Looking for Harem discord servers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
Since I'm banned from that amazing channel, I can't ask questions like this:

"Do Harem lovers enjoy playing games with female protagonist who ends up getting fucked by the whole town?"

This sucks. There's got to be more Harem dedicated discord channels out there, that talk about Harem porn games.
My understanding is that male fans of harem games often avoid all games with a female protagonist and most of them really hate it when the MC is fucked by everyone.
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
I joined and left and it was just me with the name, maybe I was mentioned or something. Anyway while looking for my long lost brother I noticed another dev in there who only makes NTR games and they even had a role. Strange they would kick you and not them when you are at least trying to put a harem path in your game.
Now I'm curious, who might that dev be?


Active Member
Apr 20, 2018
People tent to play AVNs as selfinsert, thats why you get an shitstorm every time a game hits with a non nameable MC, you can read the first few pages of thread for "seven realms" (or something) if you are interested in that.

So If shit happens it dosn't happen to some rando. It effects us directly. The only way you could succeed would be if your story is so abysmaly bad that no one wants to selfinsert and its only a string of meningless sex scenes one after another.
to expand on the point I made here look up the thread for AuntMan, read the reviews and the thread its only a few pages. That is the Audiance you will attract if you Mix those two tags.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Please list Harem discord servers that are open to questions involving Harem and NTR mixed.