Ren'Py - Lusting My Religion [v0.] [Pytem]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr Smut

    Generally I find myself disliking remakes, especially this far into the game but this time I actually find myself really liking the direction it is taking. I find myself feeling more emotionally invested in the story this time. The previous time it was basically just "hey cute girls to mess around with, fun!" This time its more like I want to actually see where this will go and how the story will unfold. I want to see where the dynamics of the goddess sisters will develop, how close the goddess and the MC will get(instead of him just being a disposable generic human), and most of all I want to hope that bringing his defaulted "step-sister" into the main storyline will happen. That actually lines up with my only real gripe which I am not letting effect the rating since it is just starting again. I suppose the only issue I have is that after dying he did not even mention his sick sister who is his main motivation in life, I'm gonna just pretend for now it is because he is shocked about dying and hope that Momo already has a plan in place to bring her along and help her.

    I think if I can actually be more drawn in by the interpersonal relationships this time I will probably continue to follow and play this game since I will get emotionally invested. So yeah cheers to the Developer for doing a remake I don't hate and actually enjoyed, I am going to be keeping an eye out to see where this one will go.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    It is somewhat fun and i do kinda like the concept, its a bit weird how MC can keep cuming over and over again, not talking about Dusk girl but with everyone like normal girls as well, and when MC does fire hes load it looks weird since its blown all over the place but when girl drinks it she gets everything no matter how big a mess it is, guess they got a build in vacuum or something.

    It also feels very kinetic since you dont really have any choices what so ever in this game atleast none that matters and none when it comes to who you want to have sex with, same for questlines since they are tied together.

    The parts i am not a big fan of is the game mechanics, where you have to level up girls which is a bit of a grind on top of all the grind for building stuff, its also a bit annoying that they are some times tied with one anoter so you have the level up multiple girls before they gain a level up.

    Also its one of those fuckfest games where your forced to fuck everyone, personaly i like to pick who to fuck and not have it forced on you, i can see it kinda fits the story but again it could have been made so you had a choice since it would just be a no options and a skip of h-scene where there arent really any story dialogs, but for the type and how some LIs are build they have to be forced all though potions could help them as well.

    It dosent have NTR but it has a strong feeling that there will be lesbian NTR in this game, girls talking about how they got fingered by another girl and they are all LIs and on top of that all the girls share rooms with one anoter 2 in each, so my guess is that its only a matter of time before MC walks in on 2 girls having fun, but like i said its just a guess.

    Girls 3/5
    They look alright but quality isent the best when they are nude or doing sexual stuff.

    Animations 2/5
    They just arent that good, not even for this character type.

    Music 3/5
    Standard average background music, nothing special.

    2/5 Sandbox
    It gets a bit annoying how you have to move around on maps, even with the shortcuts which might get better at some point.
    Since questlines are tied together there is no freedom to do what you want, so its only to grind money and skills and move around.
    The hint system is shit, all it tells you is "spend time with the girl" thats it, i mean what kind of hint is that? how about telling the player where she is at what time of the day and so know like a usefull hint? yeah its just not good enough.

    Content 4/5
    It has quite a bit of content but not much for the main story, its mostly for the girls and it feels like more then it is due to having to grind your way to get the content, but still its a decent start.

    I will revisit this later see if some stuff improves as it comes along but for now i cant really go with more then 2 stars since there are a bit to much i dont like personaly.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good about girls. I like this game but maybe u can improve performance H-scene. Based on the beginning of the plot I think you can make the plot a little more interesting for later.. About sandbox, it's quite confusing and causes a bit of dizziness. You can improve it to make it easier for players to get used to. I really appreciate this game and think it can become great game in the future if you are truly dedicated and focused on it. Then good luck and i look forward to this game in the future.
    P/s: As for the plot, I think the way I wrote it above caused a bit of misunderstanding (my English is very bad :DD). I mean, based on the current opening, the future plot will be very interesting and can expand a lot later.