Ren'Py - Love & Sex Second Base [v24.9.1a] [Andrealphus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm no critic reviewer but I can tell this game is worth more than 3 and a half stars. It has a strong basis and many female options to romance. It's only downside is the Bree PC storyline is extremely lacking versus the male counterpart.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Great Game, i liked the style of art, it's very beautiful and the girls are pretty sexy. I have so much fun playing it, still don't finished the game but i will finish very soon, i can't wait to play the new version when the same be released. Fuck this 200 characters i just wan't to rate the game lol
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Andrealphus is the best kind of dev. His game doesn’t try to beat around the bush, it’s a sex game first. There is only minor grinding compared to many other titles and what you see in the tags is what actually exists in game. Love & Sex is a quality game that I have come back to many times. Follow the walkthrough and good times await.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is really hard,u need to trial and error so many times to see the different scene plus no gallery so u cannot reply the scene but it's still good game, just very annoying and i added some view things just because they said i must write 200 character, so basically they want me to write an essay thank you very much
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    review v19.11.2f. Excelent. a lot of content, maybe some bugs, but funny game.

    In my first game i go for sammantha, best girl for my taste, not cheat her and find end of her route incomplete (well was funny, waiting for more content)
    Then I lied to sasha and tell her that she looks fine blonde, and cant change her hair colour ( i dont like her blonde, but for my error i cant change. Excellent.
    In second and large gameplay. I go for the blonde roommate, cheat her with the black hair roommate and she leaves the house angry and can't see her nevermore. excellent.
    Then i go for shiori, cheat her with palla and she break the relationship and cant date her anymore. Excellent.
    Then i decide be an asshole, date palla, the yandere girl, sasha as a pet, cassidy and lexi. And palla tell me that she doesn`t want a relationship. Excellent.

    so if you want a good girl you have, samantha, bree, lavish, shiori maybe (i think she want to be pregnant and steal your money) i dont play pregnant so i dont know how it work for each girl, for me is a bad ending but after play a time 20 hours maybe more, I have faith in history and bad endings. Shark was funny.
    i have palla 100% love, 60% kink and i don't know how follow her stoy, but i want buy the expensive car, so i play and try (if the 200.000 car not change nothing i will hate developer, really) i take palla to dates, buy her clothes, but don't find how follow and unlock next event (i think it's not an easy game, some event have specifics requeriment and i hate play dating sims with guides or cheats, if you don`t want the grindiness don't play a dating sim or a SLG (simulation life game) i like jappanese games for the same, and this is a really good dating sim, maybe SLG, maybe not, i dont see bad ending apart the shark, and that some girl leaves or break with you. But yandere promises a lot, maybe murder affairs, maibe she kill you if your cheat her. this is the next update, so i dont know and i'm only speculating.

    Well conclusions. now i consider that is a excellent game, missing content, yes, have bugs, yes, a little grindy, yes. (but for that you want a dating sim - SLG game) maybe before releases had little content, but know i consider have a decent gameplay a lot of content ( i want follow samantha route, in general developer leave-miss content for the good girls)

    but this game really has the potential to be a masterpiece, the game shows the love of its developers and penalizes you for being an idiot.
    I really love dating sims-SLG games, true love (1995) amagami series (not sex), shiraoka second chances, shool days (2008), cross chanel (2003), bible black, artificial academy 2, artificial girl 3, now AI girl and not to much more games comes to my mind that i enjoyed like this.
    - SLG (simulation life game) you want money, work (coworkers routes)
    - you want be a student- university (bree, yandere girl)
    - you want be a good person (samantha route, maybe lavish, maybe bree)
    - you want be an asshole, a lot of easy girls.
    - you like BDSM, your boss or cassidy
    -you want to play like a adult- samantha, palla
    - you want a vanilla love story without cheat girls (samantha? shiori? maybe no one?)

    How dating sim
    - specific requeriment for each girl, yes, (clothes and stats i think)
    - jealousy- yes
    -pregnancy-abortion-consecuences- penalties, i don't know
    - girls leave you for being a idiot, yes
    -unlock places or story for buy specifics items or have specifics ranges, yes (beach, gym, guitar for sasha, maybe more i dont know)
    if the more expensive item doesn`t nothing i will hate developer)
    -diferent types of girls, yes ( i miss good girls, lovely story or happy romance)
    -change clothes, not (collar slave, and piercing, but maybe some day. With cassidy i gift her sexy-cute swimbath and was the same, maybe some day change clothes, they try at leat, must be a lot of work i think)
    they suggest hair changes (blonde sasha working, redhair samantha, maybe other)

    - moral decisions, not really (maybe the church girl, maybe the cheater friend?) perhaps abortion decision, i don`t know

    How H game.
    - Not really a masterpiece, good art, yes;
    - varied expressions, some girls yes, others not.
    - items not working for all girl (good, but in developement i think) or i don`t reach the requeriment for use items with some girls, or for histoy propose. in this developer will know what they want, and after play i believe in their criterion.

    I prefer anime style, i like the art, if you wan't a nukige, this is not you game. Read a Hentai manga or view some porn, this is a game, a h-dating sim, not too easy and that is good.

    Finally, two things, i played summertime saga, 5 minutes, no more, i hate the font, letter size, text position, . this game have a nice font, readable, not annoying to the eye. (i even moded summertime saga font and unplayable for me), but have good reviews.

    And the last thing. I think that this is a game that respects himself, i can view the love and dedication from developers to his game, and i think that the minimun that i can do is give them a serious and sincere review and encourage them to keep going good work because they are doing well.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Thats the perfect waifu game. Artwork is pretty nice. There are lot of girls and you can customize them by choices. Writing is good enough there are lot of text which is good because you can know the characters better that way. Only problem with the game is the balance which is the main cause feel the game grindy. I guess thats a well known problem because there is an option to cheating by writing a code after that appear a console to gain stat. I only used this when content starts lacking after 2 weeks and I wanted reach a few more so there are lot of content.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    As of v19: I can not recommend playing it.

    This is one of those projects that keep sinking because of the human factor.
    The game had, and still has potential, but it's wasted by a clueless developer who seems to be so full of himself.
    Cheating is I'd say mandatory, playing without it is akin to masochism, don't try it.

    The story is almost nonexistent, it's a bare-bones dating sim where the greatest 'developments' are tied to whoever you're chasing at the time. So instead of a proper "story" with a beginning/middle/ending, you get a sandbox stats grinder and manager game in which you get to court one OR more of the 151 Pokémon girls, of which a couple are actually quite good with decent amount of content, while others have a story you could sum up in 10 words or less, which, along with the grinding, makes the game an expansive but shallow puddle not really worth paddling through. And while characters have their own little stories, there's no overarching plot, which may be good or bad depending on your perspective.

    The gameplay is a Korean grindfest, where you have to keep making money to pay rent and have access to over half the game, but you also have to spend a number of hours each week doing chores, you have to worry about strength, intelligence, charisma, you'll have to keep your chosen Pokémon happy by repetitive one-liner conversations and such, increase their obedience and kink values, and in the meanwhile you'll have to juggle with fluctuating stats like energy, hunger, hygiene and fun which are crucial for certain events and if you're unlucky, and you will be, then you'll not meet the requirements for certain events and you'll miss them.
    This grind will eat up well over 90% of your game time, and only then can you think about making actual progress with the girls.
    But don't worry, this is fully intentional as "the grind dont need fixing it is exactly how I want it" -or so the dev said so it must be true, don't expect him "fixing" what "isn't broken".

    What makes game-play even less bearable are random events, fixed events, conditional events and multiple of said events on the same date, which simply eat up your whole day without warning, without giving you a choice, possibly forcing you to miss events as a result, and making it essentially impossible to actually plan ahead. You will miss scenes and deadlines because of it, and there will be...unfortunate consequences.

    Porn, sex, the major reward system of the game, simply does not happen by accident. Aside from a limited number of scenes which are tied directly to the story of specific girls, you'll have to go on repetitive dates (which of course take money, time and stats) to be able to get down to business.
    Now if you think once you conquer a girl you can just call her and have some fun between two consenting adults in the maintenance closet,
    then you're very wrong.
    You'll have to grind through the boring date every time you want some action. These dates and (unless you botched the date) the consequent sex scenes you can repeat as much as you want but you'll likely get bored fairly soon and move on to the "next project" as there's almost no difference between these scenes, they're repetitive.

    Threesomes and foursomes aren't really a thing either, though that may change. Eventually.
    There's some content for them, directly tied to stories of course, which are nice indeed, however that also means you can't just pick and mix up the participants the way you want it, you'll have to wait for development and hope it's what you want, and even then, who knows when that'll be. Currently there are only a couple of threesome possibilities with a few scenes each.

    On top of it all, many of your achievements -the scenes- are simply not repeatable, and there's no gallery where you could re-live certain events -the better, longer, more interesting ones that happen to be tied to the story of a girl are almost always non-repeatable.

    So TL;DR porn is still lacking and it's tied to hoops you'll have to jump through every time.

    Characters - one of the redeeming qualities of the game is the character and story of a selected few of them, those which in fact received proper development, and are actually fun to explore. Problems are the difficulty advancing through their stories, the grind required, and the amount of actual content you're rewarded with. And there's only about 5 out of 15 or so worth exploring. The personalities of the rest vary but mostly fall into an archetype, some of them have their moments but due to the lack of development, there are multiple who are just outright repulsive with little to no redeeming qualities aside from a pair of boobies.

    Art is OK. It's very fitting and charming for some characters and scenes, for others it's not so much.
    Style isn't exactly consistent, although it's close enough. Quality is varying, and animations aren't a thing so count only on a limited number of still images. They tend to get the job done, however.

    Kinks: This game does cater to certain kinks like pregnancy (WIP), piercings (WIP), (unofficial) enslavement (WIP), cheating (like lots of cheating, on your part in case you worry about NTR), and possibly a harem in the far, far future,
    and it doesn't cater to certain other kinks like public sex, rape, (willing or forced) prostitution, NTR, water sports/scat, 18- , GILF and other such extremeties.
    I think that's worth noting.
    (WIP = Work In Progress)

    Development was fairly slow from the get-go but it was bearable, but then it changed direction. Quantity over quality.
    Development speed has significantly slowed down due to the introduction of more and more new characters, it's now way too many characters to develop in a timely fashion and you can bet your ass there's more to come (like 151 maybe?), and that means development for characters will be at a standstill for many months at a time, and some will remain spoon-deep with bare-bones content (or no content at all) for the unforeseeable future.
    Which is a problem when the best part of the game is not the size of the cast, but the quality time you can (not) have with them.
    And then it got worse. Because why not, let's fuck shit up.
    Later what is essentially a separate, second game was introduced, the "female path", with its own events and characters, which further halved development speed, reaching the current golden standard of a crippled snail.

    Now, don't think I have anything against a female path. If that was the original, I'd say the same about the "male path".
    I'm sure some people would only play the game because of this, and if the development had a good pace and the team working on the game could be expanded to keep up that pace, I'd be all for it.
    But that is not so.
    Spreading resources so thin was a terrible fucking idea which result in even slower development for both "halves" of the game. Keeping focus on one path until completion would've been the wise choice, but that didn't happen.
    These issues have been brought up a few times but no real changes were made because I guess if you bury your head deep enough in the sand like an ostrich, problems just go away and everything's gonna be dandy.

    Overall, I so wanted to love it.
    It had potential. Still has, but that'd need a 180° turn, and at this point, it's highly unlikely.
    It's fucked without a proper direction, and it lost it somewhere during its 3 years of development. Perhaps the initial success went to his head, I don't know, but the dev looks properly clueless now, lacking even the integrity to admit wrong decisions and learn from them.
    But so long the money's good, right?
    There are way too many downsides and its limited number of redeeming qualities (which you're likely going to enjoy if you decide to play), well, they just aren't nearly enough to make up for all the shit. And it doesn't look like it's getting better -on the contrary, it looks like it just keeps getting worse as time goes by.
    But that's just what happens when you keep moving in the wrong direction.

    I've waited 2 years to write this review, it's a real pity this is all it amounts to:
    Not worth it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyable game, underrated with 3 stars. Yet you should be able to do things with the ladies you beside kissing. Sasha at night doesn't progress when you watch her. Also it's a shame you can only once do something with the pretty blonde from the bakery.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Five stars - Multitude of characters, the routes are well thought out, the art is amazing and the game itself is really fun. Suits what I like and options for what I dislike are there but not forced. Compared to other games, they aint got nothing on this one, it tends to come down to whether or not your interest lie in the game, and for this one, it covers a wide range of those
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Great art - i love it - but the gameplay is like... "meeeh"
    It's kinda boring, repetitive, and has very, veeeery annoying things, which are... doing chores, washing etc.
    The game is quite realistic, but on the other hand - realism ruins the fun (for me of course - you can feel different about it.
    Good thing, that it has built in cheat engine, so you can speed things up a little bit ;p

    For me - it's a one time gameplay - i don't think i'll come back to this in the future, but give it a try, maybe you'll like it - it's not a bad game after all ;p
  11. L
    1.00 star(s)


    great art and lots of girls but the game is intentionally ruined by the writer with a super annoying protag ,unavoidable sex scenes ....etc just fucked samantha 3 tmes after calling her a cheater and the game out of nowhere tells the player they are marriying her and lived happily ever after GAME OVER LOL
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Larry Kubiac

    The graphics are nice but that's all...
    3 Billion dialogues for the lack of graphic content makes the game completely bad.
    How to hide misery with long long, long, endless dialogues.
    Not to mention the fact that you have to wash your ass, eat 5 fruits and vegetables to increase shelf life, but dialogues are enough why did you add the "tamagotchi" function? It's unfortunate...
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    In humble my opinion, definitely one of the top 10 (yet) unfinished projects on F95Zone. "Dating sim" w/ multiple characters, story line variations etc., mostly polished artwork, etc. -- what's not to like here? (Not perfect, though -- hence a 4 out of 5 for me.)
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Papaco Schneider

    Chose the blond girl as main character. Focused my game on Sasha. Six fucking hours of gameplay and nothing happens (only bugs, oh and this happened a lot) no progression whatsoever. Doing the same shit over and over again for nothing. The sad thing is, only after throwing the game in the trash bin I discovered that there is no lesbian content for her. Bravo! They put a useless character in the game since most of the NPCs are girls. Not to mention the ridiculous NRG. So, as you can see, at this stage, the game is a total grinding/NRG/plot mess, there is no way that I can recommend it. The PROS? Art is good, and it is a perfect example of what not to do as a game dev.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewed as of 19.7.3

    Hate to be unoriginal, but the few flaws squander so much potential of this game.

    The Good, mostly
    • Diverse cast of well-written girls for you to pursue and bed. Girls have different interests and different predispositions. Some will crush on you from the moment you meet, some will be tough to get.
    • Non-linear storylines, including some bad ends (girls can move out of town, forever)
    • The art, while not something to write home about, is pretty good. There is a clearly seen progression of artist's skills as well, so things are looking bright. A second pass on some oldest assets would be nice, though.

    The Bad
    • Extremely repetitive. The game features three difficulty levels, but they don't do much for the most difficult part of the grind, the girls' love and kink levels.
    • Not repetitive where it matters most. There is no gallery, and a lot of events are not repeatable in any shape or form. Samantha cowgirl scene? Once per game, only if you make the right choice during that one event. Why the fuck can't I see that position again, during regular date sex? Because fuck me, I guess.
    • Broad, but shallow. There's a balance to be had between the number of girls and the amount of content a girl features, and it's not there in my opinion. A lot of girls have 1 or 2 sex scenes, which is a shame. They deserve more, but I can't see that happening if the game adds new girls constantly instead of working on the existing roster.
    • Random events. There's nothing wrong with random per se, but not when these events can jump on you out of nowhere, and eat up your day. Missing a date because another girl calls and just does whatever she wants is not a good thing. You need to make it possible to tell her to fuck off, or at least give an opportunity to cancel the date to minimize love points loss.
    • Gameplay opacity. Would it kill the game to make it somehow known that you need a certain set of clothes to get into a night club? Would it kill to tell a player that there is a night club at all? And of course, you can miss a crucial event and never know it. Coupled with the previous point it is extremely frustrating. I am not a big fan of guides and walkthroughs but these are pretty much mandatory for this game.
    I give it 5/10 right now.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    So far, this game keeps me invested. While not usually my taste in porn games, though I am into kink, the randomness of story events comes off a bit of a surprise. My gripe is that it's grind takes a long while especially when it comes into stirring the girls into a direction you like. There's also nothing much to do other than dates, repeated sex scenes and filling up needs. It can be boring and tedious at times. There is a variety of girls each with it's own attitude and preferences so it's fun to try different approaches.

    Hopefully more improvements are planned and worked on and ultimately, I really hope this will get completed. I dread if this game is abandoned...
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a well balanced dating sim. The genre is about resource and time management and balancing earning income, improving yourself and chasing girls.

    GIRLS-great variety in looks and personalities which is great. The artwork is quirky but still very nice and artist seems to blend both Western and Asian styles for a fresh feel. Sadly no animations but I understand the priority on fleshing out so many girls stories first.

    Mechanics-With 3 choices of difficulty (reflected by rewards for actions) and an inbuilt cheat option triggered permanently from living room you can totally bypass or reduce management difficulty or make it challenging. The tracking is super easy with stat easily monitored on screen for yourself and in phone for girls. There is also a hint in phone each day for each girl if you stuck. Though you do have to find girl and get her number to track first. A nice touch is every girl has free actions that don't cost resources or time to build relationship (though might have a minimum stat requirement like slap ass) so on way home from work is worth dropping by outside locations to do this for free and you never know what you might trigger as bonus.

    One big flaw that from forums is getting lots of people. Some events have triggers that are low random chance at specific location at specific time with specific stats(although in main quest you can get a hint from phone this does not help side quests or specific events). This makes walkthrough/girl guide important but there is no current one. Game either needs a ful events and scene tracking system with hints or less complex triggers. For now though you will need the search function in forum a lot.

    Gameplay-Is smooth and true sandbox. You can play as you want, a dominating master of harem of slaves or a romantic gentleman pursuing the old crush or one of many new flames. Or maybe you want some closure from your previous flat mates and leave him a little present in her oven before playing around with the sluts and breaking some bitches before settling down with a more dependable partner.

    A really great dating sim with a lot of content and more to come. I just hope the complex triggers get addressed sooner rather than later. 4 1/2 out of 5.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is almost amazing, the art is good, the writing while generic is decent but the characters are varied and therefore interesting.

    This game has two major problems:

    1) There is way too much RNG for events, you have no way to know what path you are on or how to trigger events... the in-game hint system works, but is hampered by the RNG meaning that it can take upwards of 2 in-game weeks to trigger some of the events (Sasha) and can only be done at certain times of day or on certain days. Oh and events can pop off randomly and totally screw your plan for the day which can set you back WEEKS of grinding should you miss an event with a girl because you don't have enough energy or something. Which brings me to my second point:

    2) This game grinds like a Korean MMO. You have to grind 3 stats on your character, money AND maintain 2 or 3 stats per girl. It's a lot to deal with and combined with some weirdness in overly complex energy system (you can't choose to sleep you have to be tired enough) with 3 different stats to manage you end up missing events (and therefore ruining your playthrough) because you can't get events to replay if you miss the trigger.

    This is a game where if half of the mechanics were removed it would be 5 stars and I would back it, but as is it feels damn near impossible to play even though I kind of want to.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Update on last review, the developer has fixed most of the problems with tracking, introduced lots of new features, constantly tried to improve the the way the game looks and plays. The art is great, characters all different and unique with their own back stories and kinks, pregnancy being part of the game is really good as I find most games do not use this kink very well and it is really good in this game. There is a bit of a grind for stats but this was fine for the amount of content.

    There are a few events that are dependent on past actions which are always annoying as if you miss them you have to reload back, such as bimbo sasha.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I was intrigued by this project when it had a handful of girls and my mind was racing with the possibilities of what could be added and the depths it could reach.

    Several patches later it's clear that the developer aims for a wide puddle. The amount of new girls and now with completely new protagonist means this game will either never be finished or it will never have any meaningful depth.

    It's sad, but nothing new among this genre of games. Two stars for the effort.

    EDIT 2022:
    Well turns out that perseverance does exist in this genre. Still nowhere near perfect, but the puddle starts to resemble a pool by now and there's been even some QoL upgrades. I still wouldn't recommend this to anyone without cheats. And the fluid sexuality mechanic is still beyond stupid. The grind is still terrible and the girls can still trap you with ultimatums ruining your entire save unless you got exact stats for their harem events.

    I'd say it's a 3.5 rating game, but I'll round that up because despite all its flaws I have enjoyed it along the years. Could be much better still.