Seeking Looking for games like Casual Desires [ionDivvy] or something of that sort.


Jul 31, 2020

I'm looking for games like Causal Desired [ionDivvy]. To be specific, a game where you play as a girl (female protagonist) and can have a fully lesbian experience without any forced scenes where you have to do stuff with men.

I already know the popular one, Bad Memories. But most of the other ones I can find, are either, only just beginning so don't have much content. Are 2dcg games, and if they are 3dcg they don't have animations. I'm looking for one that is 3dcg and has animations.

Other games I already know include Blooming Love and Dog Days of Summer.

Searching by tag isn't at all helpful since even if a game has the female protagonist tag, you play as a guy and the tag is just there cause one or more of the main characters are girls. And the lesbian tag is just things like threesomes or you witness it (with the player character being a guy).

If there aren't any that fit this description then ok but I thought I'd ask to make sure.

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