Ren'Py - Love & Sex Second Base [v24.9.0] [Andrealphus]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has been in development for so long that we're now seeing the artist develop changes in their art style. It's still a fun game when the bugs are fixed and you can see all of the content trigger at the right moments. The story is fine and every character has an arc that is worth going through at least once. Hopefully it's finished and bug free by 2023.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    bugs, gameplay is atrocious and not fun, u cant go in one single day and do something without one needs going to zero, moving between areas is bad and confusing, leveling up ur stats is done in terrible manner unless i am stupid and dont know how to do it, physical strength u can rise only once at 6 am in ur room i didnt found any other way to do it and its not always possible for some reason either, charisma u can rise in bathroom while talking to mirror also in some particular hours and once a day, intelligence u can do without problem in university tho, not much fun when u play on normal difficulty, interactions with girls are also random sometimes talking with them will get love up and sometimes its going down, the state the game is now may be only playable on easy mode
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I really wish this site let me give half stars, because I'd rather give this a 3.5, but I won't over-sell it with a 4.

    Right, lets start by talking about a bias I'll have and will be impacting this review. I went into this expecting this to follow the relatively similar trends and guidelines as other harem builders; you go around slutting it up, tagging and bagging everyone you see with no significant, or at least permanent consequences. And boy howdy was that a terrible idea; I ended up locked out of some content fairly quickly and just keeping some girls around became a struggle. This is doubly true for fellow pregnancy tag stalkers, as impregnating them too early increases the chances of a lockout occurring.

    As a result of the above, I found myself hindered by game mechanics fairly regularly, avoiding certain locations at various times of day as to not trigger the damning event until such a time I could resolve it. Speaking further on the mechanics, the in-game hint system for developing your relationship with the girls can at times be vague the point of obtuse; actively making it harder to progress with them by saying things like "take X on a date", despite them actually needing Y lvl of stat and specifically taken to Z location. There is also rarely a warning about the repercussions of specific events that take place; sometimes it seems like you nailed it and did it flawlessly, only to find out half an hour later you didn't have something you needed to unlock a certain trait from that scene, and now you can't take a specific path later.

    One could argue (and may in fact be the developer's intention) that this gives a more real and genuine experience. To pull this off in real life, you would have to try and avoid certain meet-ups, not know what you need to advance your relationship, to not know what you're missing out on by not going down certain paths with your lover. My response to that is thus: this is a game for horny people. My blood isn't going to my brain right now, and I'd prefer not to overthink things. Generally speaking, following the K.I.S.S. rule is paramount in this type of game because obstructing the flow the player gets into with tedious or unclear objectives can utterly ruin the experience. The redeeming factor here is that there is a fairly well developed wiki which can help people avoid pitfalls provided they're willing to accept some spoilers, which personally I think is a MUCH better alternative to having to start a file over given how long things can take to develop (even with the in-game cheats, you can't save a truly screwed up run).

    A major personal peeve from me while on the note of development; the pregnancies are unfortunately, poorly done. The mechanic itself is fine, and the few scenes where it's relevant are usually quite nice, but the visual changes on the characters make it clearthis was an after-thought. Many of them are just a copy pasted and slightly re-shaped layer. It's ok at best on some, but at worst it's plain as day and outright jarring. The greatest offender I found so far was Hanna, whose belly didn't even match her skin tone. The only way I can even tolerate her presence now is by going with the head-canon that she's wearing a stocking-like body-glove over everything except her stomach (I know it doesn't make sense with her head and hair, but it's all I got).

    The positive section will be shorter, but no less significant. Despite all these negatives, the writing is still pretty good. They said they wanted a comedic tone for the game and for the most part it's there (though often in the form of over-exaggerated stereotypes). While I of course developed favorites, I didn't encounter anyone I genuinely disliked, or at least if I did that I couldn't change into a more pleasing version. Also the idea that you don't have one massive harem, but several smaller ones is something I kind of like. It prevents what would be obvious clash-of-characters from the many different personalities, and helps keep things from becoming too samey. Though again, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU KEEP THE WIKI HANDY, unless you're the type who gets satisfaction from running through story driven content multiple times. I consider porn games like I would any story heavy game; I want to see as much as I possibly can in as few playthroughs as possible. This is because I don't like seeing the same story too much as it can wear on the experience, but this is a personal preference.

    All in all, I recommend this, just know ahead of time that the developer intentionally put traps in the game, and it can be quite the time-sink.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the only game I bother to come back to and check out the new updates, with that out of the way, I want to say this game is fantastic.
    I'm usually a guy who prefer easy to get porn scenes and don't care about characters. But This game have proved me wrong that I actually can enjoy this kind of games, fleshed out original characters and many many events with them and they are still adding (hoping for more Shiori content!).

    The game can be some what grindy, but for me in this case is not an issue since I think the grind pays off in the long run.
    I read people have issues with events that is bugged, I have not come over any issues, I thought I did several times before, but it turned out after some reading on the games wiki and some trial and error. I found out that I did not do the smallest thing so the event wouldn't start.
    The only thing I can say I have a problem with is the small lag issue, but that's not a deal breaker for me, since it's still in development.
    I love the art, but I would prefer if it was animated also, but hey... you can't get all you want ;)

    Keep up the good work!!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    By far one of the best games I've ever played.
    The writing is all in all quite excellent - if a little bit cheesy at times - and the sheer number of options available, while making it hard to play the game through in one sitting, are more than worth spending a good amount of time.
    The mechanics, although a tad too grindy at times, too, are all in all appropriate for a sim of this kind and for the most part well balanced.
    Really, the only complaint I have is that the female character start still has little content, so I hope that'll still change.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice game with lots of contents (and that doesn't take gigabytes just for pictures), many hours/days to play with and discover all the paths and possibilities, nice and simple artwork, all protagonists looks different (not the same head with different hairstyle/clothes).
    Ok, maybe too much contents because there are some issues here and there, something like incompatibility between events, or conditions to trigger them, even if we can (yeah, I know that irl too we can't have all we want, just that sometime the game tells something will happen and… nothing is coming without understanding why ^_^)
    Also I'm not a big fan of "make all these girls some slave-sluts and harem them'all" but it's not that slutty or depraved without non-sense like many other harem-games which are more sm/rape-game than anything else (ok, it's a porn-game, maybe for many devs the enslaved path is more a way to get a stable - but strange - relationship between protagonists without frustrating the player?).
    I'm waiting now more for the female protagonist content in order to see if it will change that behavior. :p
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Edit: I have moved my rating from 2 stars to 3 stars for the New Game + feature that has been added. It really does help the player manage one of the core struggles of this game that mentioned in my review. But we still have a long way to go, as there are still plenty of other problems that still need to be dealt with, and a few new ones that I have found in 21.6.0c. But I'll wait until a much later build before considering a full new review.

    The review from here on forth is based on versions 21.3.1 and 21.4.0. Remember, some of my criticisms may have been addressed in a newer version of the game.

    I think this game suffers severely from mechanical/function/logic related issues, as in, how well/poorly done some many of the game's features are. While I recognize there is great vision behind this game, and it is well made in a lot of respects, I do not think it's as well made as it could be. I get the impression its high rating is related to the fact that there are so few games like it, so it's fresher than some games. But that also means there is very little to really compare it against, which can lead to the stagnation of quality. The next closest game that comes to my mind is Summertime Saga, which has some drastic differences.

    This game is basically a "choose your waifu" sandbox dating sim. Each girl has a mostly self-contained storyline for you to follow. Some branch off and connect with others. However, I have come across numerous problems with 'how' this sandbox style has been implemented.
    - Several of the story arcs are impossible to figure out without the wiki, which means the game's sense of direction is lacking, even with the in-game hints. It's a porn game. Nobody wants to have work that hard.
    - It's also easy to get soft-locked in this game. On more than one occasion, a girl simply will not show at a specific location at a specific time on a specific day, denying the player the ability to unlock the next event for several weeks in a row. Some events are even tied to specific seasons, or locations that are available only in the summer season. If you miss your opportunity, you have to go through a whole in-game year to get back to be able to progress.
    - Sometimes events that do trigger can override others, forcing you to miss other important events and even hard-locking you from meeting new characters.

    The primary gameplay is grindy AF attribute micromanagement.
    You start off with 0 in your three attributes: knowledge, fitness, and charm with a few choice starting bonuses that are laughably small. In order to unlock certain options, characters, and events, you need to raise these scores, some as high like 80, but you'll be raising most these one to two points at time. Unfortunately, many events are timed, so they will auto trigger before you can even get your stats to a specific threshold for a more desirable outcome.
    And you cannot simply grind these stats all the time because you are also juggling your energy, hunger, cleanliness, mood, time, and money, AND your waifu's kinkiness and love points. If you want your girl to be kinky enough to do anal or wear a sexy outfit, you have to grind her kink points. Unfortunately, that usually involves mass-buying sex-slave novels. Unless she has specific dialogue options or events that raise her kink, it could take you as much as 25 in-game days and $1,250 just to be able to slap her ass without upsetting her. (What a gold-digger, lol).

    The economy is complete shit.
    $50 for a manga. $100 dollars for a teddy bear or a box of ten condoms? That $25 burger had better be the best burger on the planet. And unless it's used, I think the only reason the sports car is $20,000 is to give you a chance to actually buy it after a year in-game since you get paid so little - that is also assuming you have not also been spending money on stat increases or your waifus. Dating can get expensive. You're not even earning a living wage at your programming job when the game starts. Somewhere in the realm of $9-10 an hour. You can get raises, but they are so small they don't really matter. You pretty much NEED the workaholic attribute to get enough raises to actually start making enough money to buy the sports car, which you to buy for just one special scene with Kleio. An awfully large paywall for so small a reward.

    This game is extremely buggy and some events that should be doable are impossible.
    - Some events are simply broken and don't work. One example, Lavish has a secret Sleaze value. In order to get a special option with her, you need to raise it to 10. But you can only raise it to 9 by that point in the game.
    - There are several encounters where when choosing to have sex "with a condom" gives you the "without a condom" event and vice versa.
    - Errors are common when you're trying to have a conversation with one girl, and another girl who is present tries to start a conversation with you at the same time. Usually you just have to rollback and exit interaction with the current girl, but it sure is annoying (this was from a previous version and has been fixed, but it could come back for all we know, because... ).
    - It seems like every other time a new version is released, something else gets broken along the way. After going from v21.3.1 to v21.4.0, my MC can't do the chores, but none of the girls lose love points.

    The artwork is inconsistent. Some of the girls look pretty good. Others are unrealistic as hell, like Lexi and Kylie. I liked the old version of Kleio better, too.

    Sexual encounters can sometimes never change. The dialogue and narrations for your 10th encounter with a girl can easily be exactly the same as the 1st, depending on the girl or your position choices.
    Others are just straight up unfinished. I found if doing a sexual encounter with a pregnant Audrey in missionary, she freaks out if you don't put on a condom as though she was not pregnant.

    Navigation is annoying, but it's not the worst I've ever seen.
    - I frequently find myself clicking between living room and kitchen trying to find the damn hallway so I can have my character take a shower. Many location icons move around in the line when they don't have to.
    - It also seems arbitrarily done that sometimes you can more easily exit or entire a location than the other. For example: while it is convenient you do not have to re-enter the main office to leave your workplace, it's very weird that you can travel straight to the bathroom from the attic, but you cannot go from the bathroom to the attic.

    You'll basically find yourself playing this game as follows:
    Earn $$$ -> boost stats -> delay events with your waifu -> repeat until you have good stats and lots of money.
    In other words, you're going to be blue-balling yourself for 90% of this game. I can sit down and finagle with this game for 3 hours just trying to make money and grind stats because I want to see a specific scene. This is not okay game design.

    If you got a pregnancy/impregnation kink like me, you'll be blue-balling yourself even more so, for so-so content. Almost all the girls can get pregnant and have a pregnancy sprite, but...
    1) It takes a long-ass time to get laid.
    2) She'll probably make you wear a condom until she likes you more, or if you get her drunk.
    3) If you do manage to impregnate a girl, she could still abort it on you.
    4) If you convince a girl to keep the baby, she goes from flat to third trimester in a matter of days. And they never give birth until you marry them, and then it's game over anyways.

    I also get the impression that the dev intends for us to start new games each time we want to try a new route. I don't think very many people are actually going to want to do that. Playing a new game per-girl or per-harem requires having to go through all the same grinding and shenanigans over and over and over. Maybe that interests some people, but I think most people are going to want to set themselves up in a way that they can see as many of the endings they want to see as possible within a single play-through. That means flipping through the wiki and wasting hours making money and grinding stats.

    This game could be a lot better, but it would probably take a total overhaul to make that happen. I think many of the problems could have been avoided if the dev had not put in so many different girls to work on simultaneously, and had instead completed each girl one at a time. But this is what we got.

    The things I would like to see added/changed/fixed the most, if possible:
    - Missing events or seasons should not hard-lock you out of certain characters or routes. All events should be avoidable or accessible for when you choose to initiate them.
    - A better organized navigation bar, with each location's image being easily recognizable against the rest.
    - Completely redo the MC's wages, the costs of items, and stat increases for both the MC and girls to bring the grind down to a reasonable level.
    - Add more variables to sexual encounters, so we're not reading the same shit every time.
    - Maybe two additional pregnancy stages: small bump -> medium -> big.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I admit it, 'Love&Sex: 2nd Base' is one of my guilty pleasures found on this forum. A peculiar cross between a multi-threaded VN and a semi-open world simulator of life of a young IT man, who typically starts as a reluctant loser of sort, to progress into an ass&pussy magnet able to talk, butt slap and date virtually all woman he meets into obiedient sex-slaves, some of them living together under the same roof and then some.

    The plot is ridiculous, allowing the player to act like a master Playa, dating and fucking multiple girls with no major repercussions, if he knows how to play his cards right. The game's mechanics and rules are so complex and specific to every of PC's romantic or sleazy interests that it is not possible to make significant progress in the game without a detailed walkthrough or hours of experimentation. The graphic art is a mixed bag, with some scenes acceptable and others downright ugly. Dialog voiceover, though incomplete, is a nice addition. A lot of 'quests' involve significant amount of daily grind that may take a good portion of the in-game's year to complete. Once a girl is yours, collared and deeply in love&devotion, and all the lewd scenes have been unlocked, your relationship with them becomes a repetitive chore, which kinda sorta encourages the player to act not fully faithful and look for other girls to mess with (although you may 'friendzone' each girl and just concentrate on chasing the one... but you'll probably miss out on a lot of content). Which is a shame a bit, as some of these female characters are interesting enough to root for and I am sure every player has their favourite and there will be situations that would break one heart or two in real life. But not necessarily here.

    Yet still, despite these shortcomings, I do enjoy the game's light-hearted (bar one, avoidable tragic event), comedic style and the PCs duality of character, an impossibly perfect mix of asshole and sweetheart, who could not possibly be taken seriously. The NPCs are also interesting enough, with the dev fully committed to not making them carbon copies of one another, but complex (as far as fapping games are concerned) persons with their own goals and agendas.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the best Dating Sim game here, it deserves five stars, no doubt. 100 percent recommended, has a lot of quality content, It deserves all the praise it gets, and the creator deserves for you to check it out and support them if you can
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best Dating Sim game here, it deserves five stars, not doubt. totally recommended, have a lot of high quality content, every girl in this game feels special and different, music and art are great . It deserves all the praise it gets, and more.

    But not all is perfect, is just to grindy, getting money takes forever, no matter how much you work, money and time would take much of the fun of this game. The kink mechanic takes a lot of your money to increase one kink point to a girl. Some events adds just 1 or 2 kink points, so you would have to spend too much money increasing this stat only in one girl, so getting all the girls to the minimum kink is just too much time consuming. The other mayor problem is not having a CG or event gallery, so you have to save every event in a different save shot to see the CG again.

    Also the map menu is beautiful, but you would get lost easily, so, returning to your house, getting to your job, finding the mall or the bath could be very frustrating experience. Not knowing if a girl would accept the sexydress, sexy lingery or sexyswinsuit is also a bummer.

    As i said, a like this game girls. so let review each one

    Bree: She is perfect, maybe too perfect, well worked but sometimes feels like the easy route. She cosplays as Bowsette so yes, she is a keeper. Her sexy swinsuit is the sexiest. 10/10
    Sasha: Having opposites events for her kinks points seems like a nightmare, also, there is no way to get a bath blowjob from her, no matter what. (maybe cause is pregnant, i don't know) Sexysuit is not that sexy. 8/10
    Minami: she is fun, great addition. but having events only for summer, can be a great drawback. 10/10
    Samantha: Feels some kind boring in general. 3/10
    Kleio: I liked Kleio first design, and now she is like a mechanic? not a fan of her new design or her new haircut. 5/10
    Anna: She likes anal, wait Anna? anal? 6/10
    Hanna: disappears one day, and probably you wouldn't know what you did wrong. ?/10
    Aletta: Boss kink is nice, also, i don't like firearms, but for effects of dating her, you do. 7/10
    Shiori: The mascot of the game after Bree. There is too much love into her character. 10/10
    Morgan: transforming her into a proper girl takes forever, increasing kink forever, takes to much dedication working on Morgan. 6/10
    Alexis: You can choose if she cheats on you or not, choosing yes, don't open a cuckhold route so a shame.(it seems i did something wrong but only because i read a guide). 3/10
    Kylie: Can't figure out her at all. Call the police and buy the cameras or Bree and Sasha would lost all her's kink. 1/10
    Audrey: Not bad, her normal swimsuit is sexier that her sexysuit for me, so don't give her a sexySwinsuit. The slutty coworker. 7/10
    Palla: A rape kink? also can't figure out what to do, if i am in charge of her career as agent, just lose money over and over. 8/10
    Cassidy: Hate this bitch, making her our pet is totally satisfactory. Now a love her. 10/10
    Lavish: A nice girl, saves your ass in Cassidy route. 6/10
    Harmony: A want to corrupt her so bad, but it takes time and sometimes, can only be found on sundays. 3/10
    Lexy: Is fun at start, but need more events. 6/10
    Mike: stills needs to figure out that he can lunch in his job.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 10/10

    has a compelling storyline

    Art 9/10

    use to have better art but one of the artists stopped doing their art for them so it has changed but not too bad

    Greed 0/10

    Most game developers that have steam and Patron lock the beta and or 1 or more updates behind Patron, not them they only lock cheat codes to the game behind the patron so their latest Patron version is the same as the latest Steam version

    Difficulty 4/10

    it's not too difficult but for the first time playing it can be but after a few trials and errors you get the swing of it and it not too difficult to remember
    the hardest part is keeping dates and events from happening at the same time cause missing a date by even one hour can lower the love from the girls so try to keep that in mind
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd give it a 5 but I'm not really fond of the Female MC Path. I've grown too attached to Bree for her to bang the whole city :(:LOL:

    Mike path is Pretty Good though. My Favorites are Bree, Palla and Sasha + Morgan. Can't wait for more.

    I'll Definitely buy it if it comes to steam. at least for the Mike Path
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    *This review is based on the version I played back in September 2020*

    The story drags on for too long, there is no way to re-watch the scenes so if you didn't make backup on some of the scenes good luck replaying the game. The character models look nice but the CG scenes are mediocre at best, feel very rushed. Any game that needs a wiki or a guide, which means the game itself doesn't guide you at all, loses points in my opinion, having to snipe what time of the day each girl goes to certain places is a CHORE.

    Mediocre game, could've been better.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has some great art and some genuinely cute and fun interactions between players. There's plenty of kinky sex on top of more vanilla scenes, which is nice, and overall is pretty great. The major negative of the game is the gameplay which is pretty grindy... and like many RenPy games, kinda shallow. The good news is you can use the cheat mode to avoid almost all of this which is the reason the game is a 5/5 as opposed to a 4/5.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good art, solid gameplay loop, lots of girls to talk to, and the bit of va are a nice touch. It still needs a bit of work - one of my main issues is navigation between areas, especially the house. Still, this is one fo the better games of this sort out at the moment.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I've been thinking how to properly rate this one... I really want F95 to introduce 0,5 in this because otherwise it would be a solid 3,5 but with full score I'm a bit closer to 4.

    Let's start simple. Game has a fun concept, good art and is actually updated and cared for. This instantly moves it into higher leagues. Concept is simple - dating. You can play as either Mike ( Male ) or Bree (Female - Minimal content ).

    I have to admit that simplicity is one of it's best traits. Some games that are suppose to be sims quickly introduce a ton of useless things and you must wiggle about, trying to understand how to date properly. Here, you open 1 screen and game shows you how, when and what to do to meet / get further with the girl. Quite handy.

    Gameplay is simple. Go to work to earn money. Buy gifts for girls and items to boost your MC stats. There is also difficulty in this game, I recommend 'easy' simply because that if you play on 'normal' or 'hard' the amount of time you have to work to get some things is just insane. Less grinding and far smoother experience with the game. Trust me.

    Routes. You can date more than 1 girls as long as she belongs to a certain group, otherwise they might consider it cheating and you just lost the possibility of dating. Such as 'Home Harem' that allow you to go out with both Sasha and Bree as long as you meet certain requirements before the event fires.

    I'm honestly hoping for the full Harem route, I'm a Pokemon player and 'Gotta catch 'em all!' is here with me. :D

    However, game loses a lot of it's charm as you get to meet with all the girls. Simply because... Well, they're not very diverse. Even if you look at main page and look at the girls below around 90% look the same when it comes to body, just swapped face and hair. Those who are actually flat are *insert fanfares here* ...are lesbian tomboys! There is even a fun thing to one of them where you can make her more girly if you want to when you're dating her. Oh, and your sister. IT IS INCEST?! Not really, adoption~!

    And those not diversed characters are what damages the game a lot. Sure, if you only like woman with big breasts then it's not that much of a pain but I like diversity and others who do as well might have a weaker experience in that.

    Another problem that you might lock yourself out of the possibility of dating some characters by pure accident. Simple possibilities are Hanna who after hiting certain amount of love will have a gym dilemma and unless you have enough domination or money will disappear from the save... for good. Another is Morgan and Kleo who might start a catfight if you're there and unless you have high enough love, domination and equal lesbian interest you just locked one of them out.

    Other thing is... I hope that I won't insult anyone who's Mike is based off of but... He looks like a teen who after being dumped went through his mid-life crisis and every time he goes to brush his hair he gets hit with electric current. He looks like that dude in class who thinks he's cool but falls short anyway. There's an option to go to the mall and buy him clothes and change hairstyle but it doesn't change anything. I'd love if it did. Also, some facial hair would be cool too would help him lose his baby looking face.

    Overall not too bad but has a few missing features and changes I'd like to see.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty good, there is a good amount of h-scenes that are all earned and not just given away, the game mechanism is pretty good with the job, promotions, studies, etc...

    But there's a lot of bad things:
    • Most of the girls are tall big boobed bimbo and while there are some different personnalities, the cast is mostly composed of them
    • The other girls that don't fall under that category only have 1 or 2 scenes and that's a real shame because they have a lot of potential
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Jesus Christ just take a fucking shower dude... I promise you people do care if you smell like a rotting carcass irl they just wont often say it to your face. But they will talk about you to others and eye you with disgust. This review dedicated to the man below me. Someone please buy him soap and a power washer so he can clean himself of his melancholy... and flesh rot. Also :p if you thought I was seriously mad.

    Oh the game is pretty fun too more of a 4 than a 5 but I wanted to build the average score up a it... Game is good, Dialogue could use some variety but most of the girls are fun... Except for Alexis stay away from that one oh and Sasha will ask you to do a MMF threesome and the dialogue option for no is weak sauce and doesn't let you be nearly spiteful enough, nor does it give the option to break up with her then and there, and saying yes just makes you feel like you are being played especially because it is with the ex she supposedly wanted nothing to do with when she moved in with you and Bree. Actually stay away from Sasha too and again make sure you shower and eat regularly both in game and out.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I always appreciate life simulators for what they try to do, make things realistic and offer us a variety of experiences and opportunities. We get a plethora of apparent options, many places to go, and individuals to talk to.

    The first real reason this whole thing falls apart in my eyes is the lack of dialog options. You click something, get a shitty pickup line, and get them to hate you for clicking said button. It doesn't really feel natural nor does it communicate much.

    Another issue was the fact that literally nobody wanted to interact with me once I started refusing to take showers. From experience, I can say that nobody cares if you take showers if you are a code monkey, so being unable to toil away at my job because I didn't keep my body clean feels like an unfair restriction. What is the point of a life simulation if it is going to arbitrarily restrict you?

    With no real ability to continue my job or ability to interact with people, I proceeded to stand around the office and stare at a wall. Then I would get kicked out, go home, and do the same. Not one person got creeped out by my obsession at staring at walls. Nobody came to help me out of my spiral of depression. When my hunger meter got too low that it got nagging, I inevitably went to eat, then I would return to my duty of starting at walls and contemplating the point of life.

    Desperately, I tried to get out of my funk. I decided I must buy a spy camera with the purpose of getting voyeur tapes. I then realized I didn't know how to use the spy camera. I tried going to college and asking, but nobody wanted to deal with me on account of me smelling. Due to my life choice of refusing to take a shower, I also ruined my chances of operating electrical equipment.

    If you, dear reader, wish to play this game I must warn you that the developer makes it almost mandatory to take a shower. If you get depressed to the point that you can barely get out of bed in the morning, nobody will hold remorse. Love & Sex is a cruel world where most will find success and harems, but it shall come at the cost of lowering your dignity and standing underneath a shower head on an almost daily basis.

    At some point I stopped even caring about the basic rules of survival. I stopped eating. I stopped sleeping. All I did was stare in the middle of the living room. People would come and argue, then they would leave. I was mostly invisible to the world. Nobody cared about my depression, nobody cared about me. Nobody saw the warning signs, nor did anyone reach out and bring me to a councilor. Do councilors even exist in this world? I have yet to see one and feel more alone as the seconds tick by.

    I inevitably break down and forget all rules of society. I start masturbating furiously in the middle of the living room every few hours. Nobody ever mentions anything. Not that it really matters, everyone pretty much hates me at this point anyways.

    People still talk to me and still have events. Quite a large number of various chains that could be likely exciting if I actually cared to talk to people. I got some goth roommate who tells me I am shit, some other roommate who wanted me to do stuff for her but I couldn't be bothered, and a fat friend who mostly mocks me. People talk about how great the place is and all the wonderful fun I could be having. All this does is make me lament for all the opportunities I am missing out on. The virtual simulator is telling me that it is my fault for making these choices and is actively telling me to change.

    So what can you, dear reader, take from all of this? Maybe that Love & Sex is much a parallel of real life, playing it as a depression simulator will make things even more depressing. What is even more depressing is perhaps that literally nobody cares however. There is zero support networks. You are supposed to be happy and enjoy the stuff you have been given. If you don't, Love & Sex will show zero remorse and continue on without a care in the world. Why eat and sleep if there is no risk of death?

    In the world of Love & Sex, everyone cares about you properly taking care of yourself. No mercy given to those who don't. Conform or rot in the middle of your living room since you can't even escape to death. I didn't do my chores, the girls will be mad. Also, the rent is due, except I can't even get more money and I spent most of mine on a spy camera I can't even use.

    Inevitably, I ran out of money. Nobody seems to even care. Nobody cares about much. People just sort of ignore me. Everyone holds a bit of disdain. I am a miserable wretch who has made a sunny beachhouse his prison. I get a lot of unknown callers. Nobody in my phone I even recognize. I feel alone.

    7/10, great misery simulator.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I am changing my review to give the lowest rating because this game doesn't deserve a high rating. Let's start with the gameplay which is where you play, it's quite slow to move from board to other, as well as the conversations and the back function. You spend minutes and even many hours to grind the game so that in the end you end up being disappointed in something. This game was supposed to be a dating sim, but it doesn't even come close, even a mod TheSims gets better if you find something competent out there.

    Now I want to talk about the arts, some people say they are good, aren't they, if you see some games around here the arts are amazing and the arts in this game are poor. The girls hardly look alike, one minute you notice your nose is small and another scene you notice your nose is a little bigger. This is just an example, the game itself, should improve in several aspects and details, yes, details, something that doesn't have in this game.

    The fun that this game brings gets to be disappointing many times, not to mention the bugs that can arise in the game and cause your gameplay to be compromised by some error preventing you from moving forward and restarting a new game. Can you imagine the hours of grind you did even with cheats and having to go back all over again? not to mention you have to keep an eye on the walkthrough because the gameplay isn't sophisticated when you imagine it, there isn't a relationship where you're flirting with someone and there are detailed options in conversations, it's just earning a love or kink score and that's it. The girls are not jealous unless you kiss them in front of another, by the way, it's as easy to get sex on a first date as you might think, too, if we didn't have that option we'd be sticking around forever to get a scene. There are also many places that don't take you anywhere, you go to the cinema and you can't even get a handjob or blowjob, if you want to take the girl to the beach or waterpark you will have to invite her on Saturday or Sunday afternoon in summer, at spring is impossible. So you are in winter, autumn, spring without being able to have fun or better, without being able to take a girl to some specific places. The freedom to do what you want is limited and scripted, and as for making a girl your sex slave, it's totally useless as there isn't much specific content.

    This game had everything to be good, with the amount of $ they are earning they could hire a better artist to create their models designed for the game. They could hire one more person to help with the coding as the game needs it and also add more function to the game that would appeal a lot more to other people. Why am I saying this? you keep grinding so much that there are very few sex scenes for you to enjoy, in the blink of an eye you've already finished with character X and the game forces you to marry her, (unfortunately we don't have more content with this character, come back in a new game to you unlock the endings with others) not fucking way.