v Season 4 - 4.1.1d
Story 2/5
Writing 2/5
Graphics 5/5
Characters 2/5
Audio 4/5
Gameplay 4/5
Lust Academy is a Harry Potter spoof with a focus on harem and hot waifus, with story and world building coming a distant second.
You play as MC, the least intelligent man alive (possibly some kind of mental retardation is at play), who one day receives a letter from not-Hogwarts about attending magic school. MC lives with two legal guardians that clearly hate him, and berate him every day, yet MC for some reason trusts these two explicitly. Anyhoo, MC goes off to magic college where every woman has triple-Ds, and even though MC suffers from a bad case of cerebral palsy he turns out to be the best at everything (presumably why the women need triple-Ds). Strangely enough, MC has no interest in magic whatsoever, and only goes to magic school for the purpose of banging hot girls. This turns out well, as every woman, including the teachers, have a thing for the mentally challenged, and MC quickly starts drowning in hot puss. There's also a main storyline somewhere in there, but since MC cares equally about the main plot and working his side hustle as a Downsy waiter, it can't be that important.
The story is something. Not particularly good. It is mostly ruined by awful pacing, a recurring problem where the dev doesn't seem to understand how to follow a thread or weigh significance of different events from the perspective of the MC. This is evident from as early as the exam (an event in the beginning of the VN) where MC is told that the exam is critical, the exam is imminent, and the exam is difficult, yet most of the time in this chapter is spent talking to random people about pointless things. The actual exam part of the chapter is the smallest component. Same with missions and tasks - a large amount of the text dedicated to various tasks revolve around pointless shit while the task itself (which MC has been told is central and important) is resolved in a few lines.
The story also suffers from classic anime syndrome - everyone is wearing plot armor, and no matter how much you use the training/practice features in the game to become a stronger wizard, MC will still get beaten by the weakest of wizards when the plot calls for it. The world as a result does not feel real at all, and even internally it is inconsistent. This ties into the MCs severe retardation - the conclusions he makes to advance the plot are truly immersion-breaking and ricidulous. Trusting someone that tried to murder you five seconds ago? Sure, why not. Trusting the woman that is known for being deceptive and doing everything to get ahead? Absolutely, no problem. Trusting a complete stranger with information that would immediately get your sister expelled if revealed? I don't see why not. Trusting your absolute bitch of a sister with information that would get both you and your other sister expelled? Yes sir. Does the player get a choice in these obvious matters? No. Does the player ever get a choice in the decisions that matter? No. All of the important decisions are made without player input, and this is a strange choice from the side of the devs. The house you end up in is decided beforehand. Whether to tell your magical patron about the plans of the guy that tries to murder you is not a choice given the player. I don't think I've ever disliked an MC this much before.
It is also worth noting that the sex scenes are truly uninspired with nothing out of the ordinary happening. For a game about magical possibilities, this is surprising. In fact, the magic part is weirdly toned down in general.
The writing, the most important part of any VN, is bad. It's frivolous - way too much exposition usually, far too modern (stop using the word literally to mean figuratively, and stop using the word literally where it doesn't mean anything), Google translated, and in several places simply incoherent. The not-Instagram feature is the worst offender (every post sounds like a shallow teenager's version of "insightful"), and the comments left by MC sound less like a real conversation and more like some kind of idiot meme joke. I fully expected to see a comment of "plz show bob and vagene".
The most egregious error, and the one that takes me out of the game every time, is how schizophrenic the MC is. While the girls for some reason have no clue that MC is sleeping around, it also appears that MC has no clue that MC is sleeping around. Every time he meets a new girl, he acts as a virgin. Then he plays the supreme gentleman, throws out some teenage level "insight" about following your dreams or how no one is ever responsible for their terrible actions. He tells the girl that he has fallen for her and that she's special and everything, then he bangs her. Then he goes back to the dorms, jerks off on a sleeping roommates face, pats himself on the back for being such a kind and caring soul, and goes to sleep. Then he meets a new girl and the clown circus continues. He's a schizophrenic combination of supreme gentleman and Buffalo Bill sex offender. It's annoying how he talks about every girl being perfect and beautiful, how much he cares, only to go blammo on some sleeping girls face five seconds later. It would do much for the game if MC's personality was coherent and made the player feel sane. I'd also like it if the MC wasn't such an absolute beta, and would defend himself from the people that acted like bitches (Don, Don's wife, Audrey, black chick, and so on) instead of trying to appease them like a cuck. That choice is unfortunately not available.
Graphics are great. No complaints. I'll say the characters all have far too large boobs, and ideally only one or two girls would, but realism in that area is a personal preference. The UI elements look far more professional than average, and work really well.
Characters range from acceptable to awful. Too many girls are absolute cunts, and the only choice open is to try and understand them and change their opinions rather than destroying them. The one character that I felt had some interesting thoughts behind her, Dakota, doesn't appear until S2. Most characters should be fairly recognizable - the slut (with huge boobs), the sister (with huge boobs), the nerdy virgin (with huge boobs), the tiger mom daughter (with huge boobs), the zesty black girl (with huge boobs), the MILF (with huge boobs), the second MILF (with huge boobs), the tsundere MILF (with huge boobs), and the list goes on. Most of the characters talk too much about pointless shit, which is further emphasized by the MC having several thoughts about the pointless shit adding even more pointless shit to the pile. It's not great, and most of it ends up being very skippable. To add insult to injury, MC quickly starts calling the girls 'baby' which merely comes off as embarassing and juvenile (in a bad way).
Audio is pretty good, at least to my ears.
This one is pretty decent. The mini games aren't difficult, can be skipped, and at least the duels are kinda fun before they get tedious. There's not much depth to any of it, but it works well enough. I do wish there were more events and outcomes tied to the duels, as this is supposed to be a game about magic battles. The UI is also intuitive and easy to use / access. Well done.
An average VN, strangely split between excellent UI/renders/animations and deficient writing/English/creativity.