i really want to like this game, it has so much going on and the LI's and other girls are good. the 'free roam' moments suck because there is no apparent way to know what to do. i saw No shaders indicating where to click, it would have been better to simply have a linear option list to do in those times. i don't disagree with other reviews, they make valid points. this is just my take on it. 
well with the release of 'Dream', this game makes a tiny bit more sense. this game is very convoluted, that's Hard To Follow, because it jumps from past/present and to different worlds. and often has no segway. the gammer and wrong word usage are hard to follow on top of that. (i'm not so good a spelling so i can't complain there). But our hero/MC is missing his past, so the harem tag confuses some. the girls all, or mostly, know each other and know they are his harem even if he doesn't. the AI writing may be the problem. some of the girls, Ciri, in particular have multiple appearance changes through out the story, as if the artist forgot what she was suppose to look like. (big FACE Changes). with all that being said the story starts to drift from what is the original plot (which made sense) to something wide open...it almost felt like several different people wrote this with very different thoughts on how the story should go. the middle was the best part, the ending.. gave me a bad headache.
i would still say continue. STORY BOARD IT. set the path and don't worry about how to please 'everybody' that won't happen. i do want to know what's going on in This story, and i feel like DREAM is just another part of it. so i guess i haven't LOSTHOPE yet. but i think i need to wait a while for you to decide what you are really try to do. 2 great ideas...
well with the release of 'Dream', this game makes a tiny bit more sense. this game is very convoluted, that's Hard To Follow, because it jumps from past/present and to different worlds. and often has no segway. the gammer and wrong word usage are hard to follow on top of that. (i'm not so good a spelling so i can't complain there). But our hero/MC is missing his past, so the harem tag confuses some. the girls all, or mostly, know each other and know they are his harem even if he doesn't. the AI writing may be the problem. some of the girls, Ciri, in particular have multiple appearance changes through out the story, as if the artist forgot what she was suppose to look like. (big FACE Changes). with all that being said the story starts to drift from what is the original plot (which made sense) to something wide open...it almost felt like several different people wrote this with very different thoughts on how the story should go. the middle was the best part, the ending.. gave me a bad headache.
i would still say continue. STORY BOARD IT. set the path and don't worry about how to please 'everybody' that won't happen. i do want to know what's going on in This story, and i feel like DREAM is just another part of it. so i guess i haven't LOSTHOPE yet. but i think i need to wait a while for you to decide what you are really try to do. 2 great ideas...