Revisiting this after a similar finish.
Having just gotten through the end of LiL current update, I'm curious how similar this will be in regard?
I don't know that I felt emotions for characters more than while plaing through LiL which of course will drive comparison to this game. That's not to say it made it better - maybe just kept me hooked longer even without the need for constant h scenes.
I enjoy the animations throughout, and a little richer coloring/3dish rendering stands it apart a bit. I also hope it doesn't get so complex that I feel that I can't play through it without a guide - something I felt LiL, while great, becomes too dependent on.
A Quest tracker or help on where to go next would help in future updates. Really curious to see where this goes as the premise starts out roughly the same, but I do like the models better and overall feel better than LiL. First iteration didn't show too much about the evil forces, but as long as they don't get me so deeply invested in Keiko only to send her to another dimension I think a bit of horror under tones could do the game good