Ren'Py - Lust Hunter [v0.107.0 Fix 1] [Lust Madness]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Love in a cup

    So, this game is set in a medieval fantasy world. You start in a town and can explore the wilderness around it. There are main quests and side-quests, like any good RPG. You get to choose your character’s gender and the genders of the characters you meet, this is very immersive i think. not many games allow you to do this! and i love it!

    Combat is like a card game. You build a deck and improve it over time. Win battles, and you get a XXX scene with your opponent. The graphics are incredible and so are the animations.. the story is good, keep in mind most games are slice of life types and so this is refreshing. Again, a developer does something new and i for one am all for it! keep rocking!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    -Tedious battles, easily the worst Deckbuilder I've played.
    -Tedious progression.
    -Horrible story with horrible writing, and hundreds of grammatical mistakes.
    -A lot of the content is locked behind Patreon tiers, and if you DO have the Patreon tiers, the content is just handed to you. Not fun, either way.
    -Even if you have the Patreon tiers unlocked, the menu is just an absolute mess. It's hard to navigate, and it's clunky. You're gonna have to click a lot of things twice before the game does what you want it to do.
    --The only half-decent quality this game has is the animations, but even those aren't good enough to warrant playing this shit. It's just way too slow.

    tl;dr Developer doesn't know how to make a game. Ignoring graphics, this game feels like a (bad) browser game made in the early 2000's.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a really great game, still WIP though, but that's not a reason to rate it low.
    The animations are great, even if some are missing for now, but since they will come sooner or later I'm ok with that.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a role-playing game in a medieval fantasy world. You start in a town, and there's wilderness areas around. You get quests, some progression quests and some optional side-quests. There's equipment to wear for bonuses, crafting and the usual bundle of features in an RPG. Most notably you also have character customization so you can choose what gender the MC will be, and also what genders you'd like to encounter.

    Combat is done through a card game, where you play with a deck you can improve over time. If you win combats, you typically get a sex scene with whatever you fought. Graphics are pretty decent and there's lots of nice little animations, so this sounds like a dream come true.. Sadly, that is not the case. The game got some design issues and some implementation issues.

    First to the design issue. In a visual novel, the author can write a novel where most players get to see most the content he create, which is nice in these type of games having a limited crew of devs and designers behind them. Often just a single person.

    In this game, with the MC being one of 4 gender types, and opponent being one of 4? (Or 3?), there are 16 variations of encounters in between them. Also splitting between dom/sub (top/bottom) type content, that's 32 variations. There's around 10 positions for each of top/bottom, meaning there's 320 variations of an animation to create just for a single encounter. As a consequence, for instance cum shots never involve both parties, to try and reduce variations needed. I love to be able to select what kink fits me, but that leaves a lot of effort from the dev that I'm not seeing. As a consequence, I feel the sex scenes are lacking.

    It would be nice if the sex scenes could use multiple of the positions, and with cumshots also featuring both parties. Some kinky dialogue during the scenes would be nice too..

    Also, while I'm happy in a normal RPG to be a good hero slaying various monsters, I don't fantasize about having sex with most of those monsters. Many of the creatures in the game are far from humanoid, and might not be everyones taste, further reducing the amount of content you find that is sexy for you.

    On the technical implementation side, when you walk around with simplistic 2D graphics on a map, you'd think that is the simple part compared to the 3D graphics, but even on my up to date gaming computer, walking around the map is sluggish. The areas on the map are very small before you need to walk into a signpost which recenters your view and allows you into the next small area. I'm pondering whether the massive amount of signposts is in an attempt to reduce the resource consumption, but that is not the right solution. Something is eating away resources for nothing there..

    The game is far from bad or unplayable, and I don't think it deserves the current ranking of 1.5 stars. There is a paywall for patreon members. I've played with a mod to get around that, so I'm not sure about the details of limitations without, but I've not used the patreon cheat of getting very good starting equipment, and I've not cheated through the grind by forcing patreon unlocks, as I feel the "grind" is the usual RPG part, and haven't been very annoying. Though recently, I discovered a lot of the positions I thought wasn't implemented yet is actually locked out for non-patrons, so while the game is playable without, it's hiding much of the good animations behind the paywall.

    All in all, this game has lots of potential, but especially the 2D travel issues drags it down, and all the options are limiting the amount of content to view, leaving the sex scenes a bit lackluster.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Its a basic game at the moment BUT!!! it keeps getting up-dated every month and stories are being added next year (2024). The combat is a deck of cards which you can build and change which i really like. Yes a lot is locked behind a pay wall. It can be hard trying to work out what to do and how to do some puzzles but nothing a bit of working out cant fix. There are better games out there , i am keenly watching it to see where it goes and how much better it gets.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is just below average.

    The rendering quality is not great, this game have a lots of issues:

    - The ui lags.
    - Many armors and quests and sex scenes are lock behind a paywall.
    - The amount of grind is insane.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Game immediately shows its hand: it is grindy, repetitive, and with very poor written English. This makes it tedious to play, and I could only last an hour. Even with the Patreon unlocks, the game's adult scenes are uninspiring. Overall, this is a very barebones implementation of a card game, and Ren'Py doesn't seem to be a very good engine for that. There were times when traversing the map crashed, for example.

  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Actual gameplay (based upon Slay the Spire)
    Decent graphics.

    Gameplay is very grindy and lacks smoothness.
    You can pay to skip some of the grind, which makes it feels like the grind is there only for that.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Game's too grindy, too clunky, and too greedy.

    - This game relies heavily on grinding to get anything done, whether you grind out quests, grind out mobs, or grind out materials, you'll be grinding a fuckton to complete relationships and purchase new equipment, there are many quests that are just copies of previous quests with a very minor change that is meant to merely prolong game life.

    -Most, if not all, of the sex scenes are very stiff and robotic, the animations could use a lot of love and adjustment, the models themselves do require a fair bit of work as well, it looks like a passion project made by two dudes who make nothing in return for their work.

    - Lastly, this game has so much paywall-gated content it's insane, opening the world map is a patron feature, patrons skip most quests and relationship grinds, patrons have access to numerous clothing options, patrons see more cumshots, and the list goes on.

    I don't understand what the devs were attempting with this OSRS-esque membership system, but the game isn't nearly good enough to warrant being paid for on a monthly basis.

    Quick edit: Forgot to mention that the English in this game is very poor and the team could use someone to touch up all the writing (Minimal as it is)
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Pros: good old style rpg. And it's real game, not VN.
    Contras: this game does not need any sex at all. Sex scenes are lame and dull, they simply consume your time, but doesn't add anything to the gameplay.
    Paywall .
    Futas and homosexual elements - it's simply not my piece of cake.
    A very weak story that fails to engage.
    I give one star for the rpg elements, otherwise my rating of this game - zero points, no more.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    perfect game...i love the art of game, its easy to play, have many sites to play, fighting, collecting, thinking and have many fun with different creatures from small to very big, from female to futa...i hope of many more in the near future
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    There is a decent game here, i do like it's ideas and all, BUT it is burried under layers and layers of shit.

    I'm writing this without getting too far in the actual game because it's grindy as hell, and the UI, especially the damn map runs at 5 frames per second, making it sort cbt levels of fun to play.

    Then there is the paywall, (god bless the unlocker mod, though i did not consider it for my rating) A huge chunk of the content is locked behind a paywall by default. Dev puts some moblie games to shame with his monetization skills. The balance of free and paid content needs some serious reconsideration.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Combat sex Rpg with dress up elements:
    - laggy ui
    - boring grind
    - lifeless/robotic sex scenes
    - awful main plot and basic quests
    - high paywall (but imo it's not worth downloading for free)
    So if you want to kill time grinding for nothing... Just I dunno what even to say
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this game is greatly underrated.
    You want RPG? - Here is an RPG where it is interesting to explore the world. Many different enemies, each with it's own perks, tactics and types of attack. Yes, there is grind but it is RPG after all. (Just play new Ub***ft games, that's where grind really sucks). There are quests for game progression not just bare sandbox.
    You want normal battle system, not just click single attack? - Here you have a deck of cards like in Gwynt from Witcher 3, and you gather new and stronger ones in missions.
    You want customisation? - Here is a vast selection of various clothes with different battle stats. More than 50 different pieces of clothes and about 60 more for patrons. AND YOU CHOOSE YOR GENDER - 4 options. Different gender - different clothes!!!
    You are Trainers' fan? - Here you can not only slay creatures but capture and then train them for brothel for extra daily income.
    I spent several evenings playing the game and couldn't leave it!

    Things I don't like:
    1. MC appearance (face) may and should be made more detailed, it seems blurry
    2. Freezings when you walk and between fighting rounds
    3. The lack of enemies' animations
    4. Several interface bugs

    P.S. Play long enough to confront Harpy and Dom woman. They are magnificent)
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Im going to be straight with you here, the game is boring and repetitive and if you don't have the patreon version even more so. The one good thing going for it is the animations and gameplay, the game is a bare bones grind that does not reward you for your time.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Certainly a game that has some interesting aspects.
    The gameplay is one of those even if it is very basic in terms of mechanics. Definitely need to review the drop rate of some items as it becomes exhausting after trying to farm certain things you can't buy.
    The sex scenes are not bad even if perhaps they should be reviewed on a graphic level.
    The story and the involvements with other characters, short and not very engaging, are a little lacking.
    All in all, however, it incorporates a considerable amount of tags even if this may seem dispersive, in my opinion it is a plus.
    Finally, the starting point is good in some respects, but there is still a lot of work to do.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The game isn't worthless it's just below average. The renders aren't that unique and the theme and scenes aren't that unique, the dev has to be one of the money grubiest around despite not putting in an equal amount of work into his effort or skill at creating the game, it's okay at best, 2.5, and parts of it are pointless or slogs. I'll give it a 2, there are worse out there, it's got some okay content, but it certainly didn't impress me as the best in it's genre or anything.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This game doesn't deserve 1.5 stars. I think the issue here is expectations. This isn't a porn VN, and the porn that is present isn't super arousing. What it is, is a collection/RPG game that is decently entertaining if that is what you come in expecting. If you come in expecting some narrative fantasy porn VN you're going to be disappointed. There is enough decently entertaining content here to keep you busy for a night or two, if you like RPG elements and collecting cards and outfits. The visuals are decent and the interface is serviceable and fairly intuitive. This is by no means a great game, it's a bit all over the place, there isn't a super coherent narrative, but it certainly doesn't deserve the hate it's getting imo and i think there is enough content here to please the right kind of player.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Insane amount of grind and the scenes are not very diverse and well done. So much patreon gating as well within the game. There's much better games out there without such a limit in scope of content.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.6.3 version
    huh looks like dev have work expirience in ubisoft, blizzard and ea- cuz we have here all amenitys from AAA industry- premial items, premial content, lootboxes and ofc paywall(wall like china great wall)
    - good/great scripting
    - good ui
    - good art
    - ui lags(battle ui lagged like hell)... for such game renpy is real bad engine, unity is mych better
    - near 70-80% armor behind paywall and its not matter of beaty- only behind paywall exist many rare/relic items with great stat bonuses... pay_to_win? ofc
    - many quests/interaction hidden behind paywall
    - stats leveling... for upgrade stamina u must to spend 1000,2000,3000 etc points... such points amount not avaiable even for patrons... dev r u ok?!
    - some sound/pics missing, so u ll regulary get errors
    - some code from rpgm to renpy porting for rpgm "emulation" and visualy its looks like ****. dev, mby u ll go to rpgm engine and its solve ur problem?
    - random submap activity generation. there ll no explanation- just belive me or check it and pay for it by ur nerves
    - some enemy RLY unbalanced, like orcs or slime... or even better- try to catch slime enemy, buhahaha

    dev, i wish you, when you get seriously ill, to get to a doctor who is greedy like you.
    game not so bad per se, ordinary game "rouge like" in steam with near 20-30% positive, but inplayable w/o donation/pay.