Ren'Py - Lust Village [v0.70] [Mr.C]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is good yes that's correct

    but this game is six years old not six month

    Game Length

    just time grind

    Same action again again repeat

    6years old but no sex scene

    Update Cycle

    not good but so so

    2~3 month

    After, when i written that look like trash

    plz more update and change mind

    That's too bad
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome world.
    Lots of places to explore to find sexy characters in hot events.

    A slow burn that really ramps up killer corruption as the girls get lewder and lewder. Make the entire city fall to your bidding.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    After 6 years of development, there are no sex scenes. Just a bunch of meaningless grind with a bunch of meaningless stats and a bunch of empty characters. Just don't waste your time on this shit, unless you're satisfied with a pointless tease that doesn't lead anywhere.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Kog Astarta

    Overall a wonderful game, I didn't expect it. At first it seems average, even very average, if you understand - a tiny bit long, a sandbox in the tags. But... After the last update, everything changed. You need to play with universal renpy walkthrough mods for passing and changing stats. But it's worth it - incest genre and very perverted scenes.
    Not too perverted but right to the point it’s good. Would seem like a minus of the game: it’s too big. There you have your family, and your aunt’s family in full team, and your father’s family (divorced from the mother) and a slightly mystical branch (not annoying. But not developed yet). And there’s also a whole hefty school with shops and all sorts of places where the mother works...
    But after the latest perverted update, one can say that the content has gone up. Now from update to update it will be very pleasant to play, this is this type of game. If you figure it out, of course, it’s quite complicated. Nothing super complicated(as other sandbox), but it’s really nice to exactly play the game with a bit cheats
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Game unplayable. Crashes with the second person you meet and can't be gotten around. There is no way to get the game out of full screen mode even though the settings say that it is possible. Not suggested as unless you have a save from way down the road, you can't actually see anything past meeting your sister.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    There's a more diverse range of characters but none of them are fleshed out. I played this expecting a game similar in scope to the early days of the dev's previous. A small but growing cast reasonably fleshed out.

    Instead, there's a wide cast with the depth of a puddle that doesn't cover anything up. When you're event hunting because you're moving from one person to the next, you're missing 70% of all dialogue. Leading to the game feeling far flatter than it is.

    The game is a grind with a decent range of content but I truly can't be bothered finding it all
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The plot, characters and certain corruption bits are interesting to say the least.
    To get them tho, you either cheat your way into it, or grind the hell out of it.
    As a standard H-Sim game, that means clicking everything a thousand times, holding down ctrl, until something changes and keep on with it.
    There is nothing definitive to look for when it comes to progression.
    Very badly executed
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Certified Coomer

    If you've ever played Corruption, you know what makes it good: the pure filth and degeneracy. Mr.C knows how to make this degeneracy work like few, and he also knows how to make hot designs for his characters. This is also present in Lust Village, but now with WAY better art. In these aspects, the game is amazing.

    But that's it for the good points. Everything else in this game just sucks.

    First, if you know what makes Corruption good, you also know what makes it bad: the grind. Corruption is almost unplayable without the mods (unless you hate yourself so much that you are willing to torture yourself by play it without them), and the grind there is one of the most boring ones I've ever seen. And Lust Village is ever worse in terms of grinding. AT LEAST four times worse. "At least" because:
    - Each character have now FOUR stats to be raised;
    - You can only use the book three times a day;
    - I'm pretty sure you need to raise each stat way more than the three times you needed on Corruption, but I've never counted.

    Second, it's not like anyone actually care about Corruption's plot, but at least the characters had some writting there that helped with immersion. In Lust Village, there's barely any writing in this aspect. Just pointless texts for a little until it just becomes random sex talk or whatever.

    Third, the progress is too slow. WAY too slow. This game was first released in like, 2018. Almost six years later, it's like it's still in the early stages. A lot of characters are still on their first progress levels, a lot of places are totally unused. When you play a new update, it feels like you've played for two hours to get like, 20 minutes of content. At this rate, it will take another 6 or 8 years until every character get fucked at least once (if Mr.C don't get tired and abandon the game).

    Fourth, there isn't any walkthrough, guide, hint system or whatever (only for the main plot, but the main plot is like, 10% of the game so far, way less if you consider the grind). You don't know if you already have triggered all of a character's content avaliable, what you have to do or how many stats you need to raise to unlock them. If there's a locked outfit, you don't know how you can unlock them. You just need to keep roaming aimlessly until you trigger something.

    Due to the absence of mods, the only way to make this game playable is to unlock the console and manually change the variables to avoid the grind, but maybe it can break stuff.

    C'mon Mr.C, you can make this game work if you want. This game have potential to be a masterpiece if you make things right, but it needs some SERIOUS changes.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    its a very good game, I like where the story is heading. Definitely worth a play through. Updates aren't too far between and seem to be semi-regular. would love to see more done with the Diana line she is by far my favorite
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    It's in very bad unfinished state. It's not about quantity of content - that's actually alright - it's about amount of dead ends and not working buttons. There are useless locations., that are just there as an option for you to click on them.
    There is a lot of buttons that give "Work in progress" message when clicked - then why is there a button?!
    There is no way to know where the next scene for character will unlock and what threshold you need to achieve to unlock it.
    There is no message "that's it for this version for this character".
    Dev purposefully removed default ren'py option to skip unread text.
    Last, but not least - there is no intercourse in this game at this moment. Kissing, groping, exhibitonism. That's it.
    All those negatives, so why 3 stars then? Because corruption of characters plays out VERY well. It's excatly the feel that i want out of the game, it feels very similar to early stages of the "Corruption" game from this dev.
    I would've even gave it 4, if not for the premonition that this game will spiral same way corruption did - straight into depraved bimbos for all characters.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is another solid magic corruption grind and progress from Mr. C. There are some clear leftover mechanics from earlier versions, and some Ren'Py jank, but it's overall well done, and highly customized.

    Some hints at a larger plot are present, but as yet underdeveloped.

    All of that said, Mr. C caters to a very specific degradation corruption fetish. There are few happy sluts here, high corruption also means humiliation, watersports, or pain play. If you aren't into that, might want to avoid.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good successor to Corruption. Good graphics and animations. A little bit too much grinding: slow pacing is good - but this? I like it to corrupt all the women. Waiting for a lot of new updates, new outfits, new tasks for the grils and so on... so much possibilities and so many chances to let Corruption look like vn for beginners (and I loved it)
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Grind is to much
    Even if you use unren cheats it isn't even worth it
    No walktrough for the woman
    Lot of WIP stuff
    Renders are good
    Story not that intresting
    no bugs
    confusing game where you have no idea what to do
    for a game with incest tag haven't seen any real incest
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The characters are hot, but the scenes u get from the turbo grind u have to go through is really not worth the effort. Once you unlock all places you can visit you are no tasked to farming the same interactions over and over until u unlock different variants, but the process of that isn't done in a story fashion or any interesting way. It is a sandbox game so writing shouldn't be the priority here, but when you grope "x" tits for 3 weeks straight to get to the point where you will grope her tits again, but this time you will raise her shirt, is so un-rewarding experience. I don't even thing there is a sex scene yet in this game, like where u actually fuck any of them. I do not know how long this has been in development but for what I got clicking through the same dialogues over n over is not worth the effort. The models are hot, but very little is done with them.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    The Wizard of Oz

    If you have nothing to offer the player in your game, just put as much grind as possible in there so that the player does not think of anything other than earning mountains of various points that are completely unnecessary in the game. Where to go? What to do? The game will not give answers to these questions. All that what you will do in this game is to farm tons of stats by clicking a lot of times on useless locations trying to find content (of which there is very little) in this hell. If you have a lot of time, stable mentality, and you like clicker games, you can play this brain drain simulator. But I pass. :HideThePain:
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Bonz singh

    Loving the game, Scenes, characters, graphics, transitions and story so far. There are few hiccups in between , but I'm sure as the story continues it will get better.A must play game. Desperately waiting for the update.
    Any clue when is next update coming up?
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it so far. Although not all models are great. Mom is absolute perfection tho. I expect more interactions inside house and stuff cause as of right now all the interactions are basically the same as the previous game.
    I'd also like to keep a tracker on dates- where and when....basic quality of life features are needed.
    Can't wait for further updates!!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved Corruption. But this is one step farder, The Sandbox looks nicer and easyer. The ladies look great, I hope i will have a lot of fun with this game. The Animation are great, better then in Corruption. But what the dev has to do is make it better so you now what to do, Pointless clicling around is no fun. This game has great option if they use it right. Go on dev, i watch and fallow, if you keep up the good work. i pay for it, thats a promis
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game. I avoided this for a long time since the first versions were very rough, but it clearly has blossomed at this point.
    Just like with Corruption, this developer knows that the dirtier things get, that funner they get. And he has the right amount of focus on the sexyness itself and not just pointless plot.
    I'm a sucker for sandbox + slow corruption games, and this is as good as it gets. Can't wait for more.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    No story here so there's that, sandbox grind from hell type with 0 payoff ( i mean it nothing sexual just voyeur shit), horrible mechanics,only way to skip time is to always be outside the house,this is just bad whatever way you're looking at it,unless the dev decides to rework the entire game i wouldnt recomand this.