Unity - Completed - Lust Galaxy [v1.0] [Play & Cum]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Can't play this, the text moves too slow and the option to change it doesn't work. Unless you are 5 years old and need to sound out every word, this is going to annoy you. The English dialog isn't great either, some of it comes across as gibberish.

    I didn't make it past the introduction which is taking forever with the current text speed. Even hitting esc, the menu takes forever to pull up.

    One star probably isn't doing it justice but due to that text issue, it's unplayable for me so it is what it is. I'm not going to sit here reading terrible English grammar in slow motion.

    Edit: Also, the game tries to connect to the internet, make sure you block it with your firewall in case you decide to try it out.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Its alright, there are only 2 routes that play massively similar in about every way (and 2 minor ending changes to those 2 routes) Rest kind of feels like a vn would make a 2nd story of the other routes.

    Typical pointless clicking around the map rooms to get to other rooms and click "hidden" bonus photos that make no technical sense, and all that as if it was still innovative when it has not been for years.

    Does have really poor text control where options don't seem to work even (changing text speed and delay speed) and pressing to skip the auto slow text showing up sometimes does it properly and shows the full shown text and other times skips it all.

    Sex is alright like some of the things they say during it though 1 with a optional side character is not translated (nyx).

    Really feels like it could have been a 4/5 with bigger time + maybe budget?

    I liked 2 sex scenes well enough and liked how you can change camera position to 1/3 on your preference.
    3/5 average
    nothing special, pretty short, decent sex I suppose, don't feel bad or like time was totally waisted just meh.