1. you are conflating NTR and Netorare.
You are literally the only one who said "Netorare". everyone else said "NTR".
NTR is a japanese meme where any and all forms of cuck stuff are intentionally all given a name that will abbreviate into NTR.
Netorare, Netorase, Netori (the big three) and about a dozen other (more rare) different words exist which all abbreviate into NTR.
Netorase in particular is "sharing/whoring/swinging" and as such covers the "you keep her afterwards".
2. F95 does not use the japanese dictionary definition. check F95 definitions here
3. F95 does not have a "cuck MC" tag. It only has a tag called NTR which it defines as basically cuck MC. I don't know why they chose to use weebspeak and not just said "cuckMC". But it is what it is. As such when people say NTR in this forum they are referring to cuckstuff.
4. Nobody cares about your "ackshually the definition is technically X so you are not allowed to dislike it".
Any non cuck does not like cuck shit, galaxy brain take, I know.
Any cuck actually would still want NTR tag to apply to cheating waifu, because they are searching for the tag specifically and do not want to miss out on such games on a technicality.