Unity - Completed - Love n Life: Lucky Teacher [v3.1.1 Hotfix] [Reborn Entertainment]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I very much enjoyed it.
    * Art was great, animations decent.
    * Solid game engine, well presented.
    * Game play was fine - pretty standard dating game fare.
    * Can take your time, no artificial day limit.

    All in all, recommend.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Version of the game:

    + You can earn money and buy items/gifts.
    + Events are timed, available during certain daytimes and days, based on the women's shedules
    + Read the Tutorial Helper Window. There are good tips you need to know.
    +/- Meeting dates/times don't really matter, because they won't expire. So, you can work as much as you want without worrying. At the same time, a bit confusing, since weekdays and times are mentioned in dialogues, but days counted just as "Day XY" and not as weekdays, and no clocktime shown.
    +/- You can get every woman in one playthrough. No real consequences.
    - Very linear
    - More like a clicker games, nothing much to manage but money
    - Unsatisfying grind-sexreward balance

    Frequency of scenes
    - There are barely scenes based on how much you have to grind.
    - Animated scenes are bad and not satisfying.

    +/- Execution of the story is not the best, but enough to justify and support the way everyone acts.
    - Emotions/behaviours are not really written out by independent narrator, but rather put in parentheses.
    - Sex-text is horrible to read. Characters feel kind of out-of-character when having sex. As if it was written by a teenage in horny-mode, lol.

    --> All in one: Maybe I had too high expectations. The game looked nice (based on screenshots and description). I like that kind of graphics. But the execution was sloppy and rushed. Story was not really enjoyable - at most, it made enough sense to justify the gameplay. Usually I don't judge CGI, but the Animated reward scenes were horrible and the sex-text was also unpleasant to read. There was also barely anything about management either. The game idea had potential, but it felt like it was all thrown into a pot and mixed together. 2 of 10. (So, to clarify: The animated scenes and the bad grind-sexreward balance were the bigger factors making the game less enjoyable than hoped. With more scenes and replacing animations with normal images, it could be alot more enjoyable.)

    Should I give it a try?
    This is hard to answer. The graphics are tempting, right? That's why I tried it, too. Usually I tell the players "it is nice at first. Try it as long as it is fun, and then drop it when you feel unsatisfied." But to be honest, the reward scenes and animations in this game feel so unsatisfying, as a sex-game, it wasn't that good. But the sex scenes and bad writing aside, I can't deny it was a little bit fun. It would have been better not to animate scenes from the start, but just give unanimated image sex scenes. I recommend to play this game in 2x Speed Mode (not normal mode). It is not really worth the grind and time to play it in normal mode.

    Also have in mind, the game's conent is not finished yet. The Devs seem to update content based on the number of reviews according to Steam. This feels like a bait and grab game, especially with this review system. I suppose the more reviews means the more sales, regardless of the quality of the game. In its current state, the story is complete. I guess with future updates (if they occure) content will just be expanded. So, future updates could make the game better (especially the grind-sexreward balance. And hopefully they will switch to images and avoid using their current type of animations)