RPGM - Completed - Love paradise [Final] [7 Roads 1 Taste]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty short but pretty good.
    Lots of scenarios explored through the various types of girls you need to avoid.
    Boss fights suck. Don't even bother, play the game on easy.
    It mostly wins points by not being half-assed, most of the other RPGM reverse rape games are either very feminizing or very, very raw.
    Story isn't much to talk but I found it sweet and memorable.
    The game does lose momentum/steam a little bit as it goes on, alternate failure endings trend towards getting shorter and shorter as you get closer and closer to the end. The last area only has 3 girls while every other place seemed to have at least 4.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Premise: You've been given a BS trial by the game's equivalent to god, to remain faithful to a girl that you have a crush on (ya know, because apparently you can be unfaithful towards someone you're not dating) and if you don't then poof goes all of humanity.

    Gameplay: The "combat" is super boring, so i highly suggest turning the difficulty to "very easy" and simply playing like this: See girl, save game, encounter girl, lose to girl, view H-scene, load game, defeat girl, locate next girl, repeat. Alternatively, play straight through defeating everything on your first go, and simply use the gallery area in the post game to view H-content after you've beaten everything (annoyingly, the gallery is one that makes you redo the combat every time, but you can simply surrender).

    H-Scenes: Honestly the most disappointing part of this because i really like the art style, but the actual cg's in the sex scenes are very lack-luster, and while i don't like overly lengthy scenes, these are too short and the writing is "meh" at best. Also, should be fairly obvious that it's a femdom game, but personally, I'd call it light femdom, the hardest kink in this is one scene of the main character getting stepped on.