Unity - Completed - Love of Magic [B1 v1.6.7d + B2 v1.0.12] [Droid Productions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for adult content..
    Stayed for much, MUCH more.

    Somewhat general statement:
    Are you looking for AVN filled from start to end with sex scenes? ... This is probably not game for you.
    Are you looking for nice story, very good characters fill with links to many fantasy and sci-fi writers (Dune, Wheel of Time) AND Monty Python references? :p ... This game offers all of those and much more.

    Graphics is somehow different than most AVNs and suits fantasy motives of Love of Magic.
    Sandbox elements are very good. Fights are "poker looking" puzzles (You do not have to know anything about poker to master it in few tries), but you can skip most of those, if you do not like it.
    Soundtrack is made for this game by very very talented artists!

    Characters and ladies:
    Game is more story oriented than most of games of this genre, so you will not have freedom you might like in AVNs.
    Is that necessary bad thing? No, it is not. It takes your freedom to make solid story. Good trade off? You will be judge.
    Ladies are beautiful with character depths you won't encounter in AVNs.
    Not that many renders of sexual content included.

    Finishing words:
    This is NOT for everyone. But for me, this is best VN(ish) games can offer.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game could be fantastic, but several things are holding it back.

    One factor are the visuals. The decision to mostly use photo backgrounds of real locations results in the rendered characters being mostly superimposed on the backgrounds, not really interacting with their environment.

    The poker based combat system is a neat idea, however at a certain point it becomes trivial since your companions (and eventually you) can do SO much damage that enemies have very little chance against you. Now combat is hardly ever mandatory but you need it if you want to build your character, the grind is not all that terrible though and early on the poker based combat can be quite fun. That only changes as you and your companiens level up and gain new abilities.

    I am also not a fan that certain things are entirely unavoidable. Your main LI is something you can't change for story reasons (but she is likable and cute), you also cannot avoid cheating on your main LI who is of course 100% ok with sharing you, as women usually are (I am joking), you will inevitably get a small harem of extremely loyal quasi girlfriends.

    Some kinks are also unavoidable, if you are no fan of anal sex then you are out of luck, while it may be included for the comedy it's still something some people would rather not see or play. You get no choice here though.

    Also, while the game is story focused, meaning that sex is not the main factor here, the game still lacks several meaningful interactions with your various love interests, your main LI even outright tells you to do more for your other harem members (she really is VERY understanding....) several times, yet outside of the main story you hardly ever interact with your other LIs, which would be ok if the MC wants to be faithful, but he's anything but.

    Another thing I did not like at all is the forced submissve (no avoiding it) aspect of the romance with the three other LIs. You can at least change the default "Master" or "My Lord" nickname , I changed it to "honey" or "sweetheart" just for the lols, but the submissive nature won't entirely go away.

    In an optional side story the MC outright behaves like a creep when he takes advantage of a barista and plays silly games with her just to get into her pants. While it is optional it feels entirely out of character for the MC and should have been handled very differently.

    On the positive side the story is pretty great, even if a bit outrageous, but it's strong enough to always keep your interest up and depending on personal tastes (do you like mostly vanilla / lovey dovey?) the main LI is a sweet and likable character you will grow very fond of. Even most of your harem members are likable.

    If you, like me, have an ultra widescreen monitor (21:9) you cannot play this game in fullscreen, it will scale across your entire monitor resulting in a very weird looking game with characters not in the right place (their placement seems to depend on the resolution of the screen) so you need to play it in windowed mode and you need to manually adjust the window size.

    All in all Love of Magic is not a bad VN, the story is good, most characters are fairly interesting, it does get epic here and there and sometimes the developer tries to create mini movies within the game with long animations, but making several things unavoidable, giving you no choice in the matter, a lack of more meaningful interactions with your various LIs and the completely pointless combat once you reach a certain level (you are basically in godmode eventually) hold the VN back.

    And using photos as background instead of rendered environments - only some environments are rendered - robs the game a bit of immersion, because the characters are superimposed, cast no shadows and pop in and out of existence depending on who is currently talking to you.

    If you want to level up your character chances are you will spend a lot more time grinding for points or money than interacting with the characters you care about. Even though you can include them in your party, but party interactions are extremely limited, each party member maybe has one short scene at a camp (not rendered, text only), but after that you will get nothing.

    The sandbox aspect is mostly ok, you usually have clues where characters are, but sometimes it's easy to miss events that are not indicated, a walkthrough is 100% recommended if you want to experience and see all side content, the main content is unmissable, but many other things can easily be missed forever if you do not know where to be at the right time, resulting in entire side quest chains never available to you. A more robust hint system would have helped, especially since exploration of the sandbox is pretty boring, you just hop from one photo background to the next and you can do that at various times of the day, morning, evening, night and late night. For some reason "evening" is sometimes referred to as "afternoon" in the dialogue which can be confusing at times.

    The game is worth your time though if you can live with the lack of choices here and there, some forced content/kinks you can't avoid even if you'd like to, and a lack of interaction with your various LIs, including the main LI who is even outright removed from the game for a lengthy stretch of time in the first part, a general scarcity of more steamy scenes and a combat system that will at some point wear out its welcome and become pretty boring.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Book II end of act X
    Let's begin with this game is perfect, not the best sex game but definitely the best story in the AVN's I've played, so if you know what you're looking for and that's The Perfect story you're in the right place, about the characters they are all well written and you'll love them , character arcs and developments all done in the best way possible.
    music compliments the tone of the game and they're so good I have some of them in my phone's Playlist , it can improve in some fronts and it already has at this point compared to book one like adding fully animated scenes or ability to skip most of the combat but none of them matter because at the end of the day I'm here for the story
    Droid is one of the most talented writers I've seen in this space so don't doubt this game it'll be an awesome experience and trust me you'll even feel nostalgic about it when you're done
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent well-made game. Have done several play throughs and it never gets old. Great character development and story arc. Plus some really great art. Definitely recommend you give this a try if you haven't yet.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm only finishing the Book I, but I feel like I've already seen enough for a review.

    Honestly, I wasn't expecting much, but the game is actually a gem. The writing is top-notch, the story is very engaging and feels like a good book. The author clearly is a well-read person, you can spot a lot of threads from different works. The amount of content is worth mentioning as well, being traumatized by "WIPs" of F95, I really expected it to be cut-off at the first month, but the Book I is actually a complete game already.

    While story is the strongest point of this game, let's talk about the other ones. The combat is alright. Can't say that I love it or hate it. Could be better, but the game would be less fun without it. The weakest point I think is the H-scenes. There're no shortage of them and they're well-written, but there usually are a few renders and they're just... not hot somehow. The angles often block your vision of the action, this kind of stuff. Later in the game there're animated scenes, but it still feels like a part of the story in a boring way. Can't say if they're getting better going forward, I'll edit this part if that's the case.

    That being said, the game is still wonderful. I'd even recommend it to irl friends, which isn't what you usually do with NSFW stuff:Kappa: Forget your preferable tags - if you want a good read, this game is for you.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Game Version Reviewed: 1.2.1

    5/5 Overall 2/5 for sexual content (its not that type of story)

    I have heard many things about Unity games of this genre not being particularly good or well put together, so naturally when starting this game I was very skeptical. Let me assure anyone reading that this is very much NOT the case for Love Of Magic. It is excellently put together, and I cannot recommend it enough. The story is very engaging, and well written, and at times absolutely hilarious, over the course of playing I found myself unable to stop always wanting to know what was going to come next.

    This is not a game that has a story centered around sex, there are erotic scenes in the game, some of them have a bit of animation, but the majority of the scenes are mostly still images, but they are there to enhance the story, not for pure pornographic purposes.

    At the time of writing this review I have just finished Book 1 and highly recommend playing this game and giving it a try to see if you enjoy it as much as I did. Please support this amazing developer!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played in a long time.
    Great depth of characters, and excellent story.
    I have played this through twice now, once just before the final act was released, and once after it was complete; some optional paths were new, and some paths I didn't do the second time. Well worth playing!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed version: 1.2.1 (? thread says 1.1.9b)

    I'm barely into this and can already tell it's a banger. Characters are distinct, the lore is interesting and dialogue has a good mix of emotions (and is actual, proper English.)

    The battle minigame has enough challenge to be interesting and has some depth to it with stat, gem and other modifications.

    Models aren't perfect but look better than most games out there, with animated scenes and portraits.

    Navigation is fairly intuitive and not overly complicated or annoying, with a fair amount of locations to visit and activities to perform to pass time, boost stats and keep things moving.

    There's really not much to criticize. The in-game recommendations for other games was a nice touch that let to me downloading a few I hadn't tried.

    Super swell, totally bitchin' five-star rating.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not into convoluted stories in porn games in general. When i open f95, i always had a mindset to fap and forget, same with when reading doujins or watching porns. Been that way since i've founded this website. But recently, that mindset is a bit shaken.

    I've started to notice and enjoy the stories a bit more. Maybe because i've started to read a whole lot more books and novels in general. And when i played this game, i never thought i'd sink a whole week of my night activities on one game.

    The story sucked you right in. Yes, it's a typical "Promised one with the power to save the world" kind of story but nonetheless, it makes you wanting to read on more. The best and most complementary way i can describe this game is it's a Novel. an adult novel about the Epics of a person . with music, visuals and interactions that makes you feel and care about the characters and their stories and what might become of them.

    I've just finished book 1 and immediately prompted me to make my first ever review of a game. Try it out. it might change your view of what an adult game can be too.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This adult game is amazing and one of if not the best I have played so far. I download a lot of games off of f95zone because they are free and sometimes fun, but Love of Magic has an excellent story that is capable of immersing you into it with added sex scenes which is always a bonus, and it has great renders of all the images. Although the sex scenes could be a little more fluid in the animation however the story in my opinion more than makes up for it. I am halfway through book one at the time of review. Definitely recommend it if you are looking for something new to try out. It does take quite a bit of time though I'm at maybe 15 hours so far. Also, it has great music I usually play adult games with music volume on 0 because of the usual terrible music, but Love of Magic has music that helps the mood of the story.

    TL;DR absolute 10/10 adult game great story, great images, and good background music. First adult game that I have ever spent actual money on.
    I would buy it even if there was no sex.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first game on F95 that I enjoyed enough to review. The poker is a interesting take on regular poker and the story is interesting. I found it to be more of a real game than most of the attempts on this site.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 301726

    Calling this an "adult" or "porn" game does it a disservice. Don't get me wrong, if you're looking for something to scratch that itch between your legs, there's plenty of content here to do that, but it is far more than that.

    This is a wonderful work of story writing and entertaining gameplay that earns it a spot right next to Fate Stay/Night as one of the greats.

    I eagerly look forward to its completion.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This one grew on me as I played it longer.

    ~I really enjoyed the primary LI quite a lot. What a sweetheart!
    ~Mc was decent- but occasionally annoyingly overconfident and pig-headed.
    ~Some good banter
    ~Game mechanics were rather fun- its not like the most interesting mechanic- but there is still room to game the system by timing the use of lightning well and swapping out your gem sets.
    ~Sprites are fantastic.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Personally I think this is one of, if not the best adult game(s).

    Some points in its favor:
    • Actual gameplay, not just talking to a girl over and over to increase "love stat". This game is about a lot more then the adult in adult games.
    • A power fantasy with actual backstory and a lot of lore and worldbuilding. Not just here you go, you're a god, have fun.
    • A harem without it ruining the story or game, might not be a + for everyone but it is for me.
    • A fairytale romance, which is actually sweet and heartwarming. I will say if you don't like Emily, this game is not for you, she is and will always be the main love interest (unavoidable).
    • Sandbox but because its partially a kinetic novel (most text choices are flavor and big interactions/events have set dates) the interactions with the girls always make sense. For example you don't have 30 different scenario's with girl X because it has to check what stage you're at with girl Y and Z and if *generic sandbox harem game* doesn't do this it doesn't make sense or the girls never mention each other.
    • Even if you don't like the poker aspect the combat is still enjoyable if you use auto attack. Why? It still matters a lot which ally abilities you active and sometimes even in which order. And of course you can still tactically discard your hand at the end of the board.
    • The use of a lot of existing lore, it adds a nice twist to things or people we "already knew".
    • Interesting story, I can't (re)play this game without doing it all in 1 sitting, even though I know what happens I want to progress the story because its so good.

    • I gave it 5 stars didn't I? Why are you looking here, there is nothing here.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is one of the rare ones where the characters actually develop with the story and grow into their changing roles well. The renders of the game are almost without peer. The writing is quite amazing. The only advisory that this game deserves is that it takes a good bit of time to progress through it, but it is certainly worth it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    After being recommended to play this game by a couple of friends within the VN community i set aside my evenings to commit to playing this amazing game.

    TLDR this game is fucking awesome play it if you love an awesome story in a modern fantasy setting, with an awesome modified take on Arthurian legend.

    As someone who had never played before starting from the beginning was an awesome experience and got me on the path to be strapped into this new world for 40+ hours this game is huge and in a really good way, setting up plot and characters, the world, and the Arthurian legends was all a pleasure to sit through and absorb.

    The story in this game is on another level, Every character fits into the world and story really well and it flows really well. Its one of those games where you come to the end of a small storyline and your saying to yourself "Please be more content please be more content" and when you keep going you give a huge sigh of relief as exploring this world and characters is amazing.

    The characters are all cuties its one of those games where its very hard atleast for me to pick a favourite girl, Emily is defo my number one wifey, but Bella, Katies and Molly are all cute and awesome too and you just wanna hang around, work together and protect them all for the trouble of whats to come in the story.

    As someone who is from the UK i'm always skeptical as the country is very poorly portrayed in a majority of these games whether that is due to playing on stereotypes or having a lack of 3D assets to convey a sellable UK environment, But i must say Droid has done a really good job of having Scottish humor and architecture in the game that does a real good job in convincing me its actually set in the UK.

    All in all this game is 100% a 5/5 and a must play to anyone who loves visual novels
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    My review of Love Of Magic (Book 1)


    The lore of this game actually is pretty interesting.
    MC is likable in the beginning and the writing still interesting.
    Over time this unfortunately turns into endless walls of extremely verbose text and MC only talks about violently murdering anyone looking wrong at his (forced love interest) girlfriend and how great he now is.
    Characters are all pretty 1-dimensional, and while there are about 5 other girls, about 90% of the game revolve about your forced love interest while you can't really do anything with the others.
    Of course the story is also linear and your choices don't matter at all.

    Gameplay (General)
    Most of the gameplay is spent grinding or reading endless text of story events.
    Story events occur automatically on certain days or when you go to certain places meeting the right criteria.
    Otherwise you're just grinding money or stats.
    Money is gained by working at the bar (click button and skip repeating text) or by killing monsters in another dimension.
    Stats are gained the same way as working at the bar (just in different places), and are needed to advance the story sometimes.
    You also gain levels from combat, but they don't really matter apart from getting stronger enemies that drop more money.

    Gameplay (Combat)
    Combat is absolutely awful (extra -1 star for that alone).
    It's basically a mixture of Poker and Bingo.
    9 cards in the center, 5 in your hand, you have to use 2 to hit a good poker hand (the higher the better).
    By hitting a hand a gem (usually damage or shield) slotted to that hand activates.

    Here's where a huge problem lies:
    You can only chose gems (1 per slot) before combat, so you will either go damage in every slot or shield or a 50% mix between the two and hope it's possible to hit the hand you need.
    The safest way to play is just going full shield and letting your forced love interest casually do 1000 damage each turn (more than you can do).
    But no matter what you choose it's very boring and combat would be way better if you could have multiple gems in 1 slot and actually choose which spell to cast in combat.

    Another problem is teammate imbalance:
    Some are completely overpowered (1000 damage per turn / turn your hand into jokers every turn) and some completely useless (heal for less than 100 every turn).
    You can basically just sit back and relax while your girlfriend kills everything and you put jokers in random places without the need to think.

    Oh, and if you somehow manage to die it's no biggie.
    You just lose the money you've collected that trip, or it was a boss-fight you were supposed to lose to advance the story.

    The graphics are pretty average.
    It's mostly some blurred real-life-backgrounds with Daz3D sprites and occasional Daz3D renders.
    Sometimes there's even videos, but they're pretty cringe, animated very poorly, and they're also heavily compressed.

    Sound is pretty decent.
    There always is some good background music playing, but maybe there could be more variety.

    A highly overrated game.
    Only playable if you like the forced love interest (the elf) + endless walls of extremely verbose text + lots of grinding.
    I played until the reaching "2nd city", hoping it would get better, but it was still the same, so I quit.

    I would normally give it 3 stars, but combat is so bad, and could so easily be improved, I feel I have to retract another star.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Versions - Book I: 1.1.9B
    Book II. 0.2.21B

    This game is amazing :love: give it a try if you haven't. A lot of work and a whole of love went into making this yet to be completed masterpiece, and I cannot help but give this game a glowing review.

    Story = 5/5 - The game in general is very well written. The story is essentially an isekai with some of the usual RPG tropes and archetypes, but the way it unfolded felt natural, captivating, well paced, and never forced. The unraveling of the mysteries of magic and the various worlds in the game coincided beautifully with the development of the MC as he grew more powerful. There are some periods in the game where the development of the story slows down, especially near the end of Book I, but with the wealth of things to do in the game, it never felt boring. The dialogue also felt natural and unartificial. Though the sex scenes are relatively far in between, they are always within the context of the story in general, and never thrown out of the blue, which is a big plus for me.

    Fun Factor = 5/5 - The combat mechanic of poker is unique, refreshing, and a lot of fun. It has the right amount of familiarity to immediately get into, due to the relative universality of poker rules, and the right amount of tactical complexity and customizability, to really immerse you into the game, especially since it was uniquely contextualized as something that's only happening in the MC's mind. There might be a bit of grinding involved, but not too much of it. I'm also looking forward to the development of the tactical battles - it is in a rudimentary state as of now, but the idea of an RTS / Tower defense hybrid, in a sex game with an already robust RPG mechanics, is quite astounding.

    Renders = 5/5 - The renders are excellent in general, does not feel outdated, and are on par with some of the more well known games here. Each of the characters also have their own unique beauty and charm, which gives them more life, and makes them feel less artificial. The animation feels a bit rudimentary, but considering how difficult it is to render animations, and the relative wealth of animations in both sex scenes and non-sexual cut scenes, I'd still say they did a good job. The portrait animations and the idle animations during conversations is also a big plus, it breathes life into the characters and the scenes in general.

    Music = 5/5 - In general, music in sex games is an underestimated facet. I am not sure if the music in the game is unique to it or non-copyrighted, but it contributed immensely to the feel and the ambience of the game. The cut scenes were more epic, the battles more intense, and the love scenes were more romantic, because of the music. I especially like Jenny's theme, it is very reminiscent of the music of Persona games.

    All in all, an excellent game. Kudos to the developers for a job well done thus far, I hope you guys can maintain the same level of quality and dedication in the development of books II and III.
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2412505

    Review for Book 1.
    - Game has an intriguing plot line.
    - Has unique and good looking characters.
    - lots of content.
    Can I just say that Unity is the worst game engine you can use to make adult games beside Unreal? Game hangs every 5 or so minutes on my 4gb ram mobile.
    - Sandbox element are most of the time tiring. Here it's not so much but still can be felt grindy sometimes.
    - MC is likable guy in other aspects but when it comes to Emily he can be really annoying sometimes. I get he loves her the most but sometimes it feels too much. Game has most of its content dedicated to her and focuses little to none on other characters. Like other LIs doesn't even exists.
    - Animation feels lackluster.
    Decent game in my opinion. Could be better if dev cares of some if these aspects.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This has no right to be as compelling and enjoyable as it is. I was prepared for a bit of romance and a whole lot of sex. I ended up not sleeping because I couldn't stop playing it, and not caring that - compared to other games - it hasn't got a huge amount of sex in it. I am genuinely bummed that it's over and I'm going to have to get busy waiting until it's done.