Unity None Lost in the world of succubi[v0.4.0demo][Shimofumi-ya]

Jan 5, 2021
Is the developer OK? They have been completely missing with no internet presence since the end of july.
So, i just checked, he posted this in his Ci-en on New Years Eve:

We apologize for the inconvenience. This is Shimofumi-ya.
 We apologize for not updating for a long time and for causing you concern. Due to a slight mental health issue, production and updates have been delayed, and I have been having trouble checking Twitter (X) and Ci-en.

The goal for ``The Lost Man of the Dream World'' was to be completed by the end of 2023, but it will be significantly delayed.

We promise that development will not be canceled, but as the pace of production has slowed down, the expected completion date has not yet been determined.

We also apologize for continuing to receive support in this state, so all supporters are welcome to withdraw from the plan. We will leave the plan for those who want to download the pre-play version from now on or those who still want to support us.

We would like to once again thank and apologize to all our supporters and followers. I will finish it properly even if it takes some time, so thank you for your patience.

Hope he's doing better.


May 10, 2017
i mean, i wish them all the best and i don't mean to be disrespectful or pry. it's just i reached my limit about devs saying they stopped updating due to mental issues or private stuff. i'm just worried this snowballs out of proportion to the point where i "demand" a detailed explanation what exactly is going on that devs can't or didn't work on something.

the guy sounds sincere. but once you've been burned enough times you'll need more than just that...