a lot people complain here?? well dont they know that the fucking code is super chunky and can get into spaghetti any time, if you try to rewrite the codes in the past by somehow it can trigger other bugs instead of fixing bugs and give you bunch of errors, an example is "league of legend" their code is a super huge dish spaghetti, if they tried to fix a bugs it will only to begin a new bugs and even more problem than old bugs, when they tried to rework the old champion instead of rewrite the code of that champion they will turn off the option to choose that champion and write a new fresh code to rework the champion beacause those spaghetti code. Even a huge company like Riot cant fix all of their problems and make every one happy to play their games, how can this guy a solo dev can do all the things you guy want and dont make any thing wrong and he have his life in reality dude, reality is strunggle, you cant make everything will go to the way you want, but you can make this game better by giving a clearly detail suggestion or just give him a bunch of money like 5.000 dollar per month to hire coder, artist, writer,... or you can just go to the checking the code of the game and talking with him your think and your idea how to improve the code, how to fix something,... be a artist and give him free art for the game, be a writer to write the story again help him,... :/ if you cant dont anything in this, well please fucking waiting for the game complete
TL;DR: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, along with them being allowed to complain or review anything however they see fit, below is my full autismpost on it
Gonna respond to this despite the fact, that your messages above, coupled with this one, kinda show that you're trolling, quite badly in-fact, but I still wanted to make an autismpost response of mine.
People have the right to complain, especially when updates go untested. Code tends to show errors even while being written.
And when it comes to Twine, the coding is quite literally the easiest it could be.
Not even gonna entertain your League of Legends comparison.
When it comes to the money this guy is getting... Really? Do you seriously want people to go out of their way to fix the game's issues for themselves, or even give the dev "5000 dollars"? "Be a coder and fix his code, be a writer and write his story, be an artist and give him art for free"

Oh god... you really don't know how game developing works. - For a small project like this, each patreon member is like an investor, and by giving money to the dev they can rightfully expect and demand a return on the investment. When it comes to companies (like Riot which you've mentioned), investors outright demand either a cut of the profits or certain changes to the content.
Dude already gets, at minimum, 1131 dollars give or take (377 members atm, minimum membership being 3$/month) - Which is already above a minimum monthly wage in most places.
The dev has started up a game, and when it comes to the finances and effort, it's up to them to allocate them however they see fit with each update.
They can go out of their way to completely ignore writing in one update and solely focus on the art or code, or to do the opposite, or to spread it across, or to even go out of their way and only use the finances and effort on themselves instead of the game, however, people are always allowed to complain.
And on here, most posts/comments are listing issues and where/how they are encountered.
When it comes to reviews, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so you can quite literally have: "5/5 gud gaem", "0/5 it bad", "5/5 This marvelous piece of writing has..." (and then it proceeds to list everything good about the game), "0/5 Oh how I've been tortured by this awful..." (and then it proceeds to list every single issue about the game), as your reviews, and
they'll all be valid - they are reviews after all.
If you open up a project to the public, and expect people to pay for it, don't be surprised that people will be impatient when the thing they are paying for is being delayed/not worked on or published.