sizes

Mar 21, 2023
This is a valid question, and certainly one that I have had as well. As an owner of a very average sized reproductive appendage, I find it much easier to play as a character whose penis doesn't look like it's a fricking third forearm. That said, if the MC is likeable enough then it becomes easier to take on the role of the MC.

Now, upon going over my notes of the games that I've played so far, here is I've written about the MC of Leap of Faith:

" was refreshing to see that his penis, while certainly big, wasn't oversized either, unlike many other MC's in these games."

Also according to my notes, the MC of Melody admits that his penis isn't overly big. I have not played this game in a long time so I have forgotten how big his penis is exactly, but I can comfortably say that, even if it's big, it's definitely smaller than that of DMD's MC.

Leap of Faith -
Melody -

Aside from that, I agree on Long Live the Princess having the MC whose penis is actually realistic in the size department.

The overwhelming majority of these games/VN's, however, seem to feature oversized, and/or exaggerated body parts, be they penises, breasts, buttocks, even muscles and bone structures (eg: super wide hips, etc). Over time, I have learned to mostly ignore these things when playing, though, sometimes they just get too much and kind of make your heart sink a bit. That is why it helps a lot if the game has a really good storyline to shift your focus from the sexual side of the things. That is unless you're playing these solely to get off, in which case your focus of course is different.