HTML - Lust for Life [v0.50 Public] [MartinDrake]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.48 Public

    Overview: Wait 3 days and repeat

    Story: You're a guy who wants to fuck all of the girls he knows. Your sisters, your mother, your cousin, all of the girls at school, all of the TEACHERS at school, the principal, the counselor, everybody. Luckily everybody is a slut to one degree or another. Not so fast though, your character is kinda dumb and emotionally stunted which makes the task difficult. He's a fuckboi, but he gets extremely put out by the thought that there might be NTR in the game.

    Gameplay: It's just awful. Ok, that's a little unfair. Early on when you have a zillion characters unlocked and available and there is always something to do and it's pretty fun. But once you start finishing off story arcs you repeatedly run into situations where all of the story arcs are gated behind you leveling up one particular character. That character will have an easy to follow hint like "wait 3 days and talk after school", so you do that and get a whopping 3 lines of dialog and the hint resets. Repeat 5 or 6 times and maybe you'll get a sex scene but probably not unlock any of the other characters. Repeat another 3 or 4 times and one of the other locked paths might unlock. Meanwhile every day you have to wake up (click), take a shower(click, click), wait for breakfast(click, click, click), eat breakfast(click), go to school(click), go to classes(click, click, click, click, click, click), do homework(click, click), eat dinner(click, click, click, click), and finally go to bed (click, click). Clicking through days and days to get a tiny morsel of boring dialog only to be told your princess is in another castle.

    I usually try to finish games before reviewing them, but this one put me to sleep with the outrageous padding. I did at least get all of the characters unlocked (a few are behind some extremely long story chains), but I just couldn't continue.

    The HTML engine works fine and I didn't run into any bugs.

    Art: Real life porn, but the dev keeps the same actresses for each character (and just uses their porn names), so it's not too bad. Obviously the guy changes between scenes but at least he tried. The content skews vanilla, with a huge number of BJs/Cuni, some handjobs, and a decent amount of PiV, but fetishes are spread pretty thin. A little Femdom, a tiny bit of BDSM, just a touch of anal, I think maybe one or two foot scenes, it's not a lot.

    Conclusion: This game would be 500% better if the tedious padding was cut and the short boring scenes were combined into one scene, but I think the dev is avoiding that because cutting down on the tedious clicking is one of the features locked behind a paywall. Ironcially, that makes me less likely to support the game. The story is really nothing to write home about and the porn is pretty generic, so there isn't a lot going for this game, certainly nothing that justifies spending literal hours clicking on the same buttons over and over again.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Really tried to give it a chance because I liked the UI and there seemed to be a good amount of content with some quality porn stars, but it just turned into too much of a slog.

    The introductory story is uninspired and lacks originality. This wouldn’t be such an issue if there wasn’t SO MUCH OF IT before you actually get to the “game”. I made it to around the point where it starts to give you actual ‘choices’ before I realized that they options were largely arbitrary and unintuitive. The game told me I was going to “fail my classes” after skipping one class lesson to attempt to find some entertainment. This was after roughly 30 minutes of introduction…

    This combined with the fact that the author is clearly a non-native English speaker made it too jarring to continue. Normally I try not to hold that against someone, but it was hard not to when they insisted on waxing on painfully with unnatural dialogue. There’s porn level dialogue….and then there’s this.

    There’s a chance that there’s something worthwhile in here, but it didn't prove to be worth finding out. If the creator was looking for feedback, my advice would be to find a decent native English writer to help tidy things up and cut the fat. Then people might stick around long enough to find out if your game is actually any good.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    As of 0.42

    Well, I've been eyeing this one for a whole and thought I'd give a shot a shot and overall it's ok

    It isn't ground-breaking in any way but it IS solid for the most part, if you view it as a whole

    My biggest complaint and what I think is really holding it back is just how much of a SLOG it becomes after a while. I mean JEEZ it took me three separate sittings and I still haven't completed everything for the version

    The problem with that though is that it DRAAAAAAAAAAAAGS ONNNNNNNNNNNNN and more often than not the scenes were just Meh. I am all for story progression and lore but I don't know if I can justify; completing an event, waiting a few days before the next part and then getting two of three paragraphs in a scene that I feel DOESN'T PROGRESS THE STORY

    The game is severely bloated in some places, no two ways about it.

    Which sucks because I enjoyed some of the stories and ideas presented but THEN hit another wall where I can't progress a characters story because I haven't gotten far enough in a different characters story, so then I go progress it and then can't progress THAT because I haven't gotten far enough in yet another characters story, so I go progress that until I can't because I have- you get the idea.

    I completely understand that the world and characters are intertwined, some more than others and that's okay, great in even but that fails when what seems more like a linear story is presented in this sandbox world.

    It really just broke the immersion for me

    Again, overall it was an ok experience and I can acknowledge most of my criticisms come from my preferences but hey, what can you do?
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Far far too much of a grind. halfway decent story but there is so much BS filler, conversation and events that mean absolutely nothing in the context of the story. Its a game not real life. I dont need nor want the boring stuff. Wish I could finish any portion of it as I like some of the stories but far far too many pointless clicks for my liking.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    The Wizard of Oz

    The game has fallen into the donation trash bin. Nothing new is offered, a lot of donation content: do you want to see that scene? Pay. Do you want to enable a cheat code? Pay. Do you want to play the new version earlier? Pay. Do you want to see all the scenes quickly? Pay. But what to pay for ?For a bunch of monotonous grind? For a plot that is worn out to holes? For primitive, monotonous, uninteresting scenes? Yes, incest is not even spelled out there, you have to attribute everything yourself. In general, I don’t recommend it, there are better games of this genre.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable sandbox corruption/harem game with a male player character, using real porn clips. But also a few rough edges. How annoying you find these will greatly affect your enjoyment.

    - Lots of content (0.37).
    - Great journal (but also a highly necessary crutch, couldn't have gotten through the game without it, see below)
    - Writing is pretty good, though full disclosure, I also skipped large parts as the game progressed. The narrator text is a bit weirdly phrased, too: "Cory grabs the boy's cock" ("The boy" meaning the player).
    - Great buildup and tension grind. Mix of semi-repeatable scenes that gradually expand as you progress, and unique events.

    - Primary con: The quest structure gets pretty annoying at times. The pacing just isn't right somehow, and things feel stretched too thin. You won't be able to progress specific character for long ass stretches of time, because the game makes you switch to others to do prerequisites.
    - When and where you need to be is often very specific, and would be almost impossible to find on your own if the Journal didn't tell you (example: Go to your room between 20-22 on Friday). This means you quickly learn the futiliy of exploring on your own, and instead consult the journal for everything. As a result, the last half of the game for me was just using the journal as a large tedious checklist, instead of fun exploration.
    - No full day or skip to weekend. If you've ever played another sandbox, you'll recognize the need to skip from weekend to weekend at times. Going through endless schooldays just to get to Saturday again got pretty old.
    - Sometimes hard to tell the difference between scenes that are just repeating, or scenes that are actually expanding/progressing. A small "You feel like you have made progress" would have helped a lot.
    - Speaking of repeatable scenes: Many of them should be updated to reflect your progress with a character. Especially the home scenes. It's immersion breaking when you've fucked "stepmom" 999 times, but the repeatable yoga scene still has her running away at the last moment. Another example is "stepsis" still only going as far as BJs during evening visits, even though you've already fucked her many times.

    I rate this game a slightly weak 4 stars. Lots of content, hours of fun, but also a few too many annoying parts.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Review is for v0.30
    There's a lot to do here, but it's spread out really thin.
    You'll spend more time either watching the same scenes or looking for new scenes than doing anything else. There is a lot of things and events to do, but it has the same problem so many of these types of games have, a big open world, but finding the events can be frustrating in the least. There is a pretty good journal system in this game, but because of the amount of characters and how intertwined the events become, you can be forced to spend weeks catching up a character you weren't doing to unlock other stuff for the characters you were enjoying.
    Over a decent experience, and with some tweaks to make events easier to find could end up being a really good game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The ratings for this kept me away.

    It's not the hottest cast, I'm not partial to cory, gina, or mandy, but it is exactly what it advertises.

    The progression is appropriate (notice I didn't say realistic, since it's a fetish fantasy game) and if you find these three ladies hot, this is nothing short of a 4 star fap.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Well i like the game.

    every aspect of this game is well polished. i love how Caprice Holloway being cuck by riley reid..

    the only complain for me is the UI. Seems pretty much basic and outdated. and it's a big aspect of a game like this

    but overall i love the game. Keep up the good work dev
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Writing and scenes are nothing special, exactly what you would expect from games like this.
    But oh boy is it padded into oblivion! To get more scenes from the character I like I need to max out THREE other characters! Do something very specific, wait a couple of days, do it again. Sometimes you can do it only once a week.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    We'll start simple; the writing is dog shit. Story appears to serviceable in the fact that it's fairly generic but not obnoxious but my god does it show that the dev is not a native English speaker, every line has an error and many times incorrect words are used. For instance "complete" and "perfect" are similar but are used differently from each other "complete fit" does not work like "perfect fit" I'll say it until the issue is fixed for the non-English speaking devs, if it isn't your native language get an editor. Even worse than the writing are the patreon locked content, at least a quarter of it locked behind a paywall. Why? It honestly just makes you look scummy, just have patrons get the new version early, every other half decent dev does this and it works for them, why lock content like a shit bag? Don't recommend this game at all.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Really quite middling. Lack of any choices in the progression means it might as well be a book.

    Making users click things and check the guide for any progression at all does not make it a game.

    Also, while I appreciate that things don't immediately take off from the word go, the build ups aren't really that interesting. The whole thing could have been forgivable if the stories were fun or different, but they're neither. Very, very bog standard porn plots.

    Nothing more.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is polished and well build, the problem is, it is just not fun. At all...
    I even splurged and supported the creator because I thought at the time it would be worth it.

    +From what I can see free of bugs.
    +Full of sexy videos, but yeah realporn, not really made by the creators.
    +Hardly any typos.
    +Lot of content

    -At all times you have to follow this stupid guide to go to a specific place at a specific time. Most of the time it is virtually impossible to find out what to do yourself, you just follow the line.
    -It's a pay win game, as you really need the cheats to get to the correct time without overshooting it or rewinding it so you don't have to grind yet another week because you missed the time by 3 minutes! But even with cheats the games is still horribly unfun. Do one interaction > Check guide > Travel/cheat time > Repeat
    -All the characters talk exactly the same, weirdly flowery, eloquent and off-putting. It feels really unnatural, probably because it is machine translated from Italian and then only grammar checked. It's not really wrong, it just gets on your nerves after a few hundred lines.
    -All scenes with multiple people are weird. Lets say you have a scene where you take a girl to a dungeon with your headmistress. You don't see the girls together, or even together with a lookalike or something. In the pictures one girl is in a dungeon, the other in some office. If you picked a femdom actress which has no actual bondage scenes (or you just didn't google hard enough) you picked poorly.
    -The MC acts differently at the beginning of different storylines, after a while he always reverts to being a beta, always. Maybe this is a good thing as all the "dominant" content is extremely poorly written, I think this is because the writer is a naturally submissive person and cannot fathom what it is to be dominant.
    -The perspective changes all the time. You speak in text bubbles with your chosen avatar. In black is the MC thoughts, the thoughts or just whatever happens.
    Sometimes it something like: "Todd and I walk to the school." and sometimes he form: "He (MC) tells her, using all his willpower..." and worst of all like: "The mere look of the woman is enough to intimidate the boy(MC)."
    -The MC's decision-making skills are full retard. Some examples:
    He has can spy on his best friends cheating whore of a girlfriend at any time but first he has to peep 6 times before he thinks of making a video. When he goes to confront her he immediately gets counter blackmailed because the girl films them having sex without him noticing somehow.
    First he peeps at his mom about 30 times, then he gets kinda rapey (fondling her while she begs him to stop). Then he goes all butthurt crying in his room, this actually works somehow as mother starts blowing him suddenly all around the house.
    -Even if the MC has the best grades in the school everyone still thinks he is a stupid fuck and he fails the tests with this one teacher. (Because she strokes her hair or whatever he cannot concentrate on a test that will determine his future).
    -Dakota Skye, or in death I guess Lauren Kaye Scott, died a horrible death she didn't deserve. I seriously hate her likeliness to be illegally used by this cash-grab operation.

    *You need paid for cheats to wade through the "game" or just check out the gallery so you don't have to grind yourself into oblivion.
    *The writing makes me feel gross.
    *If you are uncomfortable with other people having sex do not touch this.
    *Do not recommend, please skip.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Reviewing V0.21(Public version)

    Short Version: The game started good, and then jumped off a cliff and killed itself in the process.

    The Good (aka "Keep It")

    - Although it's poorly optimized, the UI is good-looking but it takes too much place.

    - The variety of characters(as actresses chosen) is incredible

    The Annoying(aka "Fix it")

    - The UI itself takes too much place, like i said, and the spaces on screen in general are chaotic, if you want to improve it, you need to zoom out(at the cost of risking of not reading the dialogues)

    - The game is grindy...just for the hell of it...i'm guessing, you really need to do lots of things and keep doing them, or the stats will go down(like Charm and Fitness)

    The Bad(aka "The creator killed the game without a hint of remorse")

    - At first the game showed some premise: good images, decent dialogues, enjoyable pacing...then i don't know if the patreon asked for it, or if the dev decided it on his own...but the game goes full on the "let's corrupt the girls, so that MC can whore them out" route, basically sharing-route with NTR-ish tones...and in disturbing ways, but by doing so...the dev is literally stomping on everything he worked up until the last 2-3 updates(including this one)

    Conclusion: The game wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the combination of flaws and problems mentioned, where the UI is oppressing and annoying, the plot literally hangs itself up, and in the end...only the dev can tell us if it was worth it or if he is gaining anything from this. Will i continue to play this game? Nope.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Whole thing is an add for their Patreon/Terrible site.

    Normally I'm all for an HTML realporn game, but this is atrocious. They took all the worst bits of a QSP game, including somehow the buggyness.

    You'll have a better time listening to an audiobook while watching something on pornhub.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Some hot stuff here but there's a lot of little and major problems with everything. For example - all sex scenes are in third person. It is incredibly off putting reading "boy does this" and "girl does this" while a scene is going on.A lot of content is trapped behind the devs paywall as others have pointed out so you end up with scenes and options that just either don't work or have no accompanying media. He is also adding more characters which is fine but the main story quest chain seems to have been stuck for several versions (more than 5) and I'm honestly here for Riley to slut it up. All the other non-5 reviews go into more detail about other problems. In the end, it's worth a playthrough for basic porn but not a great game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    i prolly would go with 4 star, but too many malicious 1-star rates so i added 1 star to counterbalance abit.

    overall it is ok quest-based sandbox [v0.10]
    -enough content
    -constistent multimedia
    -sufficient ui
    -ingame tips with some alarms upon updating
    -no bugs preventing my progressing as i recall
    -no grind (i dont remember anything; and quest-chains tasks is not a grind)

    - locked paid content (though it is some anti-blueballing quickies so technically avoidable)
    - missed vids (no idea if already fixed by now)
    - occasional 3rd person narrative. it feels weird (i could understand if that were done for fem mc but not for male mc)
    - id need better time skipping options +-1h/1d (on the leftside menu)
    - there are some optimisations (option to skip routine, wait until the dinner) but id prefer go to school button (in your room menu) after you wake up, and go to sleep button (in ui) after you did all daily gigs.
    - tips for repeatable events (with some scenes variaty) should be separated from questchain tips

    about some review points
    -grind? i dont remember any datesim-like stat grind there but even if exist, it is html - just cheat .
    -many clicks? cannot say i noticed anything above average
    -generic story? might be. but works for me. hardly you can come up with something truly original in lewd games (apart from some scifi and supernatural scenarios which ruins my immersion)
    -no good writing/translation? not a reader so cannot comment on that.
    ...though why would you read?
    imo sandboxes based on time-location management are about quest tasks completion, not about reading.
    i get the picture of what is going on from tips, pics/vids, and when skipping through text abit and im fine with that. that is, no time to read when you need to finish the task ;]
    so if you would offer me lengthy questchains with less text - id welcome it . imo the narrative should emerge out of quests, not other way around.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Waited a year before posting to see how this game would progress, sad to see it's still a dumpster fire. Slogged through the entire 0.8 release hoping to see improvements with the content between the last few versions to no avail.

    -There is a good assortment of characters so far.
    -Decent quality videos/pics.
    -The UI is not the worst I've seen.
    -The dev does seem more dedicated to their project than I've seen from a lot of others.

    -The English is horrid, and while I understand the dev may not be a native English speaker they are pulling at least 2.5K USD from Patreon alone (amazing what you can do with stolen content) which is way more than enough to hire an editor.
    -The Dev has locked content (which is again, not theirs to begin with) behind a paywall and 70% of what content is released to the public isn't viewable in-game due to file links being broken for several releases which the dev continues to ignore. So unless you want to manually fix file names or slog through the files and watch them in a separate window, you're S.O.L.
    -The story is so unbelievably dull. I get it, its a porn game and people want to fap but at least give us some kind of substance.
    -There's so. much. fucking. clicking. Oh my god the amount of clicking in this game is mind-numbing and half of it is repeatedly going back to your room to sleep at the end of every day. Make a "Go to Sleep" button for fucks sake.

    There's more I'm missing but those were the major points and they're enough to break my will to play. Looked so promising on initial release, shame it was such a let down.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has potential but the execution is piss-poor especially for something that in a vacuum has a decent amount and variety in terms of content. The biggest problem imo is mismanagement/mis-naming of files leading to many pictures/videos to fail to load despite taking up space on my hard drive. How hard is it to go through your game and rename e69420F to blowjob3 instead of forcing all of your users to individually do it on their end (for every release too)? Makes many scenes text only when again I have the file downloaded just under the (incorrect) name given. The next frustrating aspect is the content gating . I have no issues with you making money off your game but the gatekeeping of content in pursuit of that end is less likely to gain you patrons as it is to just get people to quit early or crack the HTML. This is ignoring the fact that you are using stolen images to profit from which just feel mildly hypocritical. If you wanna gate content make it text-only and please don't gate features or characters behind a paywall... or do just as long as you fix the stupid naming issue I'll probably download v0.9 even if you don't change the payscheme but just know the naming bs is a deal breaker.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Very much gone to a "Use my site" or you don't matter side of development.

    The "public" downloadable version hosted on f95 has broken video sources and the dev knows this, instead of having it work though the public downloadable version just has a link below every video pointing people to the dev's website.