Unity - Completed - Love of Magic [B1 v1.6.11f] [Droid Productions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this since it was first released and just now got around to finishing Acts 13-15. This is one of the best games I've played off of this site. 10/10. Looking forward to seeing how Morningstar turns out
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6577935

    (I only read book 1, so the review applies to that content. I'm feeling "burnout" and need a break before the rest, assuming I get to it.)

    Let me address the writing immediately, cause that seems like the greatest point of contention. Love of magic has better narrative and grammar, than other highly rated titles here. Not only that, but you can tell that whoever wrote this, is aware of at least some of the rules to create good fiction.
    The problem is the focus on delivering one-liners and quotes. It makes for some nice entertainment, but there's no subtext, no personal delivery of experience, and no real gain from my perspective as a reader (why do you read, if not to accumulate knowledge/experiences from others?). Basically I'd say the writer(s) are on the right track, but need to cut some of this exuberance and flair, for more detailed notions, on what they actually want to transmit with their work. Form over function is not a good thing, unless you were explicitly aiming for that.

    Moving on with the good:

    - The writing shows attention to detail, and a desire to go beyond, what you see on "Patreon Vn's". Good English, not a lot of the usual pitfalls, and cohesion in the storytelling.

    - The visuals - I'm guessing some characters are inspired by real people (that "lady of the lake" has to be the actress whose name just escaped to the deepest recesses of my brain), and that works for me. I also like the animations/motions, and the backgrounds. Overall very pleasing aesthetics, and Molly "did the trick" for me, regarding the adult tag. It's important.

    - Arthurian legend, Brythonic/Celtic/Scottish/Gaelic mythology. I came to know it a bit better in the early 2000's after reading Fate/stay night (SMT* also helped), and its pretty interesting. Love of magic uses mythology as its core. There's also a bit of Norse gods and sagas in the mix, and references to other pantheons exist but not as in-depth. It works for me, even if I'm more of a fan of Greek/Roman stuff.

    - All the Scott girls - I guess it's a personal preference, but I'm still counting it as a positive. Katie and (especially) Bella, have the right looks and temperament, even if I have never been anywhere close to Scotland, or any of its inhabitants. You know how preconceptions go.

    - Epic story - It's been working since Gilgamesh (not the blonde one with the crazy amount of swords, mind you), and it will continue to work, as long as humanity is a thing. It's always nice to have a story about the hero/good guys gathering up to fight against gods and creatures threatening their very existence. It's a sure thing, and an inspiring feeling.

    Neutral or "I'm really torn about this".

    - The princess - It's difficult to explain, and I feel like I'm being too casual by doing so in a handful of lines. I can't seem to get on board with the princess. I don't know if it's the "only wife in a harem thing"; Her constant rebutal of anything the protagonist says; The never ending "my hearts and my knights"; Or the nagging feeling that 1 year down the line she divorces him, on account of him not changing who he is, to better suit her (yeah, i was already familiar with said quote).

    I don't know, maybe (Japanese) visual novels, have corrupted my mind to a point where unconditional love, clinginess, and submission, are the only way I can accept someone's feelings in fiction? I'm not gonna waste time deconstructing this, I'd do it for something exceptional like White Album 2 ** not for this (see what I did there...). Something feels off (wrong) about the princess.

    The bad:

    - Combat - Lord why? It's terrible! Luckily you can avoid it, there's no need to go around grinding to get stronger, but I still don't understand what possess the developer(s) to let something like this in their game. Preposterous doesn't begin to cover it.

    - World exploration - There's lots of stuff that can be missed (I presume, looking at the gallery), I couldn't find the fairy after the charisma check for instance. If the idea is to read a guide... I don't want to. If the idea is to check every location, on each time slot... I don't want to. If the idea is to replay the game... I don't want to. Put exclamation marks on locations that have a relevant event or adult scene, and let me see as much content as possible, assuming you want me to buy your game and support you.

    Id' say this an 8/10 and my attention was grabbed for long periods of time. If you ask me, the work ends up suffering from "beautiful package syndrome", meaning that shallow aspects and trivialities fill up your initial impressions, but it soon becomes apparent that there's no worthwhile present (a story or notions that stay with you) inside. It's still good entertainment and a nice time.

    * (Shin Megami Tensei).
    ** (Setsuna for life. Find the nearest bridge, if you don't agree).
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Anything I can say has already been said 100 times or more. I will just say that story wise I have played few games that hit me as much as this one did, and I don't just mean porn games. The combat is in my mind the weakest part of the game, and even that is not bad. There's a fairly large variety of partners, without any of them being too over the top or anything (no tits the size of your head here, sorry if you're into that) Overall it's a game I've played through multiple times and with some kind of NG+ coming out I can't wait to play some more.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was a wild ride, easily one of the best I have ever played in terms of story. Let's break it down.

    Now if these following negatives seem a bit nitpicky that's because...they are. This game is damn near flawless and I have to nitpick to find negatives with it. From the story, music, character development, gameplay it's all superb.

    Music volume-While I love the music the problem I have with the music in this game is the one I have with pretty much every game. Some is just too fucking loud while others I found myself turning up. The default music while in the Crowley or that annoying song that grew on me and I found myself vibing to whenever you go get some coffee, you know the song, I had to constantly turn up only to get ear blasted every time Molly was introduced. I wish game devs would equalize the volume. I get that sometimes its thematic and necessary to have some songs be louder than others, but there's no reason why Molly's theme should be significantly louder than Jenny's.

    Bella-while I love her as a character and her character model is easily my favorite that's where the flaw is. When she's standing next to other characters especially during one scene where she's next to both your Mom, and Emily it makes her look like she's from a different game. She stands out compared to them and not always in a good way. Every single character looks like they are from the same game except for Bella.

    Combat-While the combat eventually grew on me it was unbalanced and some of the important fights being literally unlosable really took me out of the immersion. Suddenly that big bad that's going to destroy the world is just some brainless fight that I can mindlessly fight while I throw on some first things first in the background. The change to a poison build in book 3 that nerfed the hell out of it while also making rage builds ridiculously op with Berserk just made zero sense. Book 2 is the most fun combat in the game using Emily, Molly, and Akane on the hardest difficulty was the most fun I had with the game which quickly ends once you hit book 3.

    Lack of pixie scenes-There I said. The tease in book 3 had me fuming, as I craved more Snowdrop scenes. Having an army of pixies following you around...damn, unlucky.

    End of book 2-It should have ended at the table scene. Had it ended there it would have been 10/10 but instead it gives you one extra little ending that makes the impact and emotional ending of book 2 make you feel like everything is going to be okay, at least that's how I felt. Looking at "you know who" during the table scene then getting "taken" I instantly knew "oh okay everything's fine"


    Sex scenes-they're mid. That's pretty much it. They eventually get animated but none of them are the quality of some of the other juggernauts in this genre and that's okay imo. You aren't overwhelmed with scenes and sometimes you could have an entire game session without encountering a single one because this game spreads them out and makes it feel real. Personally I love it as I care much more about the story. A lot of the scenes are impactful to the story instead of just being a quick fuck and that makes them 10x better imo. With that said I do understand that not everyone feels the same way which is why Ive opted to place it in the neutral category.

    Renders-Much like the previous 2 in this category it's only here because some people may dislike it, because I know I did at first. Once you unlock elsewhere I hope you enjoy the backgrounds because they dont change, you repeat the same areas over and over and over again. Obviously that changes slightly in book 2 the complaint remains the same. While I wasn't a fan at first especially looking at one of the characters compared to the background it grew on me. I mean look how big this fucking game is and he managed to complete it in only a few years. I know nothing about game dev but I can promise you that using the same backgrounds over and over had to of saved him hundreds of hours of dev time. I've seen game devs who make more money with a game half as big not even come close to being anywhere near as complete as this game, and I can only assume part of it is due to reusing the same areas over and over again.

    Linear story-Some are gonna love it some are gonna hate it. While I prefer choices I've only ever played one game on this site that does it correct. Most others that attempt it end up fizzling out because as it turns out keeping multiple different branching paths that most of the player base wont see is not worth the time nor effort. Now this one is VERY linear with very little choices that amount to nothing and that's okay, Droid set out to tell a story his way and he does most spectacularly. Much like the sex scenes it's only here because some people might find issue with it even though I don't.

    Companion combat-Once again the combat balance is pretty bad. Certain companions are just awful and there's no reason to ever bring them but I find that to be okay. Once I found my favorites I had a good time. And while there is the occasionally "okay Ill bring along Y for this big battle" theres few of those and you tend to just use the same from book to book.

    Book 3-Listen I love book 3 as much as the next guy but lets be honest. By the time it hits we already know everything. The MC is probably the most powerful person in existence, nothing feels like a threat anymore. You bitch around gods, smite demons and outsiders, the threat feels more like nuisance which is exactly how MC treats it which I do kinda like. Your companions feels less valuable in combat as you tend to hit harder, no longer are they the carries instead of you. And while I do love how Droid managed to hit that feeling of you being OP as fuck, it did leave me yearning for the feeling of the earlier books. It was inevitable and it was handled as good as possible but that doesn't mean that I have to love that feeling and I don't. I miss the grind.

    Anything that I didnt mention pretty much belongs here but heres a few that stand out.

    Droid himself-Most importantly is this. At the time of writing this he's still active and the games been completed for a little bit. He's answered a few of my questions himself and he interacts with the fans of his games, I love these kinds of devs. When I ended up subbing to his patreon he sent me a message thanking me and offering to send me steam keys to both LoM and Morningstar. What more could you ask for form a dev?

    Writing-It's amazing. I tend to put the game devs into tiers when it comes to their writing. Tier 0 is reserved for one writer who is a legit author and is easily the best Ive seen end of story. So the other great writers end up in Tier 1-2. Tier 1 is reserved for the greats and while all their styles are different they all belong in tier 1 and we know who a lot of those writers are, and I genuinely believe that Droid belongs in that tier. While maybe not at the top of the tier I can easily place him in it as he's better than any of the writers I have in tier 2.

    Music-Yeah yeah I know, I had it in the "Bad" category but the actual music is fantastic. This game might have the best soundtrack I've played. Even Molly's theme which annoyed me at first grew on me as I found myself smiling and nodding everytime her face popped up on my screen. Jenny's theme is another that I grew to love. Also special shoutout to the email. X is right that song is a banger.

    Story-It's great and has an actual ending. A lot of these games even the "completed" ones have endings that either leave a lot of questions or feel unsatisfying. And while yes this ending does leave you wanting a sequel it's more than satisfying. And I feel that some of those questions will be answered in Morningstar.
    The story is fantastic though. From start to finish I was constantly looking forward to more of the game, to unraveling the riddles, and twists of the game. The impactful moments FELT impactful, instead of being told I should be sad I actually was. Honestly my biggest gripe was the end of book 2.

    World building-Yep, it's pretty damn good. Granted there wasn't "that much" since it's based on our world but with magic. It's urban fantasy, and like with most urban fantasy there's significantly less world building than say full blow fantasy, and that's okay. Because the world building there is, is fantastic. Especially once elsewhere opens up or once book 2 starts.

    Gameplay-The gameplay meme of these kinds of games is legit "left click" and while that's true mostly in Book 1, Book 2 changes that. I went from feeling like I was playing "generic f95 game" to fucking Pathfinder and it was welcome.

    Characters-This is the last part of the review and they deserve to be the topic that wraps up the review as they are phenomenal. I could do an entire review alone just talking about the characters. Each of of them is unique, which is hard to for most devs honestly even in triple A games, just look at Starfield while I love the game all the main human companions are the same with the same views and feel similar. This game however each one feels different and they don't just grow on you they grow on each other and the MC. Molly for instance is my favorite and I went through multiple feeling for her. From thinking she was a cunt, to finding her catty and funny, to obsessive and annoying and wishing she was back to her old self, to actually loving her and appreciating her being the "older sister" of the group and helping out my marriage to becoming my favorite character in the game. Every single character in this game goes through a massive character arch and I love it. Emily, Katie, Jenny, Chloe (to a lesser degree), Bella, Akane, Dylan, Draco, Foxy, etc they all grow as people (and dragons) and the game is better for each one of them. There isn't a single character that the game would be better without. There isn't a single companion that I dislike even a bit.

    Now obviously I probably missed some Bad, Neutral, and God that I would have loved to include but when a game this big takes you over a month to complete you're gonna forget some stuff. But with that said the game is an easy 5/5 not even rounding up. It's amazing. It's left a LoM size hole in my heart that's made the next few games after it feel dull, something which hasn't happened to me since I finished Enderal a few years ago. Part of me wishes I could erase the game from my memory so I could give it another go while the other part looks forward to the day Morninstar finishes.
    If you enjoy story focuses games then this game is a MUST play. If you're someone who only cares about sex scenes then you should probably skip it, and if you're someone in between who values both then give it a go because if you value story at all it will pull you in. This game has entered my top 5 of all time on this site. My only regret is that I skipped past it so many times to play other games and didn't play it sooner because as far as this genre of games go it is a master piece.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Up front this game is missing two tags. Cheating should be obvious, the main character acts troubled about relations with one character behind his girlfriend's back.

    Next INCEST should be marked as well. There's games on this site that get the tag for step-cest. How about Katie and her cousin Bella? How bout that threesome shortly after Bella is introduced that MC doesn't even flinch at committing behind his girlfriend's back?

    How about all those choices you can make that mean jack all? I feel like Molly was handled very poorly. I personally have zero interest in anything resembling master slave play and they throw you straight into the thick of it with her all at once. She's pitched as an ambitious go getter, mebbe not morally sound but still there's start at good character development. Perhaps you could have added one branch where you work with her and friends to find an alternative to magic camwhoring? Instead you develop this bond with her through straight up ass-raping her into magic-addicted slavery, classy.

    Lets also ignore that sorcerers are basically described as deus ex machina and you have not one but 2 in your back pocket (As of book 1) in case of emergency. Goodbye story development hello dull predictable drama.

    The MC is disgusting. Consider Emily for a b it from a realistic angle. She's a sheltered girl who has been raised to accept that she'll prolly never find love thanks to politics. In fact she already nearly married some old geezer. She also doesn't have much confidence in her appearance. And MC comes along constantly coercing her into fooling around chipping away at her prudish sensibilities and once he's broken her defenses starts fooling around with other girls. He's a slime ball with big goofy bat ears...ok that last part may be too much. This is supposed to be the replacement for one of mankind's greatest mythological heroes...instead it's a manlet with no self control. Aww silly evokers you guys are such wild cards hahaha. Bullshit.

    To sum it up, a lot of ppl like it for some reason, and it looks good on the surface but it is absolutely linear and your choices mean nearly nothing when you do get them. Oh yeah and the animations are atrocious, terrible, short and just weird looking.

    I can't get through the first book because I can't stand the main LI being reduced to a trophy and the second getting mindbroken into a neurotic slave/addict.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great story with fun characters and great sex scenes. Enjoyed the bonus character paths as well. The Chosen were so different and interesting, it really makes you engaged in the story. Nicely done!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it. Nice storylines, character are well written ("Bella, fetch." still gives me a smile). The fact that you can rename most characters to your liking makes it all the more personnal at some points.

    A great visual novel I'll replay with pleasure so i can get all the achievments.

    Looking forward to their next projects as well.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all I'll admit that I didn't go past book 1, so my score it based solely on that part.

    Love of Magic Book 1 is one of the worst offenders in the "sandbox-but-actually-a-kinetic-novel" type of games. It's biggest crime that it tries to trick the player into thinking they actually have a choice and what they do in the game matter and wastes a lot of their time doing so.

    The story looked alright, decently executed "choosen one" MC with a harem trope, but not good enough to carry the game on it's own. Didn't notice any attempt to give the tropes some original/unique twist and like in a lot of these stories some of character dialogue and actions make your palm meet your face. MC becomes less and less likeable as the game goes on.

    Static renders and models look good, there's a noticeable drop in quality when animations are involved.

    The main part, porn. Vanilla kinks, bland situations and dialogue. And there's not much of it.

    Overall I didn't enjoy this game and found it dull.
    PS: the song in "Starbucks" is pretty good.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent storyline (not erotic) and porn scenes. I think the game can be recommended to people who are not into porn (but are "not disgusted" by it) because the game is ultra interesting.
    PS. If, like me, you are delighted with it, do not regret your money and buy it on Steam, or at least buy a more expensive package for a month on Patreon.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I found this to be a very good game.
    Nicely written, I loved the story line, lore. Story is very consistent through the 3 books. clever plotline. Also very good balance between story and xxx events.
    It has good gameplay,
    in my top 5 of best games on this site
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Mike Hunt TG

    A true work of art! I actually learned stuff from playing this game, whether cut from the whole cloth or a reflection of real life, especially about various Asian food dishes. I will miss these characters like few others.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    There's obviously a been lot of work put into this game, and it definitely has some good qualities, but from a porn perspective it isn't good.

    The main thing this game has going for it is the detail and effort put into the story. I wouldn't say the writing overall is anything special, but there is clearly thought put into it. Some aspects are interesting, others are pretty dumb, but by porn game standards it is decent.
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    On the flip side though, the sex scenes and erotic parts of the game are pretty boring by porn game standards, and very sparse. The "game" part of it feels very stretched out and padded. Its really more of a romance game than porn, which isn't necessarily a criticism depending on what you want, but personally I don't care for it.

    The visuals overall are decent, but not great. The puppeted animation style during sex scenes is a bit of a waste of effort to me. The animations aren't terrible, but generally just look a bit awkward. I would have preferred just more still frames.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    First let me say that I loved the game, truly. 100% recommended if you have a good amount of time. There are some good and bad things that stood out for me.

    - The story is brilliant, suspensive and lovely.
    - Harem
    - Colourful characters and interactions
    - Easy grind if you want to stack up stats without cheating, but you can just cheat and get it over with.
    - I'm not a fan of the combat and I found the reason it was like that silly
    - The chosen don't get enough love for how loyal and dedicated they are.
    - A cheesy concept that love will conquer all in the end. Also I hated Emily all the while, but that's just me personally
    Likes: Rolo
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    now that love of magic is finally completed, I can say this game is absolutely fantastic.

    • the character work is actually amazing. each character feels real and there's a lot of truly memorable ones.
    • the overall story is really interesting and full of twists and events that keep you intrigued. there's also a lot of good humor and lovely lighthearted moments. emotionally it's very gripping, some tears may be shed.
    • the music is grand, a lot of fitting and appropriately epic pieces.
    • the poker gameplay is quite fun and getting a build together can be interesting. if it doesn't click with you (or you get tired of it), it's incredibly easy to just skip as well.
    • graphically it mostly looks quite good
    • while i like the general designs, i'm not a huge fan of a couple of the faces (but that's probably personal preference).
    • i kind of wish there was some sort vn mode, that just played all events chronologically. for future replays (which are definitely on the menu) having to do all the sandbox stuff is not super ideal.
    • akane doesn't get enough love
    overall this is one of the top tier games on the site. it's so good that i almost wish it wasn't a porn game so i could make all my friends play it too. i'm looking forward to the dev's future projects.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    -It's hard to only give 3 stars to Love of Magic because there's lot of good about it but there are some serious cons that really break it for me.
    The Pros :
    the writing is quite good, the characters dialogues are mostly believable
    the story and arthurian inspired lore are interesting
    the characters have their own personnality

    The Cons :
    -Choices , there's no choice that matter or actually do something, the story is completely linear in every ways meaning the MC can't choose to pursue or reject any of the women that are thrown at him, all his relationships and actions are forced on him without you choosing anything, there's no love interest path to choose or not everything is forced into harem regardless of what makes sense to you.
    So be warned , despite the illusion of having sometime a choice (that has no impact actually), Love of Magic is a kinetic novel, not a sandbox or a choice driven VN

    -anal fetish , related to the previous cons : while nearly all AVN have something like that, the authors usually know that it's not a fetish every readers have and so smartly make it optional through dialogues or story (thanks as it's really a fetish i don't have). Love of Magic forces the MC into anal fetish for no reason (especially after the scene with Akane shows that the *spoiler* does not requires it at all).

    -MC is just too fake, i mean if you read his dialogues and thoughts about Emily, she's supposed then to be the absolute love of his life, yet the MC will go have sex with every women on his path, then "i love you , you're the only one for me" wooden dialogues again everytime he's around his wife. It feels so fake that it really brings down the whole thing to me.

    Overall Love of Magic is good but could have been great
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll keep this short. Might edit in a longer review later, but at the moment I'm annoyed.

    If an AVN is going to have gameplay, have gameplay. The poker seemed like an interesting concept up until the point I realized that you can't lose. Immediately lost all interest in this game when I dropped to 1hp and nothing happened. Clearly the author didn't code in any variations in the story, and building up gems and trying to improve your poker-inspired magic is pointless.

    If there's no gameplay, what am I doing here? The girls? I've been playing for 4 hours and gotten a tame handjob with about 5 renders, so that reason is out the window. The story? Story is okay so far, but if all I'm getting is a story I'd rather not have to go through the ridiculous number of mouse clicks, and according to other reviews here, even that's going to fall apart eventually with the MC forced to be unfaithful.

    *sigh* Might pick this up again in the future but skipping ahead in the story would take hours of clicking. It's just not worth it.

    Edit 1: I was too kind. I don't like games that lie to me. If you're a sandbox game, great. Be a sandbox game. If you have gameplay, great. Have gameplay. If you're a kinetic novel, great. I'll enjoy the story without having any real choices.

    What I don't appreciate is a game that pretends to be a sandbox with gameplay when in truth you can spam the "sleep" button and nothing changes. Literally nothing. The story plays out exactly the same even if you never train, never buy gems, never do anything.

    In truth this is a kinetic novel pretending to be a sandbox with gameplay. While I previously gave the story decent marks, that goes out the window now that I find that I'm forced to be a cheating scumbag with an obnoxious character. No choice to avoid it, or play it in such a way that you're not a scumbag. I have no interest in such a story, especially as it makes no sense as your character seems like a decent sort early on, then suddenly he's like, "Oh, let me romance the princess and profess my undying love, but also lie to her and bang this super annoying girl on the side who has no positive personality traits."

    Hard pass. REALLY hard pass.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Sneaky Heresiarch

    I'm a sucker for the Matter of Britain. And for fantasy. So this is right up my alley and can recommend.

    Fantastically written story, great character development, quite a lot of lore and reading and overall very immersive and lengthy playthrough.

    I also like the combat system. Oftentimes it's tedious and annoying to have it present in games but this handled it quite nicely.

    Love the romance between the characters and how it's not only about lewds.

    Great job dev(s). This one is a keeper.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to love this game, and i tried hard to but i just cant get past pussy-whiped MCs with 0 backbone or brains.....which is why i only played BOOK 1 and most of BOOK 2, before it got to be to much and ruined the game.

    Also wondering why game has no cheating tag, everyone tells MC it would be a really bad idea to fuck katie since shes not chosen and is a normal girl like hes wife, and yet your forced to fuck katie no options to say no and your wife sure in hell dident give permission, so again cheating tag?

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    It really just is beyound stupid and so poorly written that it became unplayable, and worst part is they dident even have to put this NTR shitty feeling in the game, they could just let Molly get her pleasure from MC doing it with magic like the first time or atleast give the player the option to either be a cheater or to use magic insted.

    And if he was taken over by something so he couldent controle him self, wouldent that just be the perfect reason to never ever see Molly again and do anything to break the bond between them.....

    It dosent make it any better when the princess goes from hateing the whore to accepting Molly fucking MC and becomes her best friend, its just makes no sense and destorys her as a chars as well in my eyes, its simply just not something the princess would want in any way and yet she accepts it, changing her into just another brainless whore of the bunch.

    The grapics are pretty good, gameplay and the sandbox isent bad either it will become boring doing the game, the girls arent really unique and like alot of games the faces just look like the same one reused just with diffrent hair/eyes to try to hide that fact.

    The animations if you can call it that are very poor, they look ok graphic wise but they are very short and does close to nothing for the game.

    The first virgin scene you get to see is so bad, like the writer has no clue how that works, a girl whos never played with her self or done anything, and there is 0 pain 0 blod and she slides it all the way in with 0 issues no hymen apprently also she has an orgasm which is extremly rare for a first time, and its a very poor animation where you also see 0 pussy 0 dick, its the worst virgin scene ive seen to date, and hole game centers around virgins in such a huge way and this is what you get.... such a huge disapointment, you can barely call this an AVN.
    Second virgin scene is same crap this time there is 0 animations, not sure why this game has the animated tag since barely anything is animated, even the 4-some is purely pictures, this game really shouldent have animated tag.

    Choices in game means nothing, alot of the time the options is "go look" or "go look" just with diffrent text, like with Molly the bitch you are giving the option to just look at molly without doing anything, untill game removes that option forcing you to pick as a brainless MC would pick, or before going down to see Molly its either go look to see if someone is in danger or go look to see how they are doing, same with tentacle scene clicking ignore just removes it to give you one choice to just go save her, why they put in options i dont really understand.
    Also you will be forced to tell the chosens you love them, through most of book one you had a choice to say you like or are fond of them insted of love, but at the end you can only pick love them...MC always had one love and now he loves everyone......eveything is forced by a kenitic story line.

    Story 2/5:
    Its a kinetic storeline with choices that does nothing and force actions to go one way only, gives me to much NTR feeling from cheating none stop.

    Graphics in game: 4/5
    Game looks good.

    Girls 2/5:
    Just not unique when faces are the same on most girls.

    Animations 1/5:
    Short barely an animation, just not good enough for a AVN, feel more like a small .gif then anything else, and alot of sex scenes has 0 animations, you can barely call this an animated game.

    Music 3/5:
    Not bad music, but nothing great either.

    MC/Choices 1/5:
    As a player you put yourself in MCs shoes so to speak and doing that in this game is painfull, having 0 braincells and no backbone is just not for me.

    Wish it was diffrent since the pure size and work that has gone into this game would have been really nice to play and even support, but story and MC personality is just not something i can accept.

    Not sure how it got so good reviews since this is a site for AVNs and you really cant call it that, sex scenes are far apart and the few animated ones are short and barely shows anything.
    If you decide to play it then play it as a normal VN and forget about the adult aspect or you will be very disappointed, if you play it as just a normal game you might enjoy it alot more, but i am not after a normal game when i visit this site which is also why i cant give more then 2 stars it simply just falls way to short to be an AVN, the girlfriend of MC is a constant blueballs as well, which is a clear sign that they dident really want to make it an adult game, i lost count on how many times she blueball the MC or gets interrupted over and over.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Suffers from the same problem as many porn games, in that they're very shit video games in general and tend to over focus on gameplay that they cannot provide.

    The game dangles sex in front of you like a carrot but the gameplay is way, way too long, padded and stretched out to be worth playing it all the way through. Fuuuuuck that.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    On the plus side, some of the girls are interesting, and the overall writing is decent. The sex scenes are above average, I'd say, but nothing spectacular. I'm not a big fan of this game, but I think it deserves more than 1 star.
    There are some modest problems; I don't like Katie's side-shaved hair, I don't enjoy the poker inspired combat (I'd rather just play poker), and there doesn't appear to be a way to skip the slow-ass animations after the cards are played. It makes the combat drag on, rather than be fast paced enough to be interesting. The whole "ceremonial magic" stuff seems like a thematically weak way of achieving sexual stuff, rather than a valuable addition to the story. I don't like all the clicking on various things with my mouse, especially as many of the icons are ambiguous.
    I played through act 1 about a year ago, but stopped in act 2 for reasons I promptly forgot. I started playing through act 2 again, and I remembered the main problem with this game; the blonde girl, I forget her name, is completely intolerable, and the MC's response is just shit. Having a bitchy character wouldn't be so bad if there was an option to treat her fairly, by which I mean not doing anything she asks because she's the biggest bitch on the fucking planet. Instead, the MC just goes along with her wishes because she's hot. In her earlier interactions I can tolerate the MC's tolerance of her. But then she realizes she needs his power, and starts being nice to him, proving just what a narcissistic bitch she is. But instead of telling her to fuck off, the MC keeps going along with her weird and increasingly sexual requests, at the same time as he is claiming to be in love with his girlfriend. And the place where I stopped both times is when, for reasons I can't understand, you have no choice but to let her give you a blowjob. I didn't sign up for mandatory infidelity, especially with the queen bitch. And I just can't keep playing if the MC is going to be that awful. I get that some people are suckers for blondes, and I don't mind a game having paths that are immoral, but I don't think it's too much to ask to have a path where the MC doesn't have to be a colossal asshole. And where the player doesn't have to cheat with the biggest fucking bitch I can recall ever seeing in fiction.

    And even if she has some tragic backstory that somewhat explains her bitchiness, that doesn't excuse the MC's decisions. He still proves himself to just be a fucking pig.