I have a question for HolyRascal. After getting the beer and the cable for the camera. 1) install the camera in the bathroom, done. 2) go to Vika's room to drink the beer, done. After that I don't know where to go. The girls' rooms are locked like the bathroom upstairs, and it's impossible to go to sleep. Is the game over at this point or is there a bug in the game. Please tell me. Thanks
I have a question for HolyRascal. After getting the beer and the cable for the camera. 1) install the camera in the bathroom, done. 2) go to Vika's room to drink the beer, done. After that I don't know where to go. The girls' rooms are locked like the bathroom upstairs, and it's impossible to go to sleep. Is the game over at this point or is there a bug in the game. Please tell me. Thanks
I have a question for HolyRascal. After getting the beer and the cable for the camera. 1) install the camera in the bathroom, done. 2) go to Vika's room to drink the beer, done. After that I don't know where to go. The girls' rooms are locked like the bathroom upstairs, and it's impossible to go to sleep. Is the game over at this point or is there a bug in the game. Please tell me. Thanks