Unity - Love n War: Hero by Chance II [v2.2.0] [Reborn Entertainment]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewed version: 2.01
    The game is pretty much what you see in the screenshot provided, a simple triangle type of unit commander battle. think battle cats with 3 lanes, but much more shallow.
    Yes, much more shallow despite the system they tried to include.

    The setting are ok. but the story is flat, and unthoughtful, The writing is terrible in Chinese. which I assume would be way worst in English.

    The gameplay is dull, there are a few interesting game modes introduced, AFTER you go through a lot of filler battles, as the difficulty quickly falls out portion as the game introduces more and more "power creep" system for you.was already palying hard mode. around chap 2 , 3. You would completely overscale the enemy. this continues on until chap 5 when I call it quit.it was not fun. normally you try to balance the growth of both sides with some sort of buffer system.

    However kudos to the dev trying to update the game, even if it didn't work at all as they try to patch the ship that already sank.

    The lewd? The Girls is pretty generic and the writing did nothing to help to sell them, or if they did anything at all. Seriously the story still be the same if you replace them with a mob character. I can't make it through the main game to get to the lewd part.

    1/5 story
    2/5 gameplay
    2/5 art (smart use of AI for background storytelling , although repetitive)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I have played the previous games as I love games like this that have active player engagement and a good amount of planning behind them since you cant just spam out units and hope to win you have to do hard work and plan out your moves before you do them.

    For those having trouble getting through stages just grind the previous ones get a good amount of cash,look for chests you may have missed and then upgrade and make more stuff that way you can easily make stronger units and get through the game.

    Plus I love the graphics and visuals they are so beautiful and gorgeous the voice acting can do some work in my opinion but its good nonetheless. the music is also an banger in my opinion and I listened to the menu music for a while
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    1 star's way too harsh.

    The visuals are very nice and the English/plot is OK.

    Normal mode is manageable if you're willing to participate in scissors-paper-rock and time your special abilities. Just hold off the assaults and do the bare minimum till u gather enough troop points and mana. Then bomb special attack the playing field and fast spam reverse counter using your own troops. Not hard to do. Or if you're too lazy for that just go easy mode lol. (Disclaimer: not so far in yet, might revise as i get more time to play)

    If the sex scene progression could be automated/played more smoothly i might even be tempted to give 5 stars.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2191732

    Reviewed version: 1.0.1

    Congratulations Reborn Entertainment, you've earned 1* for your game.
    Additional stars can be earned by going back to the development process and grinding out the stats numbers until this thing is balanced properly.

    Also, while we're at it, this thing could do with proof-reading. And a plot recap 'cause I've no inkling of what the hell's going on. Bug fixes would probably help, too.

    Art's good, but that ain't carrying a dreck this atrocious.
