RPGM - Completed - Lost Chapter [v2.07] [Almichadia]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The art:
    The art is good and versatile. It offers variation through boob size, body size (regular or loli), and has 3 states of dressed (fully dressed, torn dress, nude). I think the swimsuit outfit has the same states. The beastified state (ears and tail) also has two variants based on your body size.

    The H-Scenes:
    The H-scenes are mostly found in the form of in-combat rape. Enemies have unique H-moves, meaning there's quite a lot to see. The slut build has a decent amount of H-moves too, though these are not unique for the most part (from my knowledge only the true final boss has unique animations with these). Some random events also potentially have unique H-scenes (depends on your choice and whether you succeeded or failed).
    All by all, plenty to see.

    The story:
    It's an mysterious world that hints at at things. As you play more, you'll slowly learn more about the lore. Even if it wasn't a H-game, it would still be a solid game.

    The Gameplay:
    It's a roguelike game, meaning RNG plays a MAJOR role in how your run will go. Dying also means that you'll start over again if you don't savescum. While it can be fine, getting the right event can become tedious. It took me up to stage 400+ before I got a certain event that allowed me to unlock another event. While this was more for the completionist run, it got kind of tedious. Hence the 4 stars.

    The combat:
    This can be a hit or miss for people. Personally, I liked it. You work with a card deck that gives you a random hand until all card are played, after which everything is recycled and reshuffled. All cards have an Action Point (AP) value, while you have a limited amount of AP per turn. That's where the strategies and AP management comes into play. For those in the know, think of Divinity Original Sin 1/2. Some have unique effects, others are based off a certain stat, and a few have both. It takes a bit of time to get to know card synergy, but once you do (and properly build a deck) you'll be cycling through them again and again whilst doing up to 1k damage in a turn. The downside is that many builds require you to invest in them for them to properly pay off. Problem is, after a battle, you have up to 3 random cards from which you can choose, meaning it's very RNG-reliant. Surviving up to the point of viability might be difficult, unless you go the easy route and focus on a deck that makes the enemy orgasm.

    If you like rogue-like games and H-games, this one should be straight up your alley. If you simply came for a quick fap, I can't really recommend this one
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The only other game that I actually dedicated time to beat like this was Monster Black Market. Entirely different games, but honestly the gameplay (and porn) is worth actually playing the game rather than just downloading a save
  3. 2.00 star(s)



    bad porn game. boring/bad card game. art is fine. it has slay the spire-like gameplay without much explanation.

    the game is clearly "quality" but if this wasn't a porn game and on steam then it would be considered bad and boring.

    and the sex scenes don't save it, most of it is not animated. combat sex/battlefuck is too boring. especially without much story. because you can't even see the genitals most of the time. nor movement, nor heroine's thoughts if she likes it or not or what.

    this game is never above 3/5. other reviewers are smoking something.

    it has music sure, but it's stil boring.

    so it's 2/5
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    First and foremost, I played it with cheats, where I basically just had infinite HP because I don't personally really enjoy these types of games, let alone RNG dependant gameplay where you're likely to lose just because the dice didn't roll in your favour.

    But still, I enjoyed it. A lot.

    From the kinda vague story to the art, to the fact the dev just gave us an endless mode to get to explore all the content (if you survive until then without cheats) is just *chefs kiss*.

    It's not for everyone and certainly wouldn't be for me if I hadn't cheated, but I am glad I did. It was so worth experiencing this.

    4/5 because it's kinda a niche gameplay which can be a shame, as many dislike rogue-likes, including myself, thus don't get to experience the beauty and surprisingly enough, depth of this game.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Could've been way better, I read that it is designed to force you to play gaain and again until you get lucky but despite its my 11th playthrough I am still unable defat ANYONE at layer 20. I don't know if this is terrible luck or am I doing something wrong but one gameplay I got 15 consecutive fights and not a SINGLE event that gives LP. DEFINITELY needs a balance update.
    EDIT: FINALLY MADE IT PAST 20 but the VERY next fightsomeone turned me into a child, then I got stunlocked by him, died, lost all my progress. I think this game just pushed me further away from rogue-like and such a shame good artstyle is spent on a painful gameplay.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually fun game, and the scenes are all good, but wish there was more non combat senarios with scenes.

    The bad part is that like many similar games its very rng dependent. you could go from taking out any opponent in 2 rounds to being oneshotted on stage 22.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    If I had to recommend five H-games to play, Lost Chapter would be one of them. With a nostalgic atmosphere that is constantly present throughout the game, you wouldn't even know you are playing an H-game until you get raped (Spring this one on your friends for an interesting story). Rather you go through floor after floor in this roguelike trying to uncover the story of what happened to the main heroine. Such a story is told through not only random events but also the cards you get and various quotes that you find between every floor.

    This is one of the few H-games that I will play not for the intended use of just NUTTING, but receiving a dream-like experience. I keep coming back to it, despite finishing the game over and over as it has a mythical touch to it that is hard to describe.

    Now for the H part of the game, it has a lot going for it with semi-animation and voice, to battle rape, loli, animal ears, comically large breasts, virgin route, and more! If certain H parts don't interest you, don't worry as you have a good amount of control over what happens to your heroine despite the RNG aspect of it. (except for battle rape, you need good cards and stats for some fights)

    Overall give this one a try if you A: like card roguelikes B: like battle-rape or C: want to feel at peace, before busting a nut.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    The greatest aspect of this game for me is the strange and dream-like atmosphere. It really does deliver a dark and uneasy surrounding that makes this game sort of unique in its feel. One thing that i can also say is that someone will either love or hate the card based gameplay. This is a rogue like, RNG based game, so you will have to get used to getting fucked over quite a bit, or you could just waste your time with being a save scumming rat.
    Overall it does have some replayability, but its not really viable, considering this game has realistically 8+ hours of content before you have seen it all. When it comes to the erotic scenes, they are kind of weak, there really isnt that much to see and what is here is pretty basic, if well made. I would say that this game is pretty good for what it is, it goes outside the norm and tries something new compared to other eroge games. I think they did manage to make something fun and different, even if there is going to be a large group of people who will not really like it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Slay of spire clone with new mechanic lust. It is really good alternative if you are looking for game similar to last evil.

    Art style really good and there is at least sound effect from girl which make it good ero game.

    One weakness is that the going forward mechanic is totally randomize and you can not choose path like the other two game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game:

    I enjoyed the dark, bleak atmosphere and scenes.

    The combat is ok, if only perhaps too limited - it's not intuitive what you're supposed to do to get lewd or magic cards to drop, and since everything is random, building a deck is a matter of luck: you never know if a particular card will be good down the road because there's no way for you to control the stats that you'll have.

    Events are a bit varied, although they can get repetitive, especially after multiple playthroughs.

    Difficulty is a matter of luck: there will be runs where you're overpowered, and others where you'll face difficulties from the beginning.

    The game is short for a roguelike: only 100 turns. The end screen, however, mentions that an endless mode is planned for the future.

    The lewd content is good enough, plus there's art for different body types, which is a nice addition.

    All in all, if roguelike card building sounds even remotely fun to you, you'll enjoy this game. Recommended for sure.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    xXx Me xXx

    I actually really like this game. I do kinda wish there was more H content, but it's got me looking for more Slay the Spire-like H games.

    I think I might have soft locked an event in the post-game though I tried taking the Black Key twice to see if it would let me get past the cell door that needs two keys. I have what I need for the white key now and I've gone through 200+ floors and haven't seen the blacksmith since then, but maybe I'm just super unlucky.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent Rouguelike elements, the cg was done well, It wasn't overly complicated but had a nice depth. The ero aspect wasn't forgotten at all. Very good, one thing though. I couldn't obtain the enlarged breasts and regressed state, I know you aren't supposed to but it would be cool. I understand how much work that is for something like that tho so all cool.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best h-games I've ever played. The card based gameplay is really fun, in my opinion, and I haven't found any other h-game like it. While it's not the most complex system I've ever seen, there are a few distinct ways to structure your deck, and crafting any of them requires some real thought and planning. I love the artwork, how the character changes as the game progresses, and the unpredictability of events makes it really exciting.

    My advice to new players is to go ahead and save scum. It can be done easily by copying the save file to a new location, and then using it to overwrite the old one when you want to rewind. That will allow you to see some of the rarer events in the game.
    Likes: EHall
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting game. I like myself some rogue likes. However, there are some things i've noticed here..

    1. There are no explanations when you get cards.
    2. Just CGs.
    3. Screen Flash when climax.
    4. You dont get cards or special rewards when you beat kings.

    5. RNG can be really bad with events (can repeat itself up to 5 times).
    6. Can take a long time to get good stats when you reincarnate.
    7. Type of Rogue like that reading is really important.
    8. Kinda slow oriented compared to some RL i've played.
    9. Not a fan of the 'slot machine playstyle' even if i like the randomness in games.

    Other than that, cool bgms but i dont know if i will continue this since im already hook in another rogue-like.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A decent rouge-like deck-builder with h-content. Relatively short as well (~2 hours for a complete playthrough for me)

    Gameplay: 2.5/5
    I'd say this is a decent surface level implementation of a rouge-like deck-building game, but it leaves a lot to be desired in comparison to other games in the genre like slay the spire and last evil.

    - too much RNG: generally these types of games let you choose your path on a map to add an element of control to the events you are given, but in this case all events/battles are random
    - limited card pool: 40 different cards is not that many, especially when the max deck size is 30
    - inconsistent difficulty: personally I managed to win on my first playthrough. Some of the bosses hit ridiculously hard, but a lot of the ero mechanics seem kind of OP and I luckily got some of those cards very early on. Seems like it is also pretty easy to snowball if you survive the early game.

    Generally more variety is better for these types of games, but given the size/scope of the game I think the amount of different types of events/enemies is decent.

    H-content: 4/5
    There's a good amount of variety and all of the scenes/CGs are well done. MC has 3 different body types each of which have some unique CGs.
    26 enemies, some of which have unique CGs, some of these also have some basic animation
    7 events each with some unique CGs, however these are relatively basic. Most of the imo good CGs are in combat with enemies.

    Story: 3/5
    I think the story exists, but doesn't really add much tbh. The general vibe and art style of the game is very mysterious and dark which I like, but there isn't really much of a concrete story and basically not much is explained. Main focus of this game is definitely the h content and gameplay.

    Overall: ~3.5/5
    - gameplay is passable, but leaves a lot to be desired (especially when last evil exists)
    - good variety and quality in h-content
    - not much of a story
    - pretty short (~2 hours for my playthrough)

    Overall I think the gameplay could be better and I wish the game itself was longer/had more content. Its relatively short and sweet. I'd recommend it if you like rouge like deck builders, but don't expect too much.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Wow, this is a fun card roguelite! I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys the genre regardless of H tastes, as the H is more titillating anyways rather than the focus. It's possible to get Slut run going but not always due to chance, and the H scenes are very curt. The battle H is a little better because you're threading the line of losing and enjoying the scene, which adds unique tension.
    The tone is specific. I don't know what to call it. Whimsical? Dark whimsy. It's that tone where the author has complete confidence not explaining a damn thing as the mysterious protag ventures through what could all be a metaphor.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I finished the game with Mtool and it turns out that's how the game were meant to be made.

    A Normal Card Game! Rogue like gives too much trouble more than the porn it provided.

    The titles that should have been unlocked permanently to make the game easier in later runs.
    MANY waste potential for porn to show up such as

    -Lewd status and lewd crest are not used properly not to
    mention the possibility it could have go.

    -Game over sex scenes are another gold that were left behind that could've made the rogue like more tolerable are not in there, NOT EVEN A SINGLE ONE.

    -Too many monsters that are out for the girl's blood for a porn game.

    The dev should do more homework from the basic game design of let the players beat the game not beat the players in game and busy making porn more than making the game rogue like.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    agus gines

    This is one of the best games ive ever played, even after ive beat it i keep playing just for fun
    it has Excellent art and gameplay
    when I first saw it i didnt think much of it but its trully a hidden GEM
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played, the card and strip system is not bad. I would like more content, it's a pity that the game is already completely out. I hope for additional content for this game or for the release of similar games!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The game aspect, although easy, it isn't good. boring and taking way too long, constant back and forth event
    I spent 1 hr and not going to spend more time just to 'complete'.
    Sorry, but I'm not invested into the story that much.
    Not my thing