The simon game is bugged, won't accept my last input once it gets to 7.
That card minigame is horrendously designed, no idea how the dev looked at that and said "yup, this seems fine". There is LITERALLY no strategy. It's a 50/50 that you are forced to sit through for 5 minutes. You get a black card, it does literally nothing because you are picking blind. You get a x2, you just pick your highest value.
Technically, you're at a slight advantage becuase the npc picks x2's randomly instead of optimally, but it's barely, barely enough to make a difference. The game is probably like 45/55 in your favor. I don't think I have EVER seen a "mini game" worse than this in any game I have ever played.
I was enjoying the game a lot before the awful, boring minigame section. The art is okay and the story is complete fluff, but it was faced paced and quite hot before I was forced to play "babby's first flash games". I barely even care about the bug, it was the shit cherry on the shit cake.