Got a few questions. Any help would be apprecaited!
1) Minami never showed up for the first summer even though we've had the phone conversations and I've spoken with both Bree/Sasha. I've also cleared out the attic and found all of Ryan's creepy shit. It's now the second Summer. How can I get her to show up?
2) Kleio is sitting at 70LP and I can't get her to advance. Any idea how I trigger our chat about her feelings toward me?
3) I read in the walkthrough but I want to confirm: if I meet Emma after Samantha and I've got together, is there any way to get out of the friendzone?
Also, just a general note: there are a lot of events that require it to be summer. This used to be OK when the cheat supported it but this causes the game to really slow down. Also, it would be great if we could get events for the winter as well so there's something to look forward to then as well!