Unity - Completed - Lust Is Stranger [v1.0] [The Architect]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    ★Chef's Kiss: this is a porn game that handles 'being a parody' right

    + One good thing about the original game Life is Strange is that players can subconsciously apply suspension-of-disbelief because of how much the story tries to add explanations to the plot(holes); this porn parody of a game also does the same even though you'll need to keep in mind that this is not to be taken seriously like the OG game
    + Writing is pretty good for a porn parody
    + Characters are likeable enough even if you've never played the OG game
    + Player choice system (routes)
    + Decent humor, but it kinda falls off after the Wednesday episode imo

    - Artstyle is tolerable, it looks like paper-Unity assets like those classic browser flash games in the 2000s
    - MC can be a total douche even when choosing Love routes, pretty annoying for a decision-based game but it doesn't impact the love-interests much
    - They did my boy David dirty

    Pretty good parody on its own. Even if this was a plain old dating-sim parody with no adult-content that uses fade-to-black for the seggs, it's still a good play. I personally thought that the other Architect games were mid, but this one was great.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. Very enjoyable.

    Interesting and unique story/characters
    Fun game-play without the dreaded "grind" that is so common in games

    The only thing I would like to see improved is the walking/finding and picking up items actions, which felt a bit clunky but not terrible by any means.

    Looking forward to future updates!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Games I have played

    STORY: In this case it doesn't revolutionize everything nor does it go too deep. But it doesn't need to, I play these typed of games for a good time, and it accomplishes exactly that. And it even gives you good enough choices to make, so you don't feel trapped with an MC you don't like. (4/5)

    ART: Can be described with only one word, gorgeous. If you like the art style of Life is Strange, you're really going to appreciate this game's art style. And at that point hats of to the Artist who made it (5/5)

    : Every one of them are likeable and well-made, each of them also having a unique personality. Of course, some of them have more content than others, but that is to be expected given that the game is still in development. My personal favorite, Kate, managed to even make me turn my back to my evil ways. The only critique that I have is that your choices with the other Characters doesn't affect your relationship with another. But that may just be a personal preference of mine of that being that case (4/5)

    GAMEPLAY: The game itself plays good and isn't grindy at all there is no point in the game where you don't know what to do or long phases without sex scenes, they are all welled timed and enjoyable it got some fetishes but nothing to outrages and the more spicier ones are avoidable for the most part which I like. Here my only complaint being the wish to have the entire game being playable just with the mouse which would make it more comfortable. (4/5)

    All in all, this game is a must-play not just for Life is Strange fans but also those who enjoy well-made adult games. And in that aspect it strikes true, it knows what it is, and it does it well. I can only recommend it to you to play it for yourself.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is amazing

    Graphics look almost identical to the game it is parodying off of.

    Sound choice is nostalgic to the Life is Strange Style

    Plot isnt spectacular not a fan of how Warren was done, but Max my girl sorry aboutchya

    Overall I recommend this one highly if you want any good H life is strange game!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Full disclosure: I have never played Life is Strange so I do not profess any in-depth knowledge of the characters, setting, or lore.

    The game itself is quite well written, and the animation and art direction are both well done. Similar to Strange Nights the tone of this project lends itself to an almost 'creepy' vibe which I know from second-hand sources to be central to the Life is Strange games.

    I do find myself invested in the relationships one can form with the individual characters, and I hope that in time players are given a bit more flexibility in how to handle certain events.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! This is one of the best games on F95 i¨ve played..
    Good story,,with losts of twists and choices. caracters feel different and diverse, the coding is amazing and graphics are great.
    The sex scenes are a matter of taste and kinks of cause, but they work well.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Another good game from good developper eventhough there still haven't much content right now. But I'm really like the story and progress a lot (Every design path: Corruption, Good)

    I'm looking forward to the next next, and final update. :)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    shocked me with its quality. definitely one of the better games based on another property. having multiple routes and paths is always good too. didn't see any typos and encountered zero route bugs. if it maintains course this will be in the top 10 for me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the story already and I do loving implementing life is strange into this and it feels like a multiverse world in a way. I do love this new feel and it has vibes of mass effect choices for real and I am hoping for more good content and more beautiful images and this is definitely gonna be one of those good childhood games for sure.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderfully good, damn, what an amazing optimization you have done on this game, friend, the gameplay style is different, but in a very good way, I would be amazed by a beautiful game running on my potato, if only all games were as well optimized as your game, the world would be happy!!! I would give it a 10/10
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Green Hills

    tldr: This is an excellent game.

    In more detail, while the game has the standard hallmarks of a good game: a very interesting story, great models, characters you want to see more of, entertaining writing, etc. It also has a lot of freedom to play anywhere between a genuinely good person to an evil sociopath with lots of room in between.

    I was especially impressed with the gameplay. There wasn't any sense of handholding, but I also never felt lost or railroaded. The decisions felt impactful, and there was enough context and guidance where I never felt like I had just made a choice to move the character in a direction I didn't intend to go. There is even a thought bubble that appears for some of the more extreme decisions that says the equivalent of "Am I sure I want to do that? It would be pretty fucked up." If you do, it doesn't pull any punches. If you don't, it simply moves on.

    Sometimes underrated, this game makes good use of sounds and environment. There is clever humor, the plots are devious and interesting (even when they are silly). It doesn't forget that the goal is to entertain.

    There is a pillow on your bed that the developer has taken the time to skin with a screen shot of the Skyrim loading screen saying "Hey you, you're finally awake." Easter eggs like that abound.

    Lust is Stranger is a parody of the game Life is Strange, which I have not played. So while I cannot comment on how good the parody is I can say that this did not impair my enjoyment of the game. I can recommend Lust is Stranger to others who have not played Life is Strange.

    Also, as a final note, this developer has a strong history of finishing games of unusually high quality. If you are looking for someone to support, The Architect would be an excellent choice.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for Lust Is Stranger v0.10:

    I just tried to play 0.10 and I don't understand how players like this game. I guess it's a parody of a game I never played, but on its own merit, it sucks... bad.

    Renders: They're really low quality for 2022, or even 2012. Players expect more and they should. I do realize parts of the renders are dynamic, but that doesn't make them suck any less.

    The user interface is a nightmare. Slow walking. Confusing navigation. Twitchy dialogue display that swaps from side to side with the slightest movement. Somehow, a primitive side-scroller interface from the late 1980s was made more difficult and tedious to use.

    Audio: The terrible music made me turn off the audio.

    Story: It moves way too fast and the setup is cliché to the point of being cringe, then up pops the paranormal clichés to go with it.

    When I got to the scene where the MC is in the diner talking to Kate, there are a bunch of dialogue boxes spoken by Kate that are attributed to Brooke, who is not even in the scene. Seriously?!?! This was the point where I just stopped playing. If the developer(s) don't care, then I don't either.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Although I am a big fan of the original "Life is Strange" and and the dev of this game, I have been avoiding the game until now, because I never really felt like a I needed a porn version of Life is Strange. Now, after playing LiS (v0.10.1), I can say I completely changed my mind.

    Like I said, I am a pretty big fan of the author's previous games, mainly because they always give you different ways to approach the game (mostly nice and not nice and something in between) and fortunately this game is no exception. Most sex scenes are available in different versions and it's up to the player on how to approach them and I absolutely love that.
    The gameplay probably needs getting used to if you aren't familiar with point&click adventures or one of the dev's previous games, but I really like that you kind of have to "work" for a sex scene, and the puzzles usually are pretty easy and not very long so you won't get stuck or annoyed.

    In case you don't know what do expect: Just like in classical point and click adventures, you have to solve a couple of conditons in the game world to advance the plot e.g. by talking to people and interacting with the world.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game,one of the few with real choices ,which i hope will be expanded on.Even with such "vanilla" premise good wrighting and dialog make it work.Great parody of LiS ,charecters feel as they should.Hope we can have different full romance routes with girls at the end version(especially want to see full Victorya romance).
    Art is also pretty good,only want to maybe up a MC speed a little ,sometimes feels to slow especially if you need to backtrack.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The Architect is in a class all on his own. Life Is Strange is one of my favorite games of all time and this is such an incredible piece of art that does justice to it every step of the way. It's clear that the author loves the original game and the characters just as much as I do. No detail is out of place.

    Additionally, I find it hilarious that this game is also a stealth-parody of Mass Effect, another of my all-time faves. There are the obvious things (the dialogue wheel, Paragon/Renegade system) but there are also a ton of subtler nods throughout that any fan will pick up on.

    And of course the porn is top notch. The scenarios are hot and believable, and the author's signature animation style has never looked better.

    The Architect does not miss. I've loved all of his previous games and this is shaping up to be his best one yet.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A Love Letter to Life Is Strange

    Lust Is Stranger sets the bar high on what a parody adult game should be.

    From the opening menu, it's clear that The Architect is aiming high when it comes to making something that really evokes the feel of Life Is Strange. The writing captures the original characters, of course adding a lewd twist to each of their personalities that still fits well. The art and style adds to the immersion, with many scenes and elements of this parody looking like they were pulled from right out of the original game. In fact, to call this game a "parody" feels like an understatement: Lust is Stranger feels like it was created by the original Life Is Strange developers, in some alternate reality where they decided to get into the adult games business.

    While this game is sure to appeal to those who have played Life Is Strange, it very much stands on it's own merits. Players unfamiliar with Life Is Strange will still be rewarded with well written lewd scenes, engaging adventure gameplay and storylines to tie them together, all delivered with very fitting music and beautifully stylized graphics. Lewd elements often focus on corruption and voyeurism, but players are given a plenitude of choices, including pursuing a pure and honest romance.

    The Architect has delivered us a game that, so far at least, has no real weaknesses or shortcomings to speak of. However, there are a few oddities. Most noticeable is that this game doesn't just parody Life Is Strange but also Mass Effect. Yes, expect a few reference to "asari," and not just that, but a paragon-renegade morality system. While a little distracting, this system does help with making it clear which choices will lead to your character being a dick, and which will lead to him being more caring and loving. As the game progresses, these choices quickly start diverging how you relate to the other characters, with lewd scenes being entirely different for paragon or renegade playthroughs. Lastly, the Mass Effect dialog "wheel" makes an appearance here. This is perhaps the most jarring element, as it doesn't really fit with the feel of the rest of the game in terms of look and feel. But that's a very small complaint for what is otherwise an astoundingly good game.

    Whether you're a fan of Life Is Strange, enjoy corruption and voyeurism, or simply looking for an adult game that knows how to deliver an engaging story, I heartily recommend Lust Is Stranger.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally completes the content available so far! I like the LIS series and this +18 game is insanely good. The renderings and animations are very good. The choices for defining the routes are interesting. I hope this game has a lot of content yet, as I look forward to the next updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Version .9 is shaping up to be another excellent title by The Architect.

    Lust Is Stranger tells an interesting story of a time-space anomaly influencing all members of a school for young adults, and tells it well. The visual cues of butterflies and lights, the mindful repetition, and the various gameplay mechanics add engagement to a story that already shows good pacing, character development, and endearing plots. It's a story I would be into even if the game had no erotic content.

    To top it off, the erotic options are even better than Goons Raid Her. You can play as a healthy individual seeking consensual love and still experience a good amount of sex scenes. You can explore some really dark shit with manipulation and coercion. You can go somewhere in the middle--being a little douchey but not outright rapey.

    I can't think of anything unsatisfying in this game. The only negative thought that comes to mind is that I'm still sour a certain company interfered with this game's original 3D movement/design, because that was such a novel experience. Regardless, Lust Is Stranger is quickly becoming one of my favourite erotic games. Highly recommend.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is top 10 of the games i played. here.
    Much love was given to UX like tips or time acceleration.. Superb models and animation.
    Only shame is that it's not finished yet.
    Girls are a bit dumb and story is a bit convinient. Overall top quality.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    looking forward to the future updates on this one. the animation, scenario, and dialogue (bar some typos and grammar issues) are top-notch
    i love how the creator maintained the designs and even the character from the original game --- definitely my top porn parody game by far