Ren'Py - Lucky Paradox [v0.9.5 Final EA] [Stawer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    i rather like this type of game as i play for a storyline and whats in the world around u Lucky Paradox has a story that links all the characters together in 1 way or another. i think the dev puts alot of work and thought into the story
    as any developer they want to see thier own vision of what they want it to be not what everyone else everywhere wants as thats impossible. i can say this as i like this style but alot of people may not as i say different strokes for different folks.If u enjoy this style have fun.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I am not too sure why this has so many good reviews. Not to hate or anything, but I think many of the more criticizing reviews mention all the important points, so to make it short:

    - Good character visuals. HS is some very welcome change from all the Dad3d stuff.
    - Realistic bodies wich is a plus for me, since I have seen to many 18 year olds with HH cups etc.

    - Characters are way too edgy and overdramatic. Often feels like I played a teens movie. Story is very artificially stretched
    - No shadows in renders decrease their quality tremendously, at least for my taste
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Butts McGee

    Good CGs, but poorly written/translated dialogue (I'd imagine the devs first language isn't English, but I don't have faith the dialogue would be much better even if they were perfectly proficient). The setting is bizarre, and I get the feeling the game believes me to be far more engaged by the story than I actually am.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A really good game, I just played half of it already but it's really interesting, it's not a like other games that only concentrate on sex or fucking every girl you see, I really love Prim and every character is like a real person with feelings and not a robot that is in love with the MC because it's the MC, and the last thing the story it's really good has a really amazing plot and (Spoiler) the best scene is the one with Sasha and the truth behind the door, when she shows to the MC that his friend is dead ... I fucking loved that

  5. 5.00 star(s)


    - Amazing Characters
    - Good plot
    - Developer quite dedicated
    - Good animations
    - Good relationship builder

    - It takes a little longer than usual to get to the good stuff

    Review:This game is fascinating, I loved all the characters, I like how you form relationships with each of the girls, the only thing that can be considered as "bad" is that it takes you a lot of time to get to the lewd part, although for me it is not that important, from there the game is very well done and I feel that at some point the developer can only go improving the game because it has so many things that can be appreciated and the whole game is like putting together the pieces of a puzzle, I have a lot of theories but I need the game to confirm them so I will only wait for more content.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Based on the (as yet) unfinished v0.5.3A.

    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I generally dislike visual novels. So take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    • Honey select models are usually enjoyable to play with and hot - while obviously not the "photorealistic" style many other games prefer, I have always been a fan of Honey Select and think it makes for an enjoyable experience to play with. Plus the renders and animations are all quite nice.
    • Content - There is already a whole swathe of content and it's clear that the dev is churning more and more out (given that it's only been on F95 for ~1 year at this point and is already in v0.5). Always a good sign.

    • High level of "story" content - I put this as a meh as some people might enjoy this a lot more than me. In essence, it takes a LONG time to get to any of the sexual stuff with the girls... A LONG time... And while that in itself isn't inherently bad, I'll direct you to my negative points.

    • Inept male - I've seen a few reviews of other games on here complaining about useless male protagonists and usually avoided them, but nobody is mentioning it here and it is ABSOLUTELY the case. Lucky (the protag) is fucking clueless and useless. There are multiple scenes where a girl is basically getting naked and rubbing herself on him like a cat in heat and his response is "Oo err this is bad." Fuck off with that dick-teasing weaboo shit.
    • Melodrama and edgy story - ALL of the characters (bar none) do not behave like any semblance of real people. The protagonist is constantly bemoaning how he cannot allow anybody to get close to him, the girls constantly insist they cannot love him because he won't allow himself to get close to them (which was news to me given that I was hoping they'd get their tits out), but simultaneously they all immediately fall in love with him, but then will refuse to actually have anything resembling an open or honest conversation with him. Not to mention that to a one every character (again including the protag) have almost ludicrously tragic backstories which means they refuse to trust/love anyone or do anything that would make them happy. It's all FAR too "I am 14 and this is deep" to take remotely seriously.

    I have mentioned in about half of my reviews that I am a fan of Harem Hotel and on the surface, Lucky Paradox looks like it could very easily fall into the exact same category of game. Lots of content, honey select girls, hot and kinky harem shenanigans. Unfortunately, the similarities are only surface level and after an hour or so in the game this starts becoming more and more apparent.

    From the perspective of sexual content (which I am here for) it takes WAY too long for anything to actually happen and usually for no good reason. It's like the dev will just arbitrarily go "you can only see this much titty right now, no more! Not until you've done this same event another 3 times!" It's just exhausting. Particularly as many times when it seems obvious that sexual content will happen it then doesn't.

    This is largely due to the behaviour of the characters and protagonist, which I've already said are just so far away from reality. Both the girls and the guy will regularly refuse each other for really bizarre, nonsensical reasons. Mostly for the sake of melodrama. Note: I said "melodrama" NOT "drama"... It's just the sort of "oh woe is me, I am so sad and do not deserve love or sex, but you can still sort of touch my boobs because I need to tease you". And god it's just frustrating.

    A lot of the other reviews have said how good it is that all the girls have their own personalities rather than "box for you to stick you dick into" and in principle I agree, but their personalities are also by-and-large very extreme tropes of "difficult".

    I think perhaps a big part of my frustration might be due to the fact that Lucky has a very defined personality. He doesn't feel like a character who I can self-insert on. In most H-game you are given a defined goal ("save the Princess", "get revenge", "bang your sister" etc) but here you have more than that. Lucky has a goal (of sorts, which isn't terribly clear) but also has his own character and makes decisions based on this, leading to regular occurrences of me going "what the fuck, why the hell did I say that??"

    For all of this, you might note I'm not rating it extremely negatively. This is because I feel that if the decisions made are stupid the writing is at least decent and the sexual content (what there is) is very enjoyable. It just is such a slog to reach it that I'm not convinced I'd recommend it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders 5/5 great renders
    Animated Scene 5/5 I love H-scene of POV angle. There are many in this game.
    Characters 5/5 I feel more affection for the characters. Yui is the most adorable character I've ever seen.
    Story is good too.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I can say that it is an excellent game, at the beginning it starts there normal, with a bit of misterior but after the story starts, it is very entertaining and good, of this type of games I think it is the first to play with the fourth wall and the pc closes me hahaha good detail. Then the story of each of the girls is very interesting but without a doubt the two best stories are those of Maxy / Mary and Yui, I want to know more and please, tell me that later I will be able to flirt with Yui's sisters hahaha

    by the way, thanks for the language in Spanish, thank you very much


    puedo decir que es un excelente juego, al inicio comienza ahi normal, con un poco de misterior pero luego de que arranca la historia, es muy entretenida y buena, de este tipo de juegos creo que es el primero que juega con la cuarta pared y me cierra la pc jajajaj buen detalle. Luego la historia de cada una de las chicas es muy interesante pero sin ninguna duda las dos mejores historias son las de Maxy/Mary y Yui, quiero saber mas y por favor, dime que mas adelante podre ligar con las hermanas de Yui jajaja

    por cierto, gracias por el idoma en español, se agradece muchisimo
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.5.3A

    First, the developer is quite dedicated to the area of artistic detail and image composition, I love the way the renders work

    Second, each character is like a person in itself they have independence in their actions, they have internal problems, they have their own reactions and most important of all "They don't try to justify themselves by a sad past", but above all Charlotte is my type of girl because she knows what she want to achieve and even if the protagonist is not part of her life could continue to move forward, although of course it is normal to have some shortcomings as a person that makes it the best character of all, at least for me

    Third, for God's the plot is a masterpiece, it has so many details, so many things to find out and what the developer tries to do is to tell the story by images because sometimes the texts are not necessary.

  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Animations 4/5
    Characters 5/5
    Story 5/5
    Gameplay 5/5

    I like this game. The story is well written and easy to follow, the characters have great personalities, you can take showers (yes that is important), and there's no mini-games or puzzles. While this is easily a 5-star game, the one thing that stops it from being a 5-star for me, are the H-scenes. The H-scenes are excellent, smooth, and well done, but lack or rarely show one thing, ass angles. That's it. That's the only thing that prevents me from rating this game a 5.

    I'll be jumping into 6.0 momentarily. The first thing that I did was a quick check of the animations, and yes :love:(y) they look great. Review updated to a 5-Star rating, great job!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The art style feels unique, the character progression is nice and even if the game might feel a bit empty for now I have a lot of affection for it. For example Yui barely talks but nobody better hurt her! The game manages to make you care about the characters. Oh and nice art :p
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art and scenes but the real star here is the story the characters are great and have great stories of their own but the overall story is insane. Can’t wait to see more with each character.

    {Spoiler} hope in the future we get to either choose between the restraint girls or resolve their differences.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    played version 0.4.02
    first of all its not realy ordinary porn game- its actualy romantic game with some porn.
    - very good written story- nothing ridicolus like "meet and fcuk", each girl have good background
    - girls have surprises (nothing ridiculos like "im superheroine" or "actualy, im 3000ys old vampire " or "honey, i must to confess- i have dick"). no spoilers- just taste it through gameplay
    - not bad CG
    - simple eng
    - no need wt cuz game have buildin hints
    - source code written in spanish lang and that take time to read it.
    - some hints r wrong

    i hvnt written that in any review, but "try that game- pleasure guaranteed"
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Kiriya Kujo

    Oh my god a lot of references to kamen rider, very funny, in fact it makes me think that one girl of them is based on Stark from Kamen Rider build (For those who notice that reference) but WELP ...

    The artistic style of the characters is very well done

    (Spoiler Alert)
    I really liked the plot, especially now I thought that the game was totally calm until the last thing happened I was shocked, and that it was known what happened with Anton, I can not imagine how the developer will continue to develop the story but follower who is on a very good way

    The composition of the renders is not perfect but, if it comes too close I like that it doesn't only show the girls from the same angle, but also that it doesn't change the perspective that each one of them has in some scenes, you can see that the developer has put a lot of effort into it.

    The translation is not perfect but it's understandable and I can still notice the personalities and intentions of the characters through it so for me it's ok, there are some mistakes but nothing that can't be fixed otherwise the game is very well done

    The design of the girls and each personality has me in love with each one of them, without anything else to say, I say goodbye or should I say

  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was a big surprise.

    Each girl and the story in general is quite interesting. There are a lot of things to discover and you don't need a walkthough to know what to do in each moment, and grind is not necessary to get H content.

    After the secret ending, I'm looking forward to the new update!

    I think I've fallen in love with Layla.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most entertaining games I have played in a long time. This is a very entertaining relationship building game that really makes you care for the characters you interact with. There are six main girls right now, but they are really well developed that have interesting backgrounds and motivations that isn't like your typical adult game.

    The main story is relatable and interesting that keeps you wondering what happens next. There is a bigger point to the story than just having sex (though that is very enjoyable as well). The world is interesting and has a lot of potential to really be expanded upon.

    The girls themselves are all lovable and entertaining in their own way. I don't really think any of the main girls are unlikable which makes it even better to want to see how all the girls stories go. I am pretty sure you will find one girl here that fits your taste. Everyone has their preferences and I think all the girls cover something you are into (example: large/medium/small breasts). All the girls have a different personality, but they are all kind in their own way so there really isn't a girl you despise.

    I think this game also sets the grounds for some really good game play that I think is something to be excited about. On the v0.4.0 one I am reviewing at the time I am writing this, each girl has at least one costume they can wear. Customization is important to me in video games and being able to change into different outfits to make it more personable and entertaining. I am sure more will be in the future as well. There is also a shop to buy things but it is limited in the costumes and quest items right now, but the game is still in an early stage so that is understandable. I think the world of argleton is charming in it's own way that I think has a lot of potential to be memorable.

    The dev Stawer is a really great person, and I can't wait to see more what he brings to the game. To me this is an easy 10/10 game
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Lucky Paradox is a sweet game with cute compelling girls.

    Be prepared to work for those lewd scenes, but it's in fact a great aspect since the events to boost relationship are well written. It gives you time to know about the girls, in a cutesy way.

    10/10 would recommend.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Maito Dai

    The composition of the scenes is very well done, as much as the renders, we can notice many mixed feelings with the main character because the situations tend to be more realistic, don't expect to find that all the girls agree to be the typical girl according to the idea of harem or the idea of sharing the MC just because the MC wants it.

    I like the colors that each girl is represented with and how each one has a personality that does not depend on the MC to live her life.

    10/10 Renders
    10/10 Plot

    It was a little slow at first it's just a detail, but I think the dev fixed that
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story (so far). Superior quality models (they're just drop dead gorgeous). The menu system is proper polished, although the way the UX is done needs some work. There's grinding but the creator has done in a way that isn't boring (there are conversations while raising your stats). This goes on my watchlist and easily one of the premium feeling VNs I've seen here in F95.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, this is one of the games that I like the most, with really beautiful girls, from the main ones to the secondary ones, in fact I even think some secondary ones are more beautiful than some main ones.
    About the stories, I really liked it, simple but cozy, romantic and delicious to follow.
    Unfortunately I don't speak the language (English) my language would be Brazilian Portuguese, and having Spanish, it helped me a lot, I can understand at least 90% of the lines, and I really liked the girls' lines, I like their way, especially Prim , my favorite.
    If you are looking (like me) for a game without strange fetishes, without unnecessary dramas (some light is welcome) such as betrayals, intrigues, blackmail, rapes, NTR, sharing ... This is the game.
    If you are looking for a good game, a pleasant romance, a pleasant harem, that game that can get you a little out of the reality of the world, that makes you forget a little about life outside, this is the game for you.
    I already talked to Dev on the patreon, about the girls in the game, that it would be a real waste not to have anything with them, as I said above, they are all beautiful.
    Who wouldn't want to have scenes with Gia, Akiko, Kendra, Helena, Daisy, Alice?
    I know it can seem almost difficult, since the dev said it would have to be outside the main story, yes it could be, it could be an alternative route, some kind of event.
    I understand that this would take a long time, create events, situations for this to happen, and that it would take more time to finish the game, now I ask, does anyone want the game to end quickly?
    I believe that most would like to be able to have events with all the girls in the game, and if necessary we will wait as long as it takes to see them in our arms, right?
    As for animations, they are very good, I just want it to be a little more explicit in some cases, like Charlotte, they were very good, but I would like it to be more explicit, just as it was with Prim and Maxy who could see the act well in itself.
    Not that I'm complaining, I just want to see the scene, the penetration itself, kind of front.
    In short, a great game, nice romance, beautiful girls, perfect harem, I don't know if an FFM will be added, but it would be welcome in my opinion, but I don't want to influence the dev at all, I like him to do what he planned, that that he likes, and I have nothing to say so far, everything is perfect in my opinion.

    Editing: Thanks for putting pubic hair on some girls, I think I'm a little sick of the hairless.