Unity - LustZombie [v0.72.2] [Holy-Rascals]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible game. Lots of bugs that completely lock out progression. Most of the puzzles are pretty easy to figure out, but solutions don't work, because you did one thing out of order though out by the dev, and game just softlocks you and you need to start over. Examples: If after scene where you help Alice reach for the basement key, you leave the room without picking up the key, you won't be able to pick the key up EVER. Another example: If you read the boiler valve schematic, before you reach the boiler room - another softlock. No matter how you set up the valves, the basement will not drain. I strongly recommend to NOT play this until Dev figures out the gamebreaking bugs. Judging by comments, he's more concerned with adding new content rather than fixing bugs it seems, so don't count on it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The point is the game is too hard, people are stuck with the same puzzles, there is no walkthrough (20bucks), no glowing hints for items or things that the player can interact with. It took me almost 2 hours or more to find the solution for a puzzle or find an item on the map.
    But if we ignore these issues, I think this is a great game. If these issues are fixed, the game will look much better.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The idea is nice, but the execution is more than annoying. Searching for an hour for a flower because it is hidden somewhere, but no clue where it could be. I searched everywhere, talked with the 3 NPCs, searched again, got back to the revipe book, searched again, but nothing. Some items just spawn if you talk to someone, not before.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Walking around the house with no clue where to find things and no help from NPC just killing this game. I've gave up on "get the rope". There can be literally anything I can use to "knock down a rope". But I need to find "something" specific I don't know what it is or where should I look for it. This is horrible experience. Also when I find something I can't take it before I get quest related to it. I have an INVENTORY and i want to put things there to use them later.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I’m following the project, there’s a lot of interesting stuff and a cool atmosphere, I don’t know, but I don’t particularly like these graphics, but the developer managed to make it attractive, I’m really looking forward to fixing the stylish game with the black clock. To see how the relationship between the characters develops further.

    Special thanks for the Russian translation:love:
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Review in version v0.72 - poor luck there is an error on the playthrough, hope to see that solve.

    Puzzle tip of game - with some hard/hidden clicks. The number of tips is low so very challenging. The story "cut scenes" are very good quality. There is a story build up, but I couldn't see much.

    There is a soft lock and you need to speak with the correct character to unlock the next steps, you can't just pick everything that is visible so I don't recommend to wander.

    The game is not polish, you see a big difference between interaction and gameplay and you have a puzzle that you need to use the MC body to resolve the puzzle which is strange for the moment.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    tell the true it hard to play we need to find item one by one and one hit to tell us where to go to get it and all item need to go near and cleck on it not easy to find even you know location. requst to give hit more hit show hit where all item to go ge.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    You don't know what to do in the game, and don't know how to do it. I have nothing to say about the visual style, but unfortunately the gameplay is very bad. I'm not even going into the software problems.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    About 30-40 min was tried to play. Gave up on rope although looked though forum tips. Few naked pics and thats all. Maybe some day author will make the game playble, but now its a waste of time.

    Its just for a symbols counter
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried really hard to like this game, but it borders on broken and unplayable.

    I like the models, which is a point in its favor, but not enough to torture yourself into figuring out whatever bizarre logic the developer thinks will make a puzzle work.

    Not only that, but there are several areas where you can break the game completely by doing things out of order.
    For instance, after finishing the fuses puzzle, I forgot to grab the boards before going upstairs, but when I went upstairs the door became "Closed" and I couldn't enter. I had to load a previous save.

    The problem is, when I get stuck in this game, I don't know if I'm missing something or if I broke my game by clicking on something out of order. There needs to be serious revision on the quest objects and order of quest operations before this game is worth an attempt at playing.

    edit: For posterity, I played the 0.56 version of this game.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is very incomplete, don't even have sex scenes yet.

    The quests are long, annoying and not intuitive, just not fun for a porn game, and even after completing them, there's no sex or anything.

    The 3D gameplay part is very junky, this would be better as a VN or Renpy game, there's no reason for the 3D gameplay as all the scenes the game have are pictures just like VNs.
  12. 1.00 star(s)



    TLDR - If you have no respect for your time maybe this game is for you. Put your dick away as It contains a mountain of fetch quests for a sliver of voyeur scenes.

    Thought the game might have improved when seeing previous reviews were for much older versions, but they are still very relevant .

    This dev dose not respect the players time as your made do 5 - 6 fetch quests per scene, which literally require you to check every room and check every person to find the next random trigger.

    Maybe this kind of gameplay would just about fly if it was in 1990's, but current day this shit is hot garbage.

    The quests, even with as much of them are done extremely poorly.
    Example: Where you aren't able to pick up item#2 which you need for the quest until you pick up item#1... or sometimes you run past a place where Item#3 will only appear after taking item#2, so you would then have run everywhere until you eventually go back to that spot again. The same shit happens if you need to talk to a npc.

    There is probably 5-6 scenes with about 6 images per scene in this version and i think this took me 1 and half hour to complete.

    Writing is terrible, which i already knew what to expect when i seen the smiley faces in text. Translations is strange in parts too.

    For the Dev, i don't think there is much that can be done other than re-making the whole game. Possibly a better walkthrough telling people exact locations/where to go, but this would only point out how tedious the gameplay is.

    This is probably one of the worst experiences i can remember playing one of the games here this year if not ever.

    Again i recommend to AVOID, but if you do play to see what its like just know the game never gets better its the same throughout. It dose tell you when you reach the end which is the 2nd night
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    LustZombie 0.16 - Don't waste your time with this game. Don't download it.

    There are two modes to this game. There is a 3D, low polygon mode where you can use WASD, arrow keys, or mouse to move around the house. I like this portion of the game because it works well. However, when it comes to sex contents, it switches to 3DCG mode. This mode is just renders of females. Renders are sort of like screenshots, but are supposed to have better lighting and detail. The renders in this game are not good. The 3d models used for the renders are not good quality models and the renders themselves are grainy and low quality.

    Then you have the extremely bad dialog, with terrible grammar and spelling and just generally awful writing. I know for a fact that this isn't due to English not being a native language. I play Russian MMORPGs, and it's very easy to translate English into Russian. I often translate English to Russian and back to English again using Google Translate and whatever I write is very clear and easy to understand with minimal mistakes. But in this game, the writing is beyond childish and poor and pointless. You would be wasting your time reading the dialog in the game.

    So so far, as I have described, you can WASD around the game but you will NOT LIKE the 3DCG renders and you will NOT LIKE any dialog. So at this stage, what is there to enjoy? The mini tasks?

    But 0.16 is a paywall blocked demo game. It requires you to become a Patreon member and use the browser version. This 0.16 won't let you complete the tasks because things will be hidden or blocked until you go to Patreon and sign up. So you can't enjoy the mini tasks.

    Not only that but it's not a full 0.16 version. A normal 0.16 version would be around a tenth of a completed game, but this 0.16 version is a fraction of that because most of the 0.16 content is locked behind a paywall.

    And finally, one comes to F95 to access NSFW content, but this LustZombie 0.16 has no NSFW content because it requires a PATREON CODE.

    So bad 3D models, bad 3DCG renders, mini quests that can't be completed because of Patreon block, demo that requires you to donate money and use the browser version for full content, dialog that is so abysmal and terrible you are better off not reading ANY of it.

    At least be honest and write in the game description "Has no NSFW content, is not full 0.16 version, requires Patreon subscription and to use browser version of game to enjoy full content". But they are dishonest and don't want you to know that, so they don't write it in the game description, causing you to waste time downloading and playing a bad, incomplete, broken game that will frustrate you to no end.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    To me this feels like it's applying the RPGM formula to Unity with a voxely isomorphic kind of thing going on. This is kind of a fun twist, but fails on execution. The thing that makes those pixel-art RPGM games work is that when they switch views and show you the good shit, the art is typically really solid. The art in LustZombie is not really solid, but rather aggressively mediocre3d renders.
    The actual gameplay is frustrating beyond belief. You have to perform tasks in a specific order or they just won't work, but good luck guessing what that order is. Every time I walk with 10 feet of a door, the game stops everything to tell me the door is closed, which maybe is meant to mean locked? But who knows, the translations are terrible.

    +1 star for a twist on a popular concept, but overall this game is unplayable.