Ren'Py - Lucky Paradox [v0.9.2f Public] [Stawer]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    So far, well done story/game. Might not be the most original but it is well done.

    Story : 8/10 Not an original story, the mystery part is good. It does capture the interest and has the emotional grab. Can be a little confusing in parts, still can follow it., The martial arts contest stuff is somewhat interesting as well, although i think they could have improved it a little with some more action.

    Writing : 8/10 Have not seen many errors and there is a some humour in it, which is good.

    Renders : 9/10 The Graphics and Renders are very good, of course they could use some improvement with shading and such, still the characters look quite good.

    Animations : 7/10 Nicely portrayed, and the motions are not continual two second loops. I think in this particular game, if the dev addded more to the sex scene's, like trying for more a more realistic sexual experience. This Story/game could very well be in the top 5.

    Playability : 9/10 Simple and easy to understand map of locations and movements from place to place. Buying items and such is simple, as well as finding the characters.

    Overall : 9/10 The atmosphere of the game is pleasing, the characters looks and the writing for them are well done. Suffers from there being so little animations, could be vastly improved in that regard. The story does grab my interest, as well as there being a good amount of content to it.
    Does it interest me enough to wait for more, certainly. The re-play value is also pretty high, which is rare for many others.
    An overall nice game experience. ( Animations, needs much more, cannot stress how important that is ).
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    To keep it simple:
    We have the graphics that are pretty much standard for HS, i guess, nothing extraordinary though the brunette girl is kind of different, but thats all for the good parts of the visuals. It can be considered average, since everything is constrained to the graphic engine, the tool or whatever you wanna call it. It relies heavily in it.

    The sex scenes stuff, with a couple of exceptions where the dev felt inspired or something, consist of a small chat prelude before going straight to default animations provided by the engine. I find it average

    The writing also average, nothing extraordinary and I would think english is not the Mother language of this dev. The use of "confuse" is noticeable and phrasing is odd in many places. There is the option to choose spanish, but even in Spanish i feel like there is something missing.

    In the content department, the guide system helps, and there is quite some content, that in my opinion feels repetitive and the game is quite fucking grindy. The costume thing is retarded as of now, cause you spend 500 in a thing that doesnt have much use besides unlocking a scene with a difeerent outfit, but its still the same scene.

    And to finish this, you can name your MC but it doesnt matter, most of the girls address you in a different way. Since there are no hal stars i have to give it 3, but i would rate it 2,5 which is average.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Story, Originality, Renders, Sound, Playability, Performance, Bugs, Animations, Voice Acting, Grammar, Amount of content

    Ony of my favourite games. Very clean visuals and gameplay, attractive models, very easy to follow and polished. Lots of support and frequent updates. Great animations. It's very immersive and attractive game with lots of replay value. I would pay for this game and am looking forward to it's release!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is first review and my first 3D Android Erotic VN Game so here we go...

    Initially I knew about this game from I wasn't sure what to expect from 3DVN's but boy glad I did try it.

    Initially I came for the girls stayed for the story and charm and since im a sucker for whatever is wholesome it quickly became one of my favorites, I mostly check the patreon every week and I gotta say... Stawer is really dedicated to his game, this game is updated almost 2 weeks or 1 month and each content adds a lot. I remember playing this back then at 0.5 right now Argleton "the city" whilist not fully fleshed out it still feels like an actual place.

    Story ?-5/5

    Not going with spoilers and not talking much about it since it isn't done yet, however the story so far is full of intrigue and mystery, it is well written, sadly there is small inconsistencies as you progress for instance if you go a long way on a route in the story there will be little to no mentioning of it on a certain point "still thats a lot of work to make everything connected depending on progress" not that is a bad thing, but it will make joining the pieces together the more satisfiying.

    Characters 5/5

    Oh God where do I start? Every main character is loveable, the secondary ones still get their spot, and some are to be hated but soon forgotten lol. Primm is a cupcake, Charlotte and Sasha have great butts, Maxy's personality is quite fun, Layla is kinda my type, and Yui is caring and dead-pan hilarious at times.

    Not mentioning them all I guess thats spoilers but you are in for a treat too!

    H-Scenes 5/5

    And of course what I came for "Pun intended" but it wasn't the main grab for me, like I said it was the story, however the scenes in this game, are top notch... Erotic and Passionate oh yeah. Although rarely they are buggy on Android the quality really stands out. They are amazingly fluid, well texted, and sometimes quite shiny... It has a lot of scenes.

    I'm honestly suprised how Stawer used Blender and not Honey Select for the scenes or pretty much everything.

    I eagerly wait for more updates or the rework of the whole game, I wonder what suprises will the dev give to us.

    It's a tad bit long for a first review, I guess I got inspired...
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a good animated harem game! I was looking for another harem game to play until I got an update to the other harem games I played, and I couldn't find a game as good as I'd been looking for for almost two days. But when I came across this game, I said, this is the game I was looking for. The characters are quite very well designed and the personality traits are quite good. I also have to say that games with other dimensions in story are my thing. At the final, I have to say that Prim is my favorite. She is such a sweetheart.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    LooLoo Baloo

    The game is fantastic, the characters are really hot and the story is much better than a lot of other games on this site. As well as that, it has a lot of animations which are all really fun. I can't wait for the next update!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.6.2

    Overview: A young man wakes up in a small town full of mystery and horny women.

    Story: Post length limits prevent me from going into the detail necessary to convey the story of this game. It includes plot threads about parallel dimensions, magical flashback spheres, sister rivalry, family businesses, martial art dynasties, defying parents/destiny, videogame tournaments, and so much more. An apt description of the plot is "sprawling". Some of the plot elements like the videogame tournament seem to be forgotten as the game goes on.

    Gameplay: It's one of those 4 timeslots per day free roaming grind games. I characterize the grind as moderate, with your MC having half a dozen stats he needs to grind up as well as a lot of money to earn. You also need to grind up your relationship stat with each girl, although mercifully you don't need to repeat actions 10 times per step like in some games. Generally two or three of runs through at the current level is enough to unlock the next step. There is an in-game hint system that helps, although it can be uselessly vague at times. I didn't need a walkthough, but I probably could have saved an hour or two if I had used one.

    Art: Quite well done. All of the characters look great and the backgrounds are fully fleshed out. None of the girls look like Honey Select default models. There are smooth but short looped animations during the sex scenes.

    Length: This is a decently long game. It isn't shy about dumping giant walls of exposition on you. I spent probably 8 hours playing through to the end of the current version, but I was reading most of the text. Oddly the one area that doesn't have a lot of text is the sex scenes. They're all just wham bam thank you ma'am. At most they have a "slow" animation, then a "fast" animation, then a "finish" animation.

    Sex content: There's a fair number of scenes in here. They skew vanilla for the most part. For a lot of the tags there are only like one or two scenes in the game. There is a whole lot of BJs and PiV. It takes some time (and a great many lines of text) before most girls put out, but eventually most all of them do.

    Conclusion: This is a quality game. Easy 5 star rating. It has loads of content and a storyline that will keep you on your toes if you're trying to follow along. There is enough fap material to keep your dick happy as well so long as you can still get off to simple PiV sex.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Lucas Martinez

    This game is very good, and it certainly deserves a 5* review. All of the characters look great, the spelling is perfect, there are a lot of animations, and there is also a pretty good soundtrack throughout the game.
    There are improvements that could be made, but I won't list all of them because the developer posted that the next update will be a fix of older content, and so it looks like everything minor that I found will be fixed anyway.
    Overall, the game is very fun. I think some of the girls are a little bit easy, maybe extending the storylines before H scenes would be quite positive for one or two of them. But apart from that the game is really well made, definitely a top 5 game on this site. And I've loved the experience so far!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Lucky Paradox is excellent in basically every aspect. That being said, the character writing is where this game really succeeds in comparison to other vns. It is a bit slow on the sexual content but that makes it all the better because of the connection you build along the way. I believe when it's completely finished and polished up it will be one of the best vns on this site.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with an interesting story, excellent characters, graphics and animations. A fairly complete game which I look forward to adding more content (especially from Charlotte). As points to improve, it would be great to work on voices for the heroines or effects sounds and the inclusion of some minigames for some activities and as a last point, more importance to the statistics of the protagonist and that these influence the events.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Now what can be said about Lucky Paradox... I would say it's a story about a broken man trying to shoulder others problems and manageing it quite well through his skills or sometimes some lucky circumstances (pun intended). While it's somewhat of a harem game, personally I fear that as we near the end, the multiple girlfriend situation will backfire on our protagonist. I hope I'm wrong, but alas the overarching story does allude to something like this (or I maybe misread the situations, but alas I digress). For the time being, It's nice to see that the girls find confort and can give confort to the MC.

    This game made me feel like picking out that one pretty and chocolate cover candy that has a whiskey+mint in the middle. Sweet and designed beautifully outside, while bitter and packs quite a flavor in the inside. For the characters themselves, can't say they perfectly match their personality, but this gives them a more "human" feel to them. My main interest is torn between Prim and Maxy (yeah, I'm really into alt/scene girls, sue me). Prim is on of the sweetest characters you can didle out there. She's caraing and loving while, being vulnearble around our MC. Maxy is your run of the mill, alt/artist girl, with quite a secret to her. Both of them gives you a captaveting and fulfilling story and relationship. Ofcourse, this is true to the other girls and everyone have their taste. You can choose from qute a vareity of characters to be your main girls so, by all means give this game a whirl.

    While LP have a time system, like most of the Ren'Py games, it manages to not make the player feel too much urgency to it. What I mean, the pacing of this game is quite good. There is no chance on missing out of content becouse you didn't raise your XYZ stat to a certain extenet in a span of a week.

    So all in all, an amazing job and an intriguing story with very life like characters. I don't even dare to speculate what ending this project will have, but while I dread a tragedy, I'm still waiting and expecting an update to this game every day. As mentioned and incredible job Stawer! Cheers.
  12. S
    5.00 star(s)


    I was genuinely surprised at how much I've enjoyed this game. It's not as "serious" as many other adult games can be, and the writing and renders suit one another really well. There are some minor issues with "Engrish" creeping in from time to time, but it comes across as charming rather than distracting.

    The characters, with perhaps one exception, all feel well-rounded and unique. The story itself is as interesting take on the multi-verse trope. I'm really glad I gave this one a shot.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished everything there is to do in 0.5.0, and i can safely say this is one of the better sandbox/harem games out there. Before diving into the pros and cons, i want to give huge props to the dev of the game, as you can clearly tell alot of work went into making this game, because the quality of pretty much everything is quite well done here.
    +Nice and clean renders with the HS character models having somewhat realistic proportions, with actual locations around the map to explore day to day.
    +The UI is quite nice and easy to understand (usually i have a huge pet peeve about things like this)
    +The writing has alot of heart, and characters all have backstories that you learn as you progress through their quests.
    +The actual location the game is set in, with all the backstory that has been presented, gives it alot of potential to be expanded by quite a margin.
    +The chunk of content already here even though it's 0.5.0 is quite impressive
    +Some okay jokes, some overused jokes, but ultimately the mood in the game can change from light hearted to heavy quite efficiently.
    -Some girls come on a bit too strong? Some of them fall in love at first sight, and even though it is explained why later, it still doesn't really feel right, but i suppose time will tell how the dev decides where the characters go
    -There is some grind here, and usually i like some grinding, but the reward for grinding in this game isn't quite satisfying (a single piece of clothing in the game costs around $500, and at first you earn around $10 a day in game. Through alot of grinding, and i mean ALOT, you eventually will reach to a point where you earn around $100 each day. For me it took around 100 in game days to get to that point)
    -The current roster is a bit smaller than the typical Harem game, so i can imagine some people not liking this
    General tips or thoughts:
    +Some of the existing characters could be more utilized (the lady by the dock, the lady in the casino, french girl's sister)
    +Maybe either reduce the grind a bit or make the fishing activity produce more money
    +Have some actual uses for the rooms besides sleeping or showering. I like playing sandbox games and feeling immersed in the living space.

    TL;DR: A great harem game with enough characters to keep you entertained, albeit with some grind. Worth the download and maybe consider donating to their Patreon
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best game in this site.
    Lovely characters make me feel more affection to them. great renders and perfect POV animations. Story is good too.
    Already lot of contents but can't wait for more!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    i rather like this type of game as i play for a storyline and whats in the world around u Lucky Paradox has a story that links all the characters together in 1 way or another. i think the dev puts alot of work and thought into the story
    as any developer they want to see thier own vision of what they want it to be not what everyone else everywhere wants as thats impossible. i can say this as i like this style but alot of people may not as i say different strokes for different folks.If u enjoy this style have fun.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I am not too sure why this has so many good reviews. Not to hate or anything, but I think many of the more criticizing reviews mention all the important points, so to make it short:

    - Good character visuals. HS is some very welcome change from all the Dad3d stuff.
    - Realistic bodies wich is a plus for me, since I have seen to many 18 year olds with HH cups etc.

    - Characters are way too edgy and overdramatic. Often feels like I played a teens movie. Story is very artificially stretched
    - No shadows in renders decrease their quality tremendously, at least for my taste
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Butts McGee

    Good CGs, but poorly written/translated dialogue (I'd imagine the devs first language isn't English, but I don't have faith the dialogue would be much better even if they were perfectly proficient). The setting is bizarre, and I get the feeling the game believes me to be far more engaged by the story than I actually am.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A really good game, I just played half of it already but it's really interesting, it's not a like other games that only concentrate on sex or fucking every girl you see, I really love Prim and every character is like a real person with feelings and not a robot that is in love with the MC because it's the MC, and the last thing the story it's really good has a really amazing plot and (Spoiler) the best scene is the one with Sasha and the truth behind the door, when she shows to the MC that his friend is dead ... I fucking loved that

  19. 5.00 star(s)


    - Amazing Characters
    - Good plot
    - Developer quite dedicated
    - Good animations
    - Good relationship builder

    - It takes a little longer than usual to get to the good stuff

    Review:This game is fascinating, I loved all the characters, I like how you form relationships with each of the girls, the only thing that can be considered as "bad" is that it takes you a lot of time to get to the lewd part, although for me it is not that important, from there the game is very well done and I feel that at some point the developer can only go improving the game because it has so many things that can be appreciated and the whole game is like putting together the pieces of a puzzle, I have a lot of theories but I need the game to confirm them so I will only wait for more content.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Based on the (as yet) unfinished v0.5.3A.

    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I generally dislike visual novels. So take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    • Honey select models are usually enjoyable to play with and hot - while obviously not the "photorealistic" style many other games prefer, I have always been a fan of Honey Select and think it makes for an enjoyable experience to play with. Plus the renders and animations are all quite nice.
    • Content - There is already a whole swathe of content and it's clear that the dev is churning more and more out (given that it's only been on F95 for ~1 year at this point and is already in v0.5). Always a good sign.

    • High level of "story" content - I put this as a meh as some people might enjoy this a lot more than me. In essence, it takes a LONG time to get to any of the sexual stuff with the girls... A LONG time... And while that in itself isn't inherently bad, I'll direct you to my negative points.

    • Inept male - I've seen a few reviews of other games on here complaining about useless male protagonists and usually avoided them, but nobody is mentioning it here and it is ABSOLUTELY the case. Lucky (the protag) is fucking clueless and useless. There are multiple scenes where a girl is basically getting naked and rubbing herself on him like a cat in heat and his response is "Oo err this is bad." Fuck off with that dick-teasing weaboo shit.
    • Melodrama and edgy story - ALL of the characters (bar none) do not behave like any semblance of real people. The protagonist is constantly bemoaning how he cannot allow anybody to get close to him, the girls constantly insist they cannot love him because he won't allow himself to get close to them (which was news to me given that I was hoping they'd get their tits out), but simultaneously they all immediately fall in love with him, but then will refuse to actually have anything resembling an open or honest conversation with him. Not to mention that to a one every character (again including the protag) have almost ludicrously tragic backstories which means they refuse to trust/love anyone or do anything that would make them happy. It's all FAR too "I am 14 and this is deep" to take remotely seriously.

    I have mentioned in about half of my reviews that I am a fan of Harem Hotel and on the surface, Lucky Paradox looks like it could very easily fall into the exact same category of game. Lots of content, honey select girls, hot and kinky harem shenanigans. Unfortunately, the similarities are only surface level and after an hour or so in the game this starts becoming more and more apparent.

    From the perspective of sexual content (which I am here for) it takes WAY too long for anything to actually happen and usually for no good reason. It's like the dev will just arbitrarily go "you can only see this much titty right now, no more! Not until you've done this same event another 3 times!" It's just exhausting. Particularly as many times when it seems obvious that sexual content will happen it then doesn't.

    This is largely due to the behaviour of the characters and protagonist, which I've already said are just so far away from reality. Both the girls and the guy will regularly refuse each other for really bizarre, nonsensical reasons. Mostly for the sake of melodrama. Note: I said "melodrama" NOT "drama"... It's just the sort of "oh woe is me, I am so sad and do not deserve love or sex, but you can still sort of touch my boobs because I need to tease you". And god it's just frustrating.

    A lot of the other reviews have said how good it is that all the girls have their own personalities rather than "box for you to stick you dick into" and in principle I agree, but their personalities are also by-and-large very extreme tropes of "difficult".

    I think perhaps a big part of my frustration might be due to the fact that Lucky has a very defined personality. He doesn't feel like a character who I can self-insert on. In most H-game you are given a defined goal ("save the Princess", "get revenge", "bang your sister" etc) but here you have more than that. Lucky has a goal (of sorts, which isn't terribly clear) but also has his own character and makes decisions based on this, leading to regular occurrences of me going "what the fuck, why the hell did I say that??"

    For all of this, you might note I'm not rating it extremely negatively. This is because I feel that if the decisions made are stupid the writing is at least decent and the sexual content (what there is) is very enjoyable. It just is such a slog to reach it that I'm not convinced I'd recommend it.