Good Points
+ We have ''some'' interesting characters (with their look and character development) and their character developments are fine. (Some is key word here, there is 2-3 cringy and annoying character and im pretty sure we gonna get more...)
+ We have some interesting story potencial here, but its wasting by poor writing...
+ We have good looking art/render style and girls/women looks good aswell.
+ Foreplay scenes looks pretty good and sex scenes are fine aswell, they are animated and their quality, physics and FPS value looks good.
+ There is some funny/cool/enjoyable references to known movies like Rictumspempra spell from Harry Potter serie or insults like ''fucking Gandalf'' which Molly used for Arthur (LMAO) etc refences like that makes this game way more enjoyable. The only downside should be not being original enough with using to much reference, but we didn't saw anyting like that until v0.4.2 and i hope we dont saw that in new versions aswell.
Bad Points
- For first versions i though game story is not original but well written, and then we keep learning more about game story and MC, which make things worse and worse with every new story update... Currently this game have poor writing for MC and story involved around him and its just kills whole fun of game...
- There is a lot of thing makes zero sense about MC and story involved around him. And its MC's general character and how his character is un-accurate with story itself. He is the chosen one which incresing his powers day by day, but he still acts like crybaby over Samantha's shoulder for mere note... Or more importantly he believes the guy acting crypctic AF and listens things he told about his family and Arthur etc... And most importantly he even believes him over Lenona and not tell her reason why he wants that seal... Seriously? Acting suspicious aganist the person who choices you as a chosen one? Helping you with whatever it takes? And im not even gonna talk about how sweeatheart she is... And he literaly got suspicious about her because of cryptic guy like him? And when we were about to give seal MC saying ''I dont like all this...'' ? He is so dumb can't even release things how odd is until the last point? LMAO. When he got choked by him i was just laughing my ass how dumb he is LOL. And after he wake up Arthur saying him what his done was act of true hero I just lost it. He was the reason why all that shit happened, the only thing he done was fixing his failure little bit, and its ''Act of true hero'' ? HAHAHAHAHA! Heck i don't even wanna talk about Leona giving him seal like that easily... And the story about his mother and Jacob? Jacob being lover of his mother, possesed by evil Lord, rape her and she run away with being pregnant... And lastly we learned all founders are now captive (slowly dying...) and for saving them we need find their artifacts? And when we found one of the artifacts someone named Beatrice appeared from nowhere and killed Jacob! What was the point of the story about him raping MC's mother then? Seriously? Long story short everyting about MC and his story is literaly big mess and makes no sense at all.
-Tied to other bad point: as you can gues we have so little control about MC literaly named by us (players i mean) and its makes things worse. Players should have more choice about his act aganist situtations and can decide MC not being complete moron if they don't want. Its whole point playing games instead of watching porn and this game don't have that.
- Scene about Diego and how he blasted MC's head, how he can't feel his pressence and that bondage scene with Adele etc was not necesary at all...
- We have couple of annoying characters. First one is Naomi and she acts like all mighty and big shot aganist MC, mocks him and still wants him to do things for her etc... Its kind of annoying but im not gonna say she is not bearable because MC knows how to put her in place she deserves. And there is Audrey... Which had absolutely terrible character development and first sex scene and continues terrible scene before update v0.6.1f. Nearly every player of this game was hating her content and wanting change and DEV was telling people stop whine and just skip her content. But after getting a lot of bad review because of how terrible her content his DEV decided change things little bit. With v0.6.1f she still have that terrible dialogues for her first sex scene (She literaly eats MC alive, feast on his soul and takes all his energy, and when he became limp tells him get out from her room and not even give him proper release and literaly treat him like a human waste) and she still acts like bitch, but at least as a MC we got option to be rude aganist her because of her act. Now MC is not acting like total beta loser and you have option to be nice or rude which is should have added before all this drama. For getting just little dialogue choice we gotta live this drama and had to wait 3 update (2 month), which is totaly nonsense... Anyways now her content starts annoying but as a MC you are getting give proper answers and her continues content is more bearable before but she is still not loveable character and still acts like annoying bitch...
- We cant see what we do when draw a spell and its so god damn random, you can get %100 success with random draw or you can get %30 or someting with perfectly drawed spell and its god damn annoying... DEV should chance that spell draw animation/mini game ASAP and make someting working. For example our first spell drawing was visible and it was kind of ok to draw, i would like to see that as a normal minigame/animation.
- Save page buttons are to small and their distance between of them is to small, its pretty easy to press them wrongly and if you have to much save this means you need skip a lot of page everytime accidently press them... Little bit change could be amazing.
- Sometimes game itself having some problems and freezing for second or so and its pretty annoying. It can be happen while trying to open menu or lustagram or in other situtations etc.
- Couple of things are buggy since release and DEV still not fixing it. And most annoying one is ''Skip'' part in settings, despite choising all of them sometimes they don't work at all and when you untick them they work! Thats just so annoying and nonsense and it needs fix!
- There is effect (Like a light open and up, like blinking) when you go another place in sandbox mod and its pretty annoying and unnecesary, its needs to remove.
- I'm not sure about DEV's main/mother but dialogues feels like translate and a lot of them have grammer problems (Even worse than mines LOL): which makes things hard to understand and kind of annoying.
- General quality can use some work, not all of them but some of renders looks blury and little bit bad.
For The End
Honestly this game started amazing, became average with 1-2 update and with Audrey drama and latest updates its became poor and if i don't count visual parts of game its even terrible... Its had great potencial but currently only good thing about this game is hot looking girls and well maked sex scenes and everyting except that just terrible, its just big mess and without reworking game from very begining its nearly impossible to fix this mess.