Ren'Py - Lust Theory [S3 E4] [Inceton Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Barely altered girl models from other games, very same facey which really sucks it's not hard to adjust the sliders. Poor quality writing and annoying gameplay. Not even replay system for the h-scenes. I regret wasting the 5 extra mins downloading this.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down, one of the best games on this site! Absolute MILES of content! An original idea (for porn) and it is elegantly executed.

    I'm not into the whole family thing (only child), so that does nothing for me. I get that it's popular.

    But despite that the characters are so well done (I mean, this is a porn game) that it doesn't bug me at all. For example, the Nicole sequence (in season 2) has real character development for the MC. He recognizes her vulnerability after getting his own flawed interests out of the way and starts (provisionally) an actual relationship.

    That is some writing skill that is like Dr. PinkCake.

    The banter is also well done and the MC, while a moron in some areas of his life, is a consistently well-drawn, confident guy. It's refreshing to find someone who gets the social insights right.

    Anyway, I don't write a lot of these, but great job to developers.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Version S1 - S2E6

    It could be a great game but it ended up being disappointing and repetitive.

    • Quality renders
    • Good animations
    • Easy to play - hint system
    • Character models are beautiful
    • The sexual and erotic scenes are hot


    • This game has a terrible story : a boy trapped in a time loop who seeks to have sex with every girl he meets, If something goes wrong the day kept repeat over and over again.
    • Repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive
    • The MC is an idiot who only thinks about sex, without charisma, empathy, humor. He's a jerk sometimes.
    • The character designs aren't original, they're similar to other games
    • The secondary characters story is boring, poorly developed and unimportant
    • Character tasks is short
    • Some changes in secondary character personality can be annoying and abrupt.
    • There's one sex scenes that can be unpleasant to see and are unavoidable
    • The main plot progresses very slowly
    • After the girls had sex with the MC women go crazy for him, it's absurd
    • If there's humor in this game never made me laugh
    • You can get stuck at some point in the game
    • The decisions you make don't matter, the story is linear
    • Maybe you don't like some additional content
    • Sandbox ...

    If you want good sex scenes and sexy characters this is your game, but don't expect anything else. Goodbye.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    -Good renders for characters but lighting is kinda drab and lifeless. Environments are also very mundane and visually flat. Often they visually clash with the characters, who look like they've been superimposed on to rooms, parks etc. instead of actually being there. Illusion of depth is not the dev's strong suit.
    -Quite a lot of well-done animations per h-scene. The h-scenes themselves are quite vanilla and boring, no variation. No kinkiness apart from the usual 'landlady' stuff.
    -Given the size of the game (incl both parts) there aren't as many h-scenes as I'd like.
    -The writing is at native English speaker level.

    As for the story, it's the porno version of the now-classic time loop plot, and about as drab and stupid as one would expect. 'Groundhog Day' and 'Edge of Tomorrow' are good films bc their protagonists break out of the quotidian and the inevitable by learning to experience them more fully.

    In this game the PC treats the time loop as a way to git gud at the game of having sex with hot chicks. It's a porno game so that's to be expected; the point is that the time loop plot is ill-conceived.

    Finally, the time loop -based gameplay of redoing the same events to unlock new dialogue/h-scenes is a stand-in for your standard landlady-based sandbox grinding/task completion. It adds nothing to that design and in fact detracts from it by being a sci-fi/supernatural plot point that is neither explained or followed through on, thus pointless & uninteresting.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Original story, careful renderings, good use of lighting and filters, the animations are outstanding. there is a perfect sense of narrative and timing, everything happens at the right time and in the right way, neither before nor after, it does not betray the viewer with turns that betray what has already been narrated, within the madness that is the story there is no mistakes, there is a nice consistency in everything that happens. I am going to contribute financially to this developer, he has made very solid and painstaking content with outstanding creativity.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is only a review for Season 1. I am waiting for the voice acting for season 2 before I play it.

    5/5 Sexiness
    5/5 Renders
    5/5 Animations
    4/5 Story - I really like the time-loop concept and I think the story does it fairly well. There aren't really any mind blowing plot lines or deep characters. If you want an amazing story, this isn't really it. What the game does really well though is utilizing the time-loop concept for "lewdness" sake, getting further with the women around you and exploring more fetishes by each day. And sexiness is really the reason I play adult games.

    +++ Voice Acting. I LOVE voice acting. It adds so much immersion to me.
    + Sandbox. The sandbox in this game works really well imo. There's no grinding of any sort and you can choose what storylines you want to further. Personally I do enjoy sandbox games because VN's can become monotonous.
    + Music
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    A game with an interesting twist in a theme usually so burned out.

    I have to highlight the originality and humor of the script, unlike other games I've barely skipped through dialogues.
    The character design is pretty good, personally I love Megan and Elisabeth.

    Played the last S2 E5 and frankly I can not find any negative point to highlight.

    Edited: Oh my god, what the fuck did they do at the ending of the game?? Ruined most of the previous experience with a russed conclussión full of boring and endless orgys (yes, i say that) and a really shitty conclusion for the plot.

    3/5, i have subtracted 2 stars from my original review.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the most uniques AVN games out there!

    Amazing technally, good looking characters and really good animations, though I must state that they feel a little bit like the same character models used by other games.

    The story is absolutely intriguing and unique, BUT there is a big BUT. The fact that the game is a sandbox ruines the story for me. If sandbox VN's already feel repetitive, just imagine adding even more repetitive things in the game. You really get bored after a while.

    I think if it wasn't sandbox and the story would progress a little bit more I genuilly think it could be top 10 in this genre.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Season 1 Review (only)
    This is definitely what I would call a "AAA Adult VN" cuz I've never experienced anything like this before. Fully voiced characters, Realistic & Gorgeous looking models, High quality sex animations, interesting premise & really enjoyable gameplay-like I said AAA experience :)
    Gotta give it to the VA the work is exceptional & it really helps with the immersion. It also satisfied some of my childhood fantasies like "if everyone in the world froze in time what would I do?? "
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the best games I've played. In terms of story, it is ahead of most games, reaching a level enough to be played even if it is not completed. Although summer with mia was a good production, it didn't really take me in while playing, but this time incenton outdid himself and produced a near-perfect game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)



    As a whole this game adds up extremely well, and while putting some pretty firm checkmarks in the boxes that typically make up a stand out from the crowd formula:

    - Minus the mother (which for me personally is always the least important or interesting character role in the game, as the whole banging my milf mother appeal thing just isn't my cup of tea), this likely ranks as my own #1 favorite total game sum collection of girl models in any game to date. With serious bonus points given for each fairly standout'ish one being written in with their own unique to the story personality presentation. Ellie in particular being my own #1 hottest character in combination with that personality in any game period.

    - Animations offered on the payout scenes leans towards top of the chain level quality.

    - Tons of already in game and advanced variety sexual payoff content. Which if you are jumping in to play for the first time at this point in the game's development includes pretty much every girl in the game. The overall pacing on how that progression plays out is also very well done imo. For me it was nice blend of just enough buildup and chase leading into each, with a variety of different scenarios set up to make them feel hot, but without ever turning into or feeling like a slog before you get to each of the payout points. That says a lot in itself, considering the fact the game has a couple hours of sit down content to play though.

    - I see some people making their knit pick complaints about the storyline not being unique. But that also tends to glaze right past the fact that this one does and implanted it a whole lot better here then in any other game I've seen before it. Basically succeeding in a lot of formula makeup points where others tend to fail pretty hard. There isn't really all that much actual repetitive grind of the same exact scenes involved. There isn't any you may or not progress depending on RNG factor. There isn't any picking this or that option ends up locking your out of other girl scenes elsewhere aspect. The sandbox the game storyline branches out into isn't overly complex by any stretch, and basically even holds your hand while walking you to exactly where you need to be through it's straight forward hint system offered on each individual girl.

    - Writing isn't Shakespeare, and of course contains your typical amount of excess "obsessing over the MC's dick" dialog among every female character that most devs with little actual writing skill are always going to default to since that is essentially the lowest effort way to bridge the "the girl likes you" gap. But all in all it definitely ranks in as "better then most". With a solid english presentation that at times blends together a nice mix of good flowing dialog between it's characters, humor, and struggle. Little touches like the fact none of the girls are craving for you to "cum inside me. I want your seed!", which would make zero actual reality sense given the story setting, also add up enough to offset some of the otherwise expected cliche cheese as well.

    So yeah, as whole this game gets a huge thumbs up for me, and a 100% worth the download recommendation. Other then the minor nitpicks I'm struggling to find much of anything I didn't like that is notable. I guess maybe had the dev dared to venture more out of his already well established "screw your family" comfort zone and spun this effort up in a manner that less leaned on that crutch, it probably would of even ended up being my favorite overall and most enjoyable game to date. But again that's being nit picky about the super rare game that grabs my attention long enough to fap 3 straight nights to in the 3 different sitdowns it took to finish it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games that I never played. I don't understand why this game have only 4 stars... there ara a lot of worst games that have more than 4 stars.
    This game have good models, good renders and very good animations... And the developer is always making updates. (one update every 2 months more or less)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Like all stories based around this game's main story mechanic it can get repetitive at times and a few times the author took it too far, it still makes sense and I find in interesting this but I can see why others wouldn't and I guess the author could dial back 10%.

    Besides that it's very enjoyable as long as you like the the genre and I don't understand the rating, most 4 star games here are not as good.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This is honestly one of my favorite games right now and I always look forward to the updates. Let me make one thing clear though - this is NOT a game I enjoy for its intricate story or gameplay. EoL is a game that's all about the renders and animations. I mean, the story isn't terrible, but it is far from original. It's like a good action flick that you go to watch just for the action and awesome special FX. I don't always want to play an adult game that takes 3 hours to get to some lewd content ya know?

    Renders 5/5 - Top notch here. Competes amongst the best-of-the-best.

    Animations 4/5 - Very high quality and SMOOTH. To be clear, I don't consider anything I've played 5/5 yet in terms of animations. They are always way too short and the option to view it from other angles are near non-existent. EoL is no exception. If Inceton would include longer animations and various angles, this would easily become a 5/5

    Lewd Content 3/5 - Plenty of it with minimal grinding. The balance of gameplay vs content is actually quite nice. The reason I give it a 3 though is purely because the amount of cock-blocking that occurs. I hate when games overdo the cock-blocking. It's particularly frustrating here considering the MC gets a clean do-over again and again. You can't figure it out after a couple repeat days?

    Story 2.5/5 - Once again, not that type of game. Not terrible and not awesome. Easy to play and GREAT to look at. Turn your brain off like you do during a Fast and Furious movie.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Edit: What was bad is now worse. only good thing left is models and quality of renders/animations.
    The latest ep, (ep17 a.k.a season 2 ep1) had 7500 renders. quite exciting on paper right. 2/3 of it is pointless and wasteful. once again the dev team thinks up ways in which they can add absolutely and utterly pointless content just to blow up the size of each update. the latest update came in at around 10gb, has more than 10k renders and 200 anims. but out of that maybe 2k-3k renders actually have any worth. and now NTR of one of the FMCs.
    these 7500 renders in this update could have been easily used to progress the story significantly. yet they were spent on jessica getting fucked by someone else.
    how is it that the MC just happens to makes the wrong choice for atleast 2-3 repetitions. it's just unnecessary and illogical content.
    they could've told the story 2 times over with the size it is currently (season 1&2 combined)
    The devs really need to get it into their head that unnecessarily failing multiple time only to succeed in the end is not the only way they can write using the concept of looping days. If all they are looking for is to bloat up the size of the game with filler content they can really explore a variety of avenues. the MC can go out into the world and do whatever he wants.

    Old review: Full of crap excuses just for the sake of furthering the plot, which in hindsight doesn't even exist. just a guy stuck in a time-loop that makes decisions that seem to progress the relationships with other women even though the day resets and technically the women should forget anything that happened at the start of the new repetition. Thereby, effectively nullifying the entire premise of the game. if the few indicators that clearly state that the days repeat are removed, no one would even notice the game is supposed to have an MC stuck in time
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Superb graphics that are very colourful with great and relatively unique looking models, the different characters are great and likeable but the setting is kind of interesting but the story and gameplay are both very linear with few choices.

    The game can also be somewhat repetitive since many scenes are similar to each other, and many of the characters act similar in the sex scenes, which is a bit boring, but overall 8/10 from me.

    Edit: Another game that went from great to awful. They changed almost everything in the game, the writing is totally different, everything is super drawn out and boring, tons of stupid sidequests that has nothing to do with the main girls or story... yeah, they ruined the game totally, just like so many others. 2/10
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Living with 3 hot women? An original lore/story? Choices that matter?
    Panic button?? Incredible. Unfortunately I have not finished it completely yet but I'm sure as hell this game is phenomenal. 10/10
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The models are good, the story is like hell, I didn't like it at all! I won't recommend it to anyone. (n) How should I be interested in a game with a terrible storyline! I prefer a new game with a new story with the same characters :love:
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Finished Ch 1 and now going through Ch 2.

    Everything about this is great but what stands out most is the structure and pacing that hooks you quickly from the beginning without relying too much on porn logic. It also manages to keep it interesting through the entire first chapter which is quite long without any real filler.

    Best game I've played on this site.
    Likes: brouk
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Haven't done a review in a long time. With how popular this one is, I felt the need to five my two cents.

    Story-- Very interesting story. Watched a movie recently that took the whole groundhog day a little further just this game. The contrast is ridiculously night and day. I understand it is a porn game and it's going to have lots of sex. I just think there is a much better way to go about it. How the story is put together I think is very well done. My problems with it I will state later. Rating -- 5/5 (if it didn't have certain aspects) 0/5 because it does.

    Renders -- They are top notch from when it first started and are still 2nd best compared to the new level up that is out now. Rating 4/5

    Animations -- One the better ones out there with no wrong pieces of the body moving when it should be. No choppiness., etc. Rating -- 5/5

    Other -- Ok here is the crux of my problems with it. First it is Sandbox. I know there a lot of you out there that like it, but to me all it does is get in the way of the story, which is why I play these things. Of course I don't play text only either so... yah... The most important reason why I don't like the game is instead of the MC trying to figure out how to treat people better to get what he wants he uses his time to get what he wants in the quickest way possible. Damn on how they care the next day because he doesn't have to see it. This makes for a increasingly sadistic, manipulative and uncaring MC. Instead of figuring out what is most important to the others he is manipulating, abusing, molesting, raping everyone until he can out the best way to get what he wants.. to fuck.. Personally I couldn't live with myself acting the way that he does.. I mean he rapes his own mom for fucks sake.

    -- Overall 1/5 The end does not justify the means. There are plenty of others out there that have a good story/renders/animations without all the shit. I recommend you look at those.