Seeking looking for rape games, that feature indefinitely looping scenes engaged by enemies which end based on player input

Jun 21, 2021
I don't mind gay/trap/futa/vore/beastiality or any other "controversial" content.

examples of what I'm looking for:
Fallen Angel
Ghost Hunter Vena
Sex Machine
Games like Magical Angel Fairy Heart or Night of Revenge work too, since those have indefinitely looping game over scenes.

I'm looking to specifically avoid games like Captivity or Alien Quest Eve, because even though they're fun and they feature looping animations, their scenes will "end" automatically after a set amount of time before the next one starts.

2d sidescrollers are the prefered genre of game, but literally anything works.

If the games are easy to decompile, because they were made in an engine like Gamemaker or Unity for example, it would also be very helpful, but definitely not required. I also personally dislike RPGMaker, but thats not a dealbreaker if the game is fun and the scenes are good. I appreciate any suggestions!