Shiori has to be in the office to serve you coffee. The meeting triggers in Aletta's office. May have to wait for the date until you get the meeting to trigger.
No no that is not that event that triggers with her milk from the breast its another event the wiki dont say that you need to sleep with the girls within 7 days on any events that trigger the office harmens and not that you need to take audry to are beach date.Because that coffee break is that you need to take audry to are beach date and then sleep withing shiroi and audry within 7 days to trigger that coffee break. And before this question pop up ther is another event that is not listet on the wiki for the office harem:
the least event listet on the wiki is that:
Prerequisites: done Three times the trouble >= 2 days ago, all are in the office, work or work hard
Mike is doing more team building with the girls.
but ther is another one sleep with all 4 girls within 7 days then go to work and work it triggers at
Alettas office make sure that all girls joined the harem then you got are 5 some
and as i remember look some post beak i asket the question with the coffee break to.