Alright I don't know why this game is getting mediocre scores. Its literally one of if not the only adult game with an actual budget, and release. Let me break it down.
The game is an automatic 3 star for not being a visual novel.
The game gets another star for having polish.
The game gets a final 5th star and in my honest opinion could get 4 stars all by itself with this one.
I cannot stress enough how unique and novel it is to see a fucking western porn game release in final or near final state. Its that .0001% of games that exist. 50% is either abandonware while the other 50% are milk machines.
I don't mean to start this review out so...hyper focused on this particular aspect, its just the weak review score on here triggered me since its actually a decent game.
So this is interesting. The studio made a mini version of this game it would appear a few years ago, it acts as a prequel to this game, the characters and everything is involved. So ya.
Honestly the story was fine, it was a bit silly at points, but got unexpectedly serious near the end. However the final boss made me laugh, I blame the animations more than anything.
In short if you like cthulu or "old ones" type stuff this is great. Considering H.P lovecraft was kind of a pervert (fish people breeding with humans). Ya, it honestly fits the themes. The thing I wasn't a fan of was the over played sado masochism. Think outlast...except with sex scenes instead of implied, ya. Anyway I won't give details as the summary in OP does that. Just know that its about a 8-15 hour game. Voice acting is fine, story was somewhat predictable but has me curious to play their previous game now. All in all I would say 6/10 story.
The gameplay, I would say its mostly resident evil 7 lite. If you like it you will like this, if you hate it, you won't like this. It has a mix of amnesia container opening...mostly pointless.
The game is easy. Which is fine honestly. Don't let the game fool you, you can totally play this like an action game. Just upgrade your health in the first upgrade area. Then get the upgrade later that heals double health.
The latest version has a somewhat annoying segment where you have a Mr. X situation but I will point that out at the end. The games pacing is fast and the power the player wields reflects that so all in all good game design.
Outside of combat are puzzles. They are fine, basic but not super basic, there is also hidden "keys" you can find which are a bit more challenging since they are more open ended. Would like a walkthrough.
I would give it 8/10 if you like RE 7. 5/10 if you don't like RE7.
OH! Side note:
The QTE option is fucking broken in the menu you have to do the QTE's no matter what so I don't get it.
Adult stuff
Ok, can we just talk about the fact this was name dropped and highlighted at E3 2021???!! I think it was fucking troy baker who name dropped it to, how fucking bizarre. This game is not vanilla sex people. This is BDSM/rape/orgy and even xeno creature sex we are talking about. I don't think E3 knew what they were sponsoring LMFAO. Either way, great stuff.
Anyway to elaborate on the adult stuff. Its modest in quantity. Decent in quality. Impressive in its diversity. I will be honest I only played this for the lovecraft sex, it was well. It was like watching michael bay for the transformers, if that makes sense. Sure you get some cool moments but its mostly human stuff. Its not really uh fap material IMO. Mostly because all the sex is scripted. There is no gameplay sex mechanics. Maybe they will do it in the future. The sex are essentially set pieces, simple enough.
I would rate it 5/10 if it were vanilla stuff, but because of the themes and xeno sex I give it a 7/10.
The super secret reason I like this game and gave it 5 star.
Anyone remember teruge? I think that's its name. That super unique game that had you transported to a SUPER alien world? Ya, this game is the closest thing to that I have seen, and its a well funded polished project on top of that. I really hope they dig more into the xeno/alien aspect in the future. The final sex scene kind of hints at that stuff but ya would be great.
The cons
I will briefly point out the notable bad.
-Fuck the blood house, seriously, the new update made it very annoying.
-Enemies were basic and the alien ones were meh, aside from the scripted even one that actually was kinda scary.
-The hotel escape sequence was a bit cancer as well given its one of the hardest parts of the game and its literally the first thing you do combat wise.
-The start of the game is VERY tedious, namely the antique shop and date stuff. After the cultists show up the game starts to feel like an actual game.
-Upgrades are poorly balanced. Just upgrade your health and make events easier. Given how short and easy the game is though, eh I let it slide but same may not.
-Sex/adult stuff is all scripted, no sex in gameplay.
Mr x but with a leg
So in an area called "the bloodhouse" you need to find 3 golden hands. The first two you can find fairly easily the third was a bitch. I want to say my advice will help but is untested so anyway here is my advice.
-Kill the normal cultists that are in the areas.
-If you open a door that leads to a room with a bunch of TV screens DO NOT GO IN IT.
- You should be able to get the other two hands without going into the TV room. After you get the two other hands THEN go into the TV room. This is what triggered Mr. X leg day for me.
Make sure you grab the note in the room and go back to the main room. Go to the platform in the middle and use the note as reference to open/close the iron maiden doors in the right order. That gives you the third hand.
Seriously fuck having to do that with no idea while running from that discount Mr. X who they just teleport at you lazily. Fuck.