I think condoms in porn games are only ever sexy with prostitution since it's actually related to the industry, otherwise I don't think I ever heard of any man who likes using condom when given the chance to go raw, especially in fiction.
It also sort of breaks the fourth wall. Porn games are a fantasy. In fantasies I think most people prefer to keep them in an isolated fantasy-space, to use that expression. In that space I do not want elements that yank you back into reality by reminding you of the real world consequences of whatever you're doing. Sex fantasies are care-free hedonistic fun with no real world connection. For sex, things like this is pretty much the *only* outlet where we can have this. As freaky as the wife is, I'd still be doing serious time if I'd let the freak flag fly as I can in these games.
In gay porn this has been a very real issue. Because the *only* reason for gay men to use condoms is to protect themselves from STD's, and especially HIV. Nothing to get the juices flowing like an in your face reminder of death and suffering.
Same goes for your ordinary fiction book. You want to be sucked into another place/universe/time/whatever. If the writer isn't very good, you'll get yanked out at every "What? Real people/that character would *not* behave like that!"
Thus we conclude today's rant.