I really wanted to like this one, but it just couldn't get there. Wish I could give it 2.5, but I'll give it that extra bump for the variety of love interests. There's a TLDR at the bottom.
Visuals (4/5):
TLDR; Overall, this game is a pretty looking game with average characters, pretty models and animation, and a moderately interesting setting. But it’s unfortunately dragged into the depths of mediocrity by the genuinely awful dialogue and writing.
Visuals (4/5):
- What you see is what you get. If you like the pictures in the preview images, then you’ll like them in the game. I personally think most of them are pretty hot. I also think the dev should get some points for the locations, particularly after season 1 when he spends some time freshening them up and tweaking the lighting. It’s a pretty decent looking game.
- There are animations, and some of them are pretty good. They get better after season 1. It’s nothing really spectacular like the animations in the recent updates of University of Problems or Twisted World, but it’s still solid.
- Like most adult games, the gameplay in this game is “Fine”. There’s nothing very special about it, the sandbox elements are not annoying although there are some weird things going on with it. For example, you might have a 3 second conversation with someone in the hall and all of the sudden time progress as much as if you had gone to class when the dev probably should have just not made it progress time at all. There are also moments when you talk to a character and unknowingly skip through basically the entire day because they wanted to go for a walk and suddenly it’s night time. This can be frustrating if you were planning on doing something else during a later part of the day and now you have to wait until the next day (or even next week for some events) to try again.
- The sandbox can also, sometimes frequently, cause an issue where scenes happen clearly out of order. You’ll do a bunch of quests for one girl and complete most of her storyline and then hop over to do a story mission where the MC muses about “maybe getting to know her”.
- The combat is also fine. It’s not very engaging or anything special, but it’s neat enough that it doesn’t make combat a complete slog.
- The world in this game is pretty interesting. Unfortunately, it feels a bit like cheating to give this a positive value since it’s… let’s be generous and say “heavily inspired” by Harry Potter. But I will say to the dev’s credit, some of my favorite bits of world building in this game is stuff he’s altered from HP.
- Just beyond “passable”. The story does its job as window-dressing to lay the characters and porn on. It’s nothing revolutionary, it’s not even that interesting, but it’s decent enough to not get in the way of the rest of the game.
- The characters in this game are pretty basic. Most of them are just your classic archetypes, and only a select few ever dare to step beyond that and gain an ounce of depth. That being said, many of them are still likeable. Probably my biggest issue is with Audrey. It’s like the dev is trying to make her a Tsundere, but instead she’s just a complete bitch who very occasionally says something that isn’t mean and the MC’s inner monologue reminds us that “she’s not actually that bad”. It’s a shame since she’s so hot, but I just hate interacting with her.
- As the title of this point suggests, when I say “Writing”, I mostly mean “Dialogue”, as the rest of the writing is already covered in the Story, Characters, and World sections. The dialogue in this game is just straight up not good. It’s not that it’s full of errors or bad grammar, but every character sounds stilted and awkward. The dialogue during sex is awful and I cringe every time someone makes a bad pun about the sex being “magical” or saying stuff like “you’re a wizard” in bed. It’s not funny and it just takes me out of it. None of the characters speak or behave like real people, often spitting out their feelings like an internal monologue.
- The biggest offenders are probably the comments you make on the “Lustagram” app. Some of the comments, especially the “flirty” ones, are insanely cringy and borderline harassment.
- Additionally, the main character often behaves in a way that makes me really wish there were more choices in this game. One of the biggest examples is when a certain character goes to work as a dancer at the club and the MC just freaks the fuck out. He grabs her like a maniac, spills coffee everywhere, and storms over to the club to try and make the owner not hire her. He comes off as a controlling, abusive psychopath. There’s no option to just… support her? Like I would maybe understand if the point was that she doesn’t end up working there, but she DOES end up working there even though you throw your little baby temper tantrum. So if the end result is her working there anyway, why is there no dialogue option that is just “I understand and support you” until after they dump some really personal trauma on you? And that’s just one instance. It’s wild that the dev just forces you to behave like a dangerous manchild out of nowhere.
- This is really, by far, the worst aspect of this game. It’s so bad that it makes me wonder if the dev has ever actually talked to a woman in his life. The only reason this doesn’t get a 0/5 is because it’s coherent. The only thing that could make the writing worse would be if it was actually unintelligible gibberish.
TLDR; Overall, this game is a pretty looking game with average characters, pretty models and animation, and a moderately interesting setting. But it’s unfortunately dragged into the depths of mediocrity by the genuinely awful dialogue and writing.