Ren'Py - Love Castaways [v0.4.0] [SPkiller31]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has very interesting setting and worldbuilding which in my opinion carries it a long way, though as of [v0.4.0] it is still in its early stages I am very interested in seeing where it goes as the story has a lot of potential. The charcters are all likable and almost all of them are nice to look at (Kaede is just not my thing). All of the girls are likable charcters who are fairly intersting. All in all a great experince for being so early in its development and I hope it will not be abandoned as I am very interested in seeing where it goes.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Story is okish but mostly boring, MC joins a new class at school which has all girls ofc, they are mixed race class meaning vamps/elfs/humans and so on, game talks about you having choices and what you do matters in the game but its really just bullshit, all you do is click some place to go where you will talk to a class mate at work and gain relationship points and thats it, there are no choices and you cant avoid gaining points with girls either, some times you gain points with all of them at once, so it really is just pure kinetic story and also just the standard mindless fuckfest game you see so often.

    Its also a sandox kind but a textbox sandbox so its all done by menus where you just click where to go, theres no questlog since there arent really any quest, you just follow the kinetic story and thats about it.

    To me personaly its just very boring and at times you wont have a clue where to go next or what to do so you can just click random locations hoping something will happens, its just a huge waste of time and really really not fun in any way, it dosent help that some things only happens on 1 day of the week at a set time of day and without hints it can be very tuff to figure out what to do, the hint system dosent help much either.

    Also it feels a bit empty since most times you just visit a place just to get relationship points without doing anything, you dont even talk to the person so the hole relationship system is 100% pointless since it can only go up and you cant avoid points if you dont like the LI.

    It also seems to have quests tied together so you cant just progress with who you want so that removes any kind of freedom on top of being kinetic.

    Girls 3/5
    There are a few LIs but for being "monster girls" most look pretty normal except deamon girl and vamp, rest could pretty much pass as a human.
    Anyway the diversity in builds are pretty decent, no one seems to have huge tits which is great, so range is small/normal which suits me just fine.

    Animations 2/5
    Dident see much since i just couldent get to them due to quest being tied togterher and not having a clue what to do to progress.
    But the few i did see was nothing special and below average even for HS style.

    Music 2/5
    Just standard background stuff but the boring kind that dosent really suti the game either.

    Choices 0/5
    Well there are none, forced LIs, forced Sex scenes, forced fetishes, all out kinetic.

    Sandbox 1/5
    Funny enough no grind but impossible to progress unless you spend hours constantly reading multiple hint/event pages or randomly click and hope to progress with something, it needs a huge upgrade with maps and quest makers showing you where to go, then maybe it will become more playable but right now i wouldent waste my time.