Anyone made an up to date guide to the game yet?
If you want to play the game to achieve your desired outcomes I recommend you follow their
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There you can read on every character's possible story lines. how to achieve them. How to avoid locking out certain character. Which items do what. etc. It is by no means a complete wiki nor does it have all information, but it is the best source to clear any questions you might have on how to complete certain routes or harems. I also think is more intuitive to search specific information on the wiki rather than the PDF guide I've seen on the original post. I usually have about 10 tabs of the wiki characters, items, and mechanics whenever I play lol but thats me who wants to play a game knowing exactly where im going.
The city map often does not match its image to the time of day. For example, it's 07:00 but the map is still dark.
I noticed that too. I think it only happens in the morning when it changes from night to daytime. And I usually find that it refreshes itself if I go back home and back into the city map