Are promotions hard capped now? I've become CEO and recently the promotion progress stopped again at a max, is there a way to go infinite still or is it capped? Haven't tried New Game so if it's capped I guess it's due to that?
Only related vaguely, I can't seem to get many of the office scenes unlocked. Shiori is stuck at bringing milk and I remember more stuff happening after that previously. Checking the wiki I guess the problem might be that I haven't given Shiori the gift.
IIRC promotions are indeed hard capped since some time now to stop getting the money getting too ridiculous. Should still be enough.
Hello, is there a way to change Bree's path from the Player path to the Maid path? I desperately don't want to start a new game because it will take too long to return the same progress. Perhaps there is a way to change something in the save file or something like that?
Unfortunately no way is known. Changing variables in the save file can sometimes work but it is not a single one. Your best bet would probably be to reset all Bree stuff to starting values, but that will still probably bork up the save since some other events are connected.
I appreciate the work of the creators
Andrealphus has made a mess of it!
How many gamers have not indicated that they get stuck
That's all I have to say DipYorFingersonmy. I wish you a good day
Have you entertained the option that many players do not indicate that they get stuck because they don't get stuck at the places you do? The more specific examples of your problems so far which could be deciphered weren't bugs (though I will admit that there are a lot) but you not following the questlog. Many of your complaints are too generic however for anybody to help you with.
The first part I don't understand however, Andrealphus (and his team) are the creators. They didn't make "a mess" out of something which apparently worked well - it is a mess in points and it will get sorted out. Again, you are playing a pretty complex (for this site) game during development, there will be bugs.