Unity - Mad Island [v0.21 Beta Steam] [E-made+]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll say it's meh, because it's a "porn" game, but besides getting it from the natives you have to WORK to get those scenes. Like read the forum, some people have 50+ hours, so it's literally a casual sandbox with porn it. When it's fully done and they actually make use of the darker content it'll probably be really good, but little life gave the hardcore crowd plenty to see. Anyway, to address some concerns.
    There's a work bench
    There's and item called "work gloves"
    These link with the "cloth storage"
    So put your items in the storage, and you can craft from the bench and gloves using any items in storage, they link up. There i defeated the crafting tediousness. The exploration is still way too slow though.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    perfect game of my taste untill now. the freedom of f*ck around is really amazing. it has gore options but i think the devs should focus a little more in this part. i know the game is not all complete it . so i hope the devs will add more gore and sex stuff in future.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best of the best survival game and i love how i get revenge when native people kill Male Mc's friend and Mc can do the same and no mercy as player wish to the native sweet a sweet revenge .
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is a bit jank to start, you wake up on a beach and pick up resources. Recommend following the new player guide.
    After about thirty minutes I was hooked for hours, interesting survival craft base defend game, XXX is decent boss fights are hilarious. Note the games tags as its not for the faint of heart.

    If the tags are your kink its utterly fantastic.
  5. 5.00 star(s)



    Once in a great while you get a great h-game someone poured a lot of hard work into that swallows up hours of your time. This is one of them.

    You get dropped on an island hungry and thirsty. You know fuck all about how to play. You are weak shit that any pot bellied dirty native can push over. Speaking of which, one just spotted you and soon a herd of them will come to ruin your day. You don't have a base, you don't have a plan, and hell, you hardly even have a weapon.

    Weeks later, you're slaughtering them and taking their women as your own. Even later still, you're killing huge waves of them alongside a 12' tall woman, a cyborg you built, and a werewolf you clubbed into submission.

    Yeah, it's pretty fun.

    It isn't without flaws though:

    1) Base building is not great. Think Don't Starve but finicky. NPCs easily get stuck on things. Slight elevation changes can make alignment a nightmare. NPCs dont like sharing space with other NPCs (although you can turn this off on them individually). You need to make sure they're all in range of food boxes and wells. It's a mess.

    2) UI isn't great either. Too much clicking around and not enough hotkeys.

    3) Weapon progression at this point in time isn't good. You get your best possible weapon mid-game. Everything else is garbage compared to it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Even as a Beta H-Game, it offers a ton of content, hardcore fetish play & a lot of surprisingly detail or hidden Easter eggs
    it's not an easy game at first and honestly Cheat command will enhance your experience, just give yourself some XP to level up Movement Speed and the rest will be casual/easy difficulty depends on how you enjoy your gameplay.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Never have I thought I'd be playing more than 40+ hrs on an H-game and it's not even finished yet. Honestly playing at first is a bit challenging. You get sent on an island with little to zero tutorial on what to do. But once you get the hang of how things work ,it gets really addicting. Trying to explore new areas, building a base, making an army of waifu's. The list goes on. I'm much of a vanilla h-game player and most extreme h-scenes comes from getting defeated from an enemy/boss so if you aren't a big fan of that like me, just try your best not to die.
    What I also love about this game are the dialogue options, it matters which ones you decide to do. Either if you want to get in a relationship with them or you cam completely kill them off. The choice is yours. There are also some hidden endings which is nice touch. Can't wait for the next update or unless the final product is out. In that case I'll even get it off steam so I don't always have to update it from here and because I really enjoyed the game. 10/10 for me. Simple art yet great gameplay. Don't knock it off until you've tried it!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game with glaring weaknesses. It does a good job of giving a feeling of exploration and collection, and the base building let's you make a nice presentation for your collection. The story doesn't take itself too seriously and the animation and character designs are great. You get the sense that there's someone passionate working on this from the Easter eggs needlessly well designed random monsters.

    The UI is bad and it is in desperate need for hotkeys. Occasionally the game gets laggy for a minute or so. The enemy AI is just awful and they often get caught in terrain and attack walls they could walk around. The friend system has a 'survivor' mode that makes them invulnerable but unable to attack, the enemy still attacks them though, and will let you kill them while they do. Not that it matters because the game is far too easy anyway. Survivor mode also breaks the base building system as unhappy 'friends' can be put in survivor mode and this stops the mental break mechanic. I could go on, but the gist is the game has a lot of features that aren't polished or fleshed out.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game! It took me a bit of time to get into at the beginning, as it does lack a tutorial or any shred of guidance, but once you get into it it becomes extremely addictive. There is in fact a lot more you can do in this game than it might seem at first glance. Very rich and complex and never boring once you get past the earlier stages. And it gets even better once you get the right weapons--the katana especially is coooool LOL.
    Likes: Lulwz
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the worst NSFW games I've ever played.

    You get thrown into an empty world with almost nothing going on, no tutorial, no quests, no nothing. You're just like "ok", so you start exploring. You figure out how to craft. Still, nothing happens. Barely any NPCs, and if, you must fight them, no other interaction.

    When you put a bonfire, it won't get marked on the minimap. So once you stray to gather resources, you might forget where you were. If you die, you spawn at the beach alllll the bottom down and have to walk back north for 5 minutes. There's a recall function that teleports your other half to you, but you can only access that menu when you're directly in front of her, so no teleport either.

    Crafting is tedious, menus are a clusterfuck, and it's way too complicated for an NSFW game. Hard pass. You could have a 10000 times better experience just playing an actual survival game. NSFW wise this has very little to offer.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game with good survival mechanics. I do wish I could get more than just the native girls pregnant, but other than was a good game. Lots of exploring, did have to look up a couple things. Wasn't entirely clear for someone who never played that the red mist was for the girl only, but I figured that out after a bit.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    black soul

    actually a pretty good H game
    huge map to discover
    many secrets
    plenty of animations
    play as male and female
    recruit almost everything and make it youre ally
    with male you can use the r button to perform a grap
    sadly not with female but still
    amazing game
    wish more games like this
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Game Open World, surviver , construction same Don't Starve Together but have H scence ;);) good game. Although this is only a beta phase, I rate the game very well about gameplay.....I hope the game will develop more good content
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    It appears as something interesting at first, but the world is actually pretty pale. It's not fun to explore, you only see the natives, and the deeper you go, the more their level scales, nothing new here. Speed of your character is way too slow for exploring either, and - oh boy - how many DAYS you would need to improve the speed stat, or to say, ANY stat.

    Actually, any action requires a lot of time, it feels as if this game tries to artificially expand its playtime. With some QoL mods it would be playable in the future, but rn it's straight 1/5 gameplay, better go do something in don't starve or rimworld. ALTHOUGH I had fun in first three hours, including beating native boss and I hoped for the better.

    Gameplay is not good, so what about porn in a porn game? - Only one r- animation, deal with it. You can capture them though... and wait for real hours, I didn't count, probably about 2 to 3 real time hours for captivities to turn into villagers. No way.

    Well, what about quests - there's no "active quest" tab, only already completed quests tab! THERE'S NOTHING TO HELP YOU. There are NO HINTS ON HOW TO PROGRESS. "How to play" tab will only show keybinds, which is helpful, but at the same time hilarious. No tips whatsoever. You just need to go and explore, and hope for the better. It may be fun in some games, but as I arleady said, exploration sucks for the reason above. It's just not rewarding at all.

    When you craft, you need to place items inside crafting table, they would not register them in your pockets or nearby chests. And should I start whine about chests...

    This game sucks in so many ways, it's really outstanding how it got its rating so high. My experience was deeply frustrating, so I do not recommend. Hope author will make more animations, and at least some in-game directions for the player, not as a post on forum.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    If you consider to pass on this game because of tags like rape, bestiality, necrophilia or weird stuff like titty burgers, don't!

    I'm 30 hours into the game and so far everything is avoidable especially if you're playing as the male MC.

    The game itself is really fun if you're into survival games like Conan Exiles and if you're willing to spent some time learning how to play cause most of the gameplay mechanics aren't really self explanatory. But theres a guide in the forum I found really helpfull.

    And the weirdness that almost drove me away before even playing is now what actually keeps me playing (as the "good" guy).

    Really fun so far and easy 5 stars for being one of the rare porn games that has actual gameplay!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    its rather interesting reminds of dont starve. i mean there there are things i would rather not see but those are optional meaning more freedom. and the idea of taming and creating your own village on an island is quite interesting
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Torao Chadabe

    If you are familiar with E-Made+ you already know what you are in for. If you don't: Rape, Pain, Gore, Good animation quality. This game is already pretty good, and the spicy scenes are also fun. Considering both the chick and th ded are able to be "victimized" this game is easily S-tier.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    *MINOR SPOILER AHEAD* At the current version of the game(0.13), it's considerably well made despite being in its early stages. At the moment, it lacks animations and could use some focus on that before adding story related contents and locations. It would be great if E-made+ could add some receiving rape animations for the male mc in addition to that female muscular islander; the female mc could use some more non-rape animations as well.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great as a game though lacking a bit in animations. It has quests, story and sandbox that allows for several hours of entertainment.
    Morally questionable, but it's mostly optional, will there be dlcs?
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really good. Most games on this site are essentially visual novels, but this is an actual game with exploration, crafting, and combat. You can build a strong base, capture natives and have them work on the base, you can hunt; this game really has it all. The art is good as well. The only downside I would say is that the game is censored, but that is easily fixed by simply deleting a file as explained in the main thread.

    Great game 5/5 would recommend