Unity - Lust for Adventure [v9.5] [Sonpih]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The Gay Tag review

    This is a classically balanced game where you have basically 50/50 straight/gay scenes (most monsters have male/female representatives, most quest givers likewise, etc). If anything, it may even be slightly unbalanced towards gay content due to a couple of vignettes (if you play a man). So you can easily ignore the straight content -even in combats, you can always escape from it without sweating too much if you have a female enemy.

    This game has some cute features. I like for example how your character is seamlessly included in the drawings of the sex scenes. The jobs at the city hall and the brothel, or the animal features,just to make few examples, introduce some variety. The graphics are not exceptionally refined, but they are colorful and work pretty well.
    The problem is that the game itself... is nothing special, really. The interaction with the characters is very stiff: talk-get quest-get reward and sex if you want-done. The combat falls flat. The variety of items is pitiful (what's the point of shops really). The sex scenes you can spy upon are fun for the first couple of times, then it gets boring. In the end, this game feels like a nicely decorated confection without much substance.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    On a technical level, the game's extremely impressive. You can customize your characters's gender, race, skin color, appearance, clothing, etc. All of that is reflected in the sex scenes too.

    As it currently stands, the game has a large amount of content. Probably about evenly divided between straight and gay scenes.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    To be honest I really like the concept, and I love WoW, but it's just way way way too much gay only content. If the dev would focus a bit more on things for everyone, it could be really great. However as it was advertised as a "create your own character" game, I figured there'd be enough content for both sexes. There is not. Unless you're gay. Which is cool. But not for me.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A lot of content has been added to this game to improve it overall. I wish there were more sex scenes(videos), more races to choose from. But overall I think the game will improve much further in the near future!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is improving with very consistent updates just about every old negative review is being addressed. Such as sex scenes are becoming actual scenes and not just screenshots with text .etc

    But for the game to truly shine it needs to offer the player more freedom, while the game is technically open you are basically railroaded into zones based on level and quest progression exactly how WOW is but there is even less reason to return to Zones once you have exhausted the quests at least in the beginning zones. Offering more things to do and repeatable/radiant quests would do wonders to help the game imo.

    Also needs more CoC tier body options, give me that 900 mile long dick and 40 tits.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has the potential to be a great game but it constantly falls just short of it. It's biggest issue is definitely that it just doesn't feel the dev has direction for it yet. There are at least 3 different systems for scenes that I noticed, and no base story to motivate a player forward. I like the idea of keeping it sandbox but I think that adding quests that encourage the player down a certain route would be smart, as well as letting those quests give exp to take away from the feeling of grindiness in the game. The biggest issue, though, is that the dev needs to spend an update going through and making all the scenes in one format so it isnt so immersion breaking to get hit with a new one. I think the big wall of text with an image hidden behind is pretty rough, so the more VN style one with the chatbox at the bottom would be the way to go
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite an interesting game with familiar art style (its origin won't be named), decent amount of H-scenes, some of which are animated. The mechanics are easy to play around with, and there's cheats available for people who need that "quick fix" or are just looking to test the waters.
    Content is both straight and LGBT friendly, and from what I've seen in-game, you can avoid the stuff you're not sexually into.

    I'd like to thank the Devs for their efforts and am looking forwards to seeing more animated scenes.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Parody of a certain game, and parody to the point of even keeping the adult scenes true to the art style, I'd wanted to give this 4 stars at least. Unfortunately playing it is an odyssey and not like the role playing chain quest kind, more like the passing a kidney stone kind. Game would hugely benefit from a complete system overhaul and simplification because if we wanted that part of it detailed we'd just be playing the real thing.
    Worth trying once? Sure, if you're a huge fan of the source material. Worth playing for an extended time? No, better games are out there and it's not like porn of this is hard to find on any adult image site.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Game's pretty good. Definitely has potential that can actually be seen. I'm giving it "Middle of the Road" stars simply because there's not much to do yet. I've decided to hold off on updates for a bit because it's like taking a step and then stopping constantly instead of walking. I'm not saying the updates are particularly slow, though. And I actually like the balance of the updates as well with them normally containing equal amounts of M/M M/F content each time, leaving something for everyone. It's just the nature of the beast that a chunk of complaints are straight dudes whining that the content isn't exactly what they want by way of catering solely to them. If you're like me, though (bi) this game has a lot of a promise. It is true that the sex scenes need work, however, which is another reason for my rating being Middle stars. Seems like the dev is addressing that, though. All in all, potential to be one of the good ones. I'd just suggest staying away if you're one of Those People who get shaking, red-faced mad at the mere sight of a choice to partake in M/M, though, or worse, one of those people that are absolutely compelled to knowingly go into a thread with a "Gay" tag to complain about the M/M content . Otherwise, and if you're more patient than me, it's worth checking out the updates as they come in. I could see myself rating this higher in the future--but I'm not going to do that now because I don't know for sure that it's going to become what I hope it does.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is currently a mess of things. Combat system feels really poor and needs an overhaul. You don't seem to gain new abilities when leveling up. Leveling up doesn't feel like it does anything. Can you regain health and man in some way other than resting after every fight? There's little direction what to do and there doesn't seem to be any particular adventure to go on but for some reason you can buy a brothel. Too much gay stuff, would like to toggle it off. Forced bisexuality for men. Sex scenes are all text on top of a still image. 2 out of 5, can't stab gay-ass femboys in the throat.
  11. 3.00 star(s)



    first time i try this game. here my opinion about it (version 3.5)

    This game is a mix between good and meh.
    Its good in the sens the game is nice with WoW lore and all, some various place to visit, chars to meet etc...
    the fightng system is simple yet sometime completly random. The mix during fight with Lust, damage and mana is very confusing and it offer even more way to actually lose a fight (or win), doing lots of damage can make you lost because the enemy boost your lust up...anyway... next thing.
    the game is heavy on text. every dialogs is writted "instantly" on the screen, soo you have to read the whole thing . it would have been better if the text spawned slowly after each clic, but whatever... it just make the game quite boring to read an whole screen of text all of the suddent.

    YES... the game actually have sex scenes. all you have to do is to click on the little (very... very little.) eye icon at the top right of the screen.
    if you have bad eyes, you'll miss it, its super small. that hide the text wall and show the CG behind (wich represent the sex scene.)

    i think the dev is a gay person. i just think this because the game present 3 female (wich are actual female) and 6 males (including shemale/futa).
    if you play a man, you can also be turned on by watching a wolf licking its own dick (WTF?).... its pretty clear that the game has been made for female character.
    they are also random chars spawning around that allow you to have sex... mostly men or female with dicks (futa).

    playing as a male character is a pain in the ass (litteraly) for now. the only few female that allow you to have sex have limited option. by that, i mean you can have sex just as simply as completing a quest... no flirt, no shit, just straigth dick in pussy after comlpeting a quest. meanwhile, some char allow "flirt" as option, wich also instantly line up for a sex scene free of charges.
    male chars are animated (poor man), woman aren't...

    soo yeah... i dont know the dev, nor his objectif with the game. But this game would have been better with female only MC and that's it.

    the grind is present, and you gonna feel it.... kicking orc, wolf and others things asses for 2 fucking gold.... 2 fucking gold !.... while you need like 1000 for buying a brothel (wich kind of WIP for now)
    of course, some char (king) can reward you directly 1K gold by doing an (almost impossible) quest.

    dissapointed too to see the god damn bitch Jaina Proodmoore not being used as sextoy LOL...

    also the inventory stay empty and only show the underwear/outfit. soo if you make a quest that require to pick up shit, you dont know how much you have unless you open the quest tab and check quest per chars. wich make the inventory kind of dumb, to be honest.

    and the final point go for the good side, with an actual nice character customization menu. even if its not THAT much and pretty simple, its still nice to see it.
    but again... pretty useless to play male in the game for now.

    i m not gonna play it again (maybe not anymore). even if i very love WoW stuff, This one go on the gay road and its wayyyy too complex and grindy (seriously, it even goes to the point to see if you body is fit or fat, the size of your dick and ele.. WTF lol)

    if you like WoW, you like playing as female, you like grind and game in wich you can get fuck more than you can fuck. then this game is for you.

    i would give 2 and a half stars... but meh.. 3 is more correct than just 2 imho. Its not bad, its just that the game have too much useless stuff in it at this point.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    No actual sex scenes just text descriptions. Too much clicking around and don't explain how to do stuff or the basic mechanics of the game. Should focus on a little tutorial and adding more graphic sex instead of the description which are boring.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is repetitive and tideous like the MMO it is based on, and all the sex scenes are composed of one static image covered by a huge wall of text. Cheating isn't even a good way to get around the drudgery of the gameplay because you have to retype the password for each time you want to watch another scene.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    "Eehhh." That's basically what it comes down to, the idea is fun, but the systems are pretty basic, the CG's are very bland and the writing/description for them is just bordering average.

    The combat/skill system is just designed poorly, needing 5+ rests to recover from using a starter 'Whore' class skill once is just kind of a lazy replacement of an actual, thought out, progressive skill/combat system and regeneration system.

    I guess it all comes down to the game feels amazingly bland and empty, it's like, cool: The assets are there, WoW was fun so there's a good comedy/nostalgia value there.... then it stops abruptly, for me, half way through the first area (there are 2, 3 if you count the town... one area takes about 10-15 mins) the game itself offers nothing and looking at how its designed, since the quest progression is just there as a placeholder to get to the next generic quest (kill x, get x) and ends without any real benifit over a minor stat boost just allowing you to do the next quest with nothing else substantial there since the scenes are just: see two character models possitioned in sexual positions with some generic text, and the areas are kind of pointless since there's just a basic route to follow in each.

    Basically, it's fun to see for the gimick, but the actual game is just really below par compaired mostly any other TBC/RPG porn game.

    Plus forced gay scenes if you're a man and no control over what actually happens in the scenes involving you etc, there's just so many poor design choices here I could honestly write another few paragraphs, but I am sure you get the point by now.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like WoW assets, and a kinky game, this is one you should really check out. Between quests for armor and weapons, and enemies who can ravish you, there is non-stop fun! Feel up for a kinky night? Go to the Inn. Stay in the woods, or even go to the Orc camp. Suffice to say, I have had around 20 hours of playing around just doing quests. Have fun, and enjoy.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It has a very simple system and there are scenes for all people, in each update it is doing much better.
    All the errors that have been corrected with the passage of time, there are still some but it is only cuaestion of time to be fixed.
    You can still improve, but that will be reflected with the passage of time.
    It is worth giving it a try.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The idea was nice and the game itself doesn't really have much complex system in it, sex scenes aren't bad but we could have more graphic details, im looking forward to see the game after its finished
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Finally got around to playing this, combat is pretty vanilla I can excuse that if they made up for it other places, but CG is lacking both in content and diversity, and its pretty much a sausage fest even though it mentions monster girls and the like its still mostly dude on dude for male char, and frankly not very good over all...

    If you want guy on girl prepare to be disappointed big time and if you like man on man well you will be disappointing to as its got hardly any content for that either...
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly great.

    First off don't be scared away by the RPGM. This has as much to do with most RPGM games as it does a Renpy game. The creator has simply used RPGM to create a surprisingly effective little world. While the current content is a bit limited, that's to be expected with an initial release and can be forgiven.

    What is there shows an amazing level of polish and care. Also the inspiration of CoC is quite apparent, without being simpering or copying, and it really works.

    It's not perfect, and there are somethings I don't particularly love. But it's almost hard to bring them up in such an early build, because I feel like there's so much room to grow that they might be addressed soon enough anyways.

    I think this is a great start for a first release and will look forwards to checking back into it later.