Ren'Py - Lust and Power [v0.68 Regular] [Lurking Hedgehog]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a solid 4 star game and with better overall writing and narrative and some tweaking of mechanics maybe even pushing 5.
    A lot of that depends on your affinity for the kinks, this has a lot of stuff i personally like: incest, male dom, and mom, son, sister sex (not in the reboot yet but in the old version which is available here too and worth a look with the cheats)
    The game is a sandbox and has a decent amount of grind so if you don't like that kind of stuff probably not worth playing unless you really like the kinks in which case you can use the cheats which eliminate most of the grind
    it has RPG lite combat which isn't anything special but isn't horrible either
    the game loop consists of going out to scavenge for resources, fighting demons and then heading back to the house to corrupt the LIs

    The corruption is actually quite rewarding due largely to the excellent dirty talk, there are some groping, masturbation scenes here that are hotter than sex scenes i've seen in a lot of games on this site.
    the accompanying animations are simple but also very hot, and the expressions on the faces of the women are handled really well too

    the story is okay there's an apocalypse, you're the chosen one blah blah blah. It's not bad but not great, the characters are likewise okay but their personalities end up revolving around how they fit into porn game tropes. The frigid MILF; the bitchy sister, the secret sub, the nerd, ect. None of this really bothers me, but if you have a hardon for deep meaningful relationship building in your porn games then you may not like it

    Overall for just what's here its a must play for anyone that likes incest harem games and maledom imo and if you really don't want to deal with the grind the cheat makes everything pretty trivial.
    The original game is worth a look to as there are more scenes that get into FFM stuff. Though i would definitely use the cheat there to unlock everything there because it's not worth playing through both as the reboot is the superior experience overall
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm partial to power fantasy games, but this is pretty solid. Writing and scenes are good so long as you are okay with the art style. I think the pacing of the gameplay is good and you tangibly stronger over time like a good RPG should have. For how much the dev is making on Patreon it should probably have a tighter update schedule or some communication from him, but I just played this recently and I'm judging it based on what's here.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a fun game with a few missed opportunities to be above average.

    The Good.
    • The combat is fun and the feeling of growing stronger is well dosed. There are many spells to choose from and this opens a lot of different ways of approaching combat.
    • The game has its own artstyle so you won't see the same DAZ models you've already seen a hundred times. I personally like this western style.
    • While they have similar sex scenes, each women have their own artworks and animations, they aren't just face-swapped.

    The Meh.
    • The game requires you to explore a city and each time you explore you may run into a random encounter. Some districts have specific encounters but still, there are so few encounters (like 5 ?) that it gets stale quite fast.
    • Scavenging for food is fine. It's tense during the early game and trivial and fast later on. However, grinding for other ressources in parallel was boring ... I personally couldn't be bothered with gold so I just used console commands to bypass this part.
    • The females, while looking different and having different (though limited) personalities, lack diversity. I would have appreciated more body sizes and skin colors.
    • The women in MC's harem have two stats : love and submission. Apart from different dialog lines and unlocking the next sex scenes, these don't much more and can actually be raised at the same time. I would have prefered distinct paths with distinct scenes to encourage players to commit to one or the other and prevent them from playing the MC as both the kindest person on Earth and the biggest control freak at the same time.
    • The writing is meh. It's functional and doesn't strive for more.

    The Bad. This game doesn't do anything bad actually. The grind is a bit annoying, but contributes to the tense feeling of the early game when finding food. The core of the game (combat and sex scenes) are good but many little things dull the experience down to average.

    I'm putting this last paragraph at the end of the review because I didn't take it into account when rating the game (as is expected from the 3rd reviewing rule). I wrote this review after playing v0.66 Regular. More than 2 years had passed since the previous time I had played the game and yet ... Apart from a few animations and a new step in a quest, the game hasn't progressed. You should take this into account if you ever plan on supporting this project.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    First lets get over the 7 years of development and nothing new in game for years due to remaking the game, that alone is just to stupid and slow, game should have been done years ago instend, if this will ever get finished or it will be a constant remake untill people stop supporting i dont know but dont really have my hopes up for this to get done.

    Story 2/5
    I like the main plot where MC gets power to fight deamons and shit, but it also fails due to being forced to turn your mother and sister into slaves, i mean game dosent explain why MC would have such hate for hes family so he wants to punish them and turn them into slaves to that part just dosent make any kind of sense and considering the hole reason for him to fight evil is to protect him self and hes family it makes even less sense and feels idiotic.

    MC has an inner voice and i got to say its more annoying then fun and i could do without it, all its there to do is make game cringy as hell which really only ruins the game and MC has no balls so he never stands up to it so hes just the standard submissive idiot.
    MC is also extremly cringy and has alot of lust for hes own mother and sister, its boring, its standard, its pointless, both the inner voice and MC wants to fuck the mother and sister, i just hate thie type of game where you dont have a say in anything as the player, also hate MCs with a mindset of a childish 12 year old.

    As for the art its mostly pretty damn bad, alot of the girls you meet out in the world has faces like a dude, even main girls are meh feels like same faces reused on all of them really.

    Sex scenes are bland, boring dialogs and animations, dialogs are meh as well.

    Girls 1/5
    They mostly looked like dudes to me and theres barely any diversity in builds they pretty much all look the same.

    Aniimations 1/5
    Short and boring with poor dialogs and very very few sex scenes where you fuck someone, sister has 2 mother maybe the same dident care enough to try all of her stuff, the nerd girl has none.

    Music 3/5
    Average background stuff with no lyrics.

    Sandbox and choices 3/5
    There arent really any kind of choices its an all out kinetic story with very little to come for, i kinda liked the fighting and RPG aspest which is only reason i give this 3 stars as for choices it would be 0.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Great game, mechanics, story, and h-scenes, plagued by a developer that likes to remove content, just to slowly re-add it over time.

    Came for the lesbian content, just to find out, it, and a lot of other content has been removed, just so it could be re-added at a later date. Half the Tags on this post are incorrect, and should have been removed years ago.

    v0.37 has more content, and gameplay, then v0.65.... And the difference between the two, IMO, wasn't worth the removal of content. On top of that, it's been 2-3 years since this rewrite has started....

    Easily a 5 star game, but it's been corroded and decayed by the whim a dev probably just trying milk money from their supports cuz they are having troubles continuing the story. (that last part is speculation of-course, but seriously go play v0.37 after trying v0.65, and you will easily find that the differences between the two, do not out-weight a 3 year development time and removal of content.)

    Either wait until this is completed, or go play something else. Not worth your time or money until the dev gets their act together.

    EDIT: After reading some of the dev notes of releases, they were able to completely rewrite the game code and redo a bunch of art, and add new art in a 4-5 month period. However, it's take'n them 2 and half years to re-add already completed content and art, to their new version of the game. Something is not adding up here. At best they are making some minor tweaks to the art and story, IMO it shouldn't take 2 and half years to re-add whats already been completed and planned out back into the game. Definitely looks like they are milking this to a certain degree.

    [To put it in perspective, this Dev has been getting $4000USD (give or take) every month for 2.5 years to re-add content that was available in v0.37. That's $120,000 just to re-add previously available content... If you go back and play v0.37 you will clearly realize that the amount of changes and content between v0.37 and v0.65 does not justify the revenue.]
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I come back to this every year or so. In general: Great game with a very unique gameplay mechanic and content.

    For some time it made great progress both content wise and gameplay wise. I believe the dev revamped it and reorganized everything, which might be to milk patreon longer or just because he felt the need to.

    What lets me substract a star is that there is no real content since years. Yes now I can watch the women sleeping, not sure if I was able to do that 2 years ago. But I'm pretty sure most content was there already. Maybe the vag sex scene with the mother/landlady whatever was missing, but other than that I believe most was there. Sister just got a bit more scenes after I played.

    If you like the power mechanic of corrupting/blackmailing/seducing (you basically can go both roads at the same time) it's a great game. The problem is: I basically have seen everything before, there are new characters added that serve basically no purpose (and some had more content some years ago).

    I would have highly prefered the dev concentrating only on the mother/sister, and making the corruption process way longer. Right now it's basically only taking time because you need tons of stuff to "survive" which is basically grinding (play this with cheats, please!) - the dialogues are hot, don't get me wrong, but it escalates too quickly. The mother going from "are you insane I won't let you see me naked" to "ok let's fuck if you really need" just too fast (if you use cheats). Positive: There are actually at least 2 or so different dialogues per sex scene, one for the first time and one for every round after, but I believe it would be way more believable if the dev had done the corruption process more smoothly. Touching her ass? yes, but first time only over clothes, then with lift up skirt, no skirt on panties, no panties. And so on. Would have made it more believeable. Also: lost chance to stretch the content. Dude, using the same images you already use but gating it would have been perfect. You already have different dialogues for the same scene if the bra is off vs. bra on, capitalize on it!

    Anyhow, I enjoy the game, and if the dev actually adds more content I'm interested in (I dont need more places to go to fight monsters, I want more porn scenes or more different dialogue stretching these scenes) I expect to come back in 2025 to see it finished or at least a bit further. If it goes in the right direction, it will get my 5 stars.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Great game actually, great potential - BUT and thats a very big but, its going around in circles. There was more content back in 2020 than there is now and while rewrites might be warranted at times, this just seems excessive. Even the latest 0.63 has bugs, such as not being able to access inventory, and various other mechanics that used to work doesn't currently. Its like waiting for a new version, only to find out its worse than the one before. Its sad really.
    The visuals merit more than one star, might have actually given it four, but a devolving game is just frustrating and therefore I give Lust and Power version 0.63 a single star.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, if you enjoy the male power balance shift from zero to hero and find pleasure in slowly dominating & corrupting your not-family members. Nice blend of hand-drawn images, management game and RPG fighting elements with silly dialogues.

    A lot of reviewers downgrade their rating as the Dev seems to be developing at a slow pace and after a revision of the game 2 years ago, has still not caught up to the level the game once was. I do sympathize with the frustration, but the review should be towards the game you can play right know, so I will not factor that in. But like the others, I wish for a lot more content, soon.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Bardzo fajna gierka. Ładne rysunki i fabuła trzyma się kupy. Sama gra wymaga trochę grindowania ale da się przeżyć. Co można poprawić więcej scen sexu, więcej dominacji na dziewczynami no i więcej dziewczyn w tym przydałaby się z większymi piersiami
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game. Graphics are nice. It's sad, that the redo resulted in the game not yet being as good as the old version, but it has gotten playable. The long wait is bad. But I played the game a lot through the versions. It certainly shouldn't have 3 stars, but I can understand the anger.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Ashley young

    Actually a good game. Yeah the dev has been milking it with redesigns and whatnot but there is a good amount of content, and it is not bad at all. I guess if you are some dude who started to support it like 5 years ago then you have a valid reason to rate it low but if you are new to it then its a good game.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Six and a half years.

    That's how long this game has been in development and when it first appeared it wasn't bad however things have changed over the years and this game? It's done nothing but go backwards.

    Cut content and years of "redesigning" have produced a clunky unfun mess where you spend hours unlocking handjobs and other basic shit. If you like blueballs i suppose that's fine but personally i was amazed how boring the sex scenes are in this one.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh yeah, 5 stars (which I do not give so easily).

    I played this game a couple of years ago, was reading about the redesign, waited another year for more updates, and tried again some days ago.

    Yes, there are a lot of improvements, so I guess it is worth to play the redesigned versions.

    I do not focus on what we miss now, I look on that what we actually have. And this is great. Every dev has his own pace and has his reasons for it. Impo we should not judge about the speed someone is going.

    Some ppl say the dev is milking money. My view is: everyone supports as much as one feels it is balanced.

    If someone feels a dev is not worth to be supported, he should not support him. Simple like that.

    I personally had a lot of fun.
    Graphics are fine.
    Story and wording are excellent (although there is a bit too much text-repetition. Easy to click it away).
    Girls are sexy.

    Combats are thrilling (although for mid- and endgame there are some improvements necessary. I am sure the dev will work on it).

    Looking forward for continuation.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    The Lewd Gamer

    This game is good. I like the direction it's going. And I want to point some things out that I think could be improved and highlight things that I think are great and original ideas.

    About the gameplay: I have played many management games and I feel that this one would fall somewhere about in the middle of the pack. The resource management system consists of having to scavenge (repetitive, kind of grindy) over and over for food (with spontaneous enemies as obstacles). I think this could be improved/expanded upon, but I won't judge it very much just because the game is still young and I kind of see how this was already in the plans of the dev.
    The game has a battle system and it is fine. Spells are somewhat limited for now (at least up to where I got in the story) but I'll wait for future updates on the system to develop a critic.

    About the lewd content: Great. Just great. I still can't wrap my head around the idea of a game with so little content (as of 0.54) that can still make you hard. Just a few (very well drawn) scenes, in combination with good writing can make enjoy a good night of playing hero in a "save the world" game.

    About the writing: Note that there are two paths to take when making decisions: Romantic and Dominant. I chose romantic, so everything I'll say about writing is from having experienced that path. Having said that. Great writing! the characters that live with the player truly feel alive. Character development is very well done and I like how they end actually loving the MC and it doesn't feel forced.

    All in all, the game is great, not a five-star. But close. I think if it follows the path it is currently on, it'll be a great game to come back to after a few months.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Haven't played the latest iteration, but this game seems to be consistently underrated. Not sure why it would be. So far my favorite is the MILF. I'll re-play when I see a significant amount of her content.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    (v 0.54)
    I were playing this game since its early builds. It was interesting and captivating back in these days since it has a good story and gameplay but sadly each passing day, both its art and gameplay are going out of style. I can see the effort of developer for so called renovations and improvements but there is an inconsistency between the effort expended, time and the results..
  17. 1.00 star(s)



    when i think about who supports this game financially, i immediately imagine a row of people doing the conga line dance around an Eschar staircase to the tune of "the road to nowhere" by the talking heads.

    6years this developer has been on this site and still no sign of a completed project under their belt, is not a good sign and with all the stops to redesign and tweak content, a huge sign the developer had no plan and still has no plan, i have zero faith that they ever will.

    the art is poor even for hand drawn and the game quickly becomes more work than entertainment to play.
    at this point it will never be realised promise as it has been so long going nowhere, that even IF (a very big IF indeed) it ever gets over the finishing line, it will just be too late as it is now even less interesting than when i last played it 4 years ago.

    if this developer had never opened a crowdfunding site page then fine, take all the time you like and THEN release it when finished.
    instead they are exploiting.

    1 star for the mechanics. the rest is not worth it and even that is high praise
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    For 7 years the game has turned into garbage. There used to be scenes, more art. It is more interesting to play without cheats. Now I went, read the comments, realized that the game was cut off and completely redesigned. Just awful. For 7 years, CARL game has become just awful.
    It makes no sense to play the 0 54 version, play the old ones starting from 0.30, there is more story and scenes in the game. I'm disappointed with the developer and this game.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is a hard case to evaluate.
    I was late to the party and discovered in only now, in 2023.

    If you read the thread, you'll soon know that making of this game is a kind of "development hell" thing. The author does it for several years and at some moment he decided to rewrite it very radically. Unfortunately it meant that instead of new content being added, a lot of old content disappeared.

    The best version was 0.37 and if you want to play this game I strongly advice you to play this old version, not the current one. Because it's actually really good.

    The game is a mix of erotic, visual novel and RPG. Your stats matter a lot
    and you need to build them up to advance the story and achieve anything with the ladies. It was a bit repetitive but for most time quite involving for me

    The ladies are pretty. The graphics are pixelart style which I really like, maybe because I'm quite old and it's the style of my young days :) However it's a really good pixelart. Version .0.37 has a lot of erotic scenes included which unfortunately mostly disappeared in later versions.

    The only letdown were demons with big, stiff boners. Come on, I don't want to watch demon dicks again and again. There should be an option to turn it off.

    The story would be weak for a book but for a RPG game it was perfectly okay. There is nothing annoying in it and the style of wrting is actually good.

    So if I was to evaluate version 0.37 I would just give 5 stars. Unfortunately
    the author started to mess with the game later. As for now it made the game only worse but let's hope it isn't his final word as the game certainly had a lot of potential
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Wayfarer Kane

    The actual game is good fun smut, with a surprisingly decent combat system and a silly but fun plot. The art is hand drawn and is decent enough.

    The biggest problem is the developer treats the game as a hobby, he keeps tearing stuff out and rewriting it, and clearly only spends a few hours a week on it. So releases are few and far between, and keep covering the same ground over and over. If he’d just stick with a build and actually move forward it‘d probably be a lot more popular, people don’t want to keep paying for the same content multiple times.